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#1 Le 19/04/2007, à 19:51

ubuntiste junior

Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

J'ai suivi le tutorial pour mldonkey,hors me voici dans une impasse j'ai placer la direction pour le fichier temp...Mais je ne trouve pas ou mettre la direction pour le fichier incoming...Merci pour votre aide...

    (*   Never edit options files when  *)
    (*       the daemon is running      *)
    (* SECTION : Main *)
    (* Main options *)

	(* small name of client *)
 client_name = "-----"

    (* SECTION : Interfaces *)
    (* Options to control ports used by mldonkey interfaces *)

	(* list of IP address allowed to connect to the core via telnet/GUI/WEB
	  for internal command set: list separated by spaces
	  example for internal command: set allowed_ips ""
	  or for editing the ini-file: list separated by semi-colon
	  example for ini-file: allowed_ips = [ ""; "";]
	  CIDR and range notations are supported: ie use
	  or for 192.168.0.* *)
 allowed_ips = [

	(* port for Graphical Interfaces *)
 gui_port = 4001

	(* port for GiFT Graphical Interfaces interaction. It was 1213, but the default is
	  now 0 for disabled, because it does not check for a password. *)
 gift_port = 0

	(* The port used to connect to your client with a WEB browser *)
 http_port = 4080

	(* port for user interaction *)
 telnet_port = 4000

	(* Aliases to commands. The alias (fist string) has to be
	  whitespaceless, the outcome of the alias (second string)
	  may have spaces (put it in quotation then). *)
 alias_commands = [
  (quit, q);
  (exit, q);]

    (* SECTION : Bandwidth *)
    (* Bandwidth options *)

	(* The maximal upload rate you can tolerate on your link in kBytes/s (0 = no limit)
	  The limit will apply on all your connections (clients and servers) and both
	  control and data messages. *)
 max_hard_upload_rate = 0

	(* The maximal download rate you can tolerate on your link in kBytes/s (0 = no limit)
	  The limit will apply on all your connections (clients and servers) and both
	  control and data messages. Maximum value depends on max_hard_upload_rate:
	  >= 10    -> unlimited download
	  < 10 > 3 -> download limited to upload * 4
	  < 4      -> download limited to upload * 3 *)
 max_hard_download_rate = 0

	(* Second maximal upload rate for easy toggling (use bw_toggle) *)
 max_hard_upload_rate_2 = 5

	(* Second maximal download rate for easy toggling (use bw_toggle) *)
 max_hard_download_rate_2 = 20

	(* Maximal number of opened connections *)
 max_opened_connections = 200

	(* Amount of indirect connections in percent (min 30, max 70) of max_opened_connections *)
 max_indirect_connections = 30

	(* How many slots can be used for upload *)
 max_upload_slots = 5

	(* How many percent of upload slots can be used for downloading files tagged as release *)
 max_release_slots = 20

	(* Set aside a single reserved slot to upload to friends *)
 friends_upload_slot = true

	(* Maximum file size to benefit from the reserved slot for small files (0 to disable) *)
 small_files_slot_limit = 10240

	(* Set this to true if you want to have dynamic upload slot allocation (experimental) *)
 dynamic_slots = false

	(* Maximal number of connections that can be opened per second *)
 max_connections_per_second = 5

	(* list of IP addresses allowed to connect to the core with no limit on
	  upload/download and upload slots.  List separated by spaces, wildcard=255
	  ie: use for 192.168.0.*  *)
 nolimit_ips = [

	(* This option enables MLdonkey to always read as much data as possible
	  from a channel, but use more CPU as it must then copy the data in the
	  channel buffer. *)
 copy_read_buffer = true

    (* SECTION : Networks *)
    (* Networks options *)

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as an overnet client
	  (enable_donkey must be true) *)
 enable_overnet = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as an kademlia client
	  (enable_donkey must be true, and only experimental) *)
 enable_kademlia = false

	(* Set to true if you want mldonkey to connect to edonkey servers
	  (enable_donkey must be true, and only experimental) *)
 enable_servers = true

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as an Bittorrent client *)
 enable_bittorrent = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a donkey client *)
 enable_donkey = true

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a napster client (experimental) *)
 enable_opennap = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a soulseek client (experimental) *)
 enable_soulseek = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a gnutella1 sub node (experimental) *)
 enable_gnutella = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a gnutella2 sub node (experimental) *)
 enable_gnutella2 = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a Fasttrack sub node (experimental) *)
 enable_fasttrack = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a direct-connect node (experimental) *)
 enable_directconnect = false

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to download HTTP files (experimental) *)
 enable_fileTP = true

    (* SECTION : Network Config *)
    (* Network config options *)

	(* The last IP address used for this client *)
 client_ip = ""

	(* Use the IP specified by 'client_ip' instead of trying to determine it
	  ourself. Don't set this option to true if you have dynamic IP. *)
 force_client_ip = false

	(* User agent string (default = "default") *)
 user_agent = default

	(* A list of lines to download on the WEB: each line has
	  the format: (kind, period, url), where kind is either
	  'server.met' for a server.met file (also in gz/bz2/zip format)
	               containing ed2k server, or
	  'comments.met' for a file of comments, or
	  'guarding.p2p' for a blocklist file (also in gz/bz2/zip format), or
	  'ocl' for file in the ocl format containing overnet peers, or
	  'contact.dat' for an contact.dat file containing overnet peers,
	  'nodes.gzip' for a fasttrack nodes.gzip,
	  and period is the period between updates (in hours),
	  a period of zero means the file is only loaded once on startup,
	  and url is the url of the file to download.
	  IMPORTANT: Put the URL and the kind between quotes.
	    web_infos = [
	    ("server.met", 0, "");
	    ("guarding.p2p", 96, "");
	    ("ocl", 24, "");
	    ("contact.dat", 168, "");
 web_infos = [
  ("guarding.p2p", 96, "");
  ("server.met", 0, "");
  ("contact.dat", 168, "");
  ("geoip.dat", 0, "");
  ("nodes.gzip", 0, "");]

	(* Cookies send with a http request (used for .torrent files and web_infos) *)
 referers = [
  (".*suprnova.*", "");]

	(* Cookies send with a http request (used for .torrent files and web_infos) *)
 cookies = []

	(* Direct HTTP queries to HTTP proxy *)
 http_proxy_server = ""

	(* Port of HTTP proxy *)
 http_proxy_port = 8080

	(* Direct TCP connections to HTTP proxy (the proxy should support CONNECT) *)
 http_proxy_tcp = false

    (* SECTION : HTML mods *)
    (* Options to configure HTML mode *)

	(* bw_stats refresh delay (seconds) *)
 html_mods_bw_refresh_delay = 11

	(* html_mods_theme to use (located in relative html_themes/<theme_name> directory
	  leave blank to use internal theme *)
 html_mods_theme = ""

    (* SECTION : Download *)
    (* Download options *)

	(* Set to false if you don't want mldonkey to automatically put completed files
	  in incoming directory *)
 auto_commit = true

	(* Set to true if you want all new downloads be paused immediatly
	  will be set to false on core start. *)
 pause_new_downloads = false

	(* The maximal number of files in Downloading state (other ones are Queued) *)
 max_concurrent_downloads = 50

	(* The maximal length of zero bytes between non-zero bytes in a file that
	  should be interpreted as downloaded during a recovery *)
 max_recover_zeroes_gap = 16

	(* A command that is called when a file is committed, does not work on MinGW.
	  Arguments are (kept for compatability):
	    $1 - temp file name, without path
	    $2 - file size
	    $3 - filename of the committed file
	  Also these environment variables can be used (prefered way):
	    $TEMPNAME  - temp file name, including path
	    $FILEID    - same as $1
	    $FILESIZE  - same as $2
	    $FILENAME  - same as $3
	    $FILEHASH  - internal hash
	    $DURATION  - download duration
	    $INCOMING  - directory used for commit
	    $NETWORK   - network used for downloading
	    $ED2K_HASH - ed2k hash if MD4 is known
 file_completed_cmd = ""

	(* The command which is called when a download is started. Arguments
	  are '-file <num>' *)
 file_started_cmd = ""

    (* SECTION : Startup *)
    (* Startup options *)

	(* The login of the user you want mldonkey to run as, after the ports
	  have been bound (can be use not to run with root priviledges when
	  a port < 1024 is needed) *)
 run_as_user = mldonkey

	(* The UID of the user (0=disabled) you want mldonkey to run as, after the ports
	  have been bound (can be use not to run with root priviledges when
	  a port < 1024 is needed) *)
 run_as_useruid = 110

	(* Ask for GUI start *)
 ask_for_gui = false

	(* Automatically Start the GUI *)
 start_gui = false

	(* Should MLdonkey try to recover downloads of files in temp/ at startup *)
 recover_temp_on_startup = true

    (* SECTION : Mail *)
    (* Mail options *)

	(* The mail server you want to use (must be SMTP). Use hostname or IP address *)
 smtp_server = ""

	(* The port to use on the mail server (default 25) *)
 smtp_port = 25

	(* Your e-mail if you want to receive mails when downloads are completed *)
 mail = ""

	(* Does your mail-server need <...> around addresses *)
 add_mail_brackets = false

	(* Send filename in mail subject *)
 filename_in_subject = true

	(* Put a prefix for the filename here which shows up in the notification mail *)
 url_in_mail = ""

    (* SECTION : Paths *)
    (* Paths options *)

	(* The directory where temporary files should be put *)
 temp_directory = --------

	(* New directories in incoming_directories are created with these rights *)
 create_dir_mask = 755

	(* Create new files as sparse, only valid on MinGW for files on NTFS drives *)
 create_file_sparse = true

	(* Mininum free space in MB on temp_directory, minimum 50 *)
 hdd_temp_minfree = 50

	(* If true core shuts down when free space on temp dir is below hdd_temp_minfree,
	  otherwise all downloads are paused and a warning email is sent. *)
 hdd_temp_stop_core = false

	(* Mininum free space in MB on core directory, minimum 20 *)
 hdd_coredir_minfree = 50

	(* If true core shuts down when free space on core dir is below hdd_coredir_minfree,
	  otherwise all downloads are paused and a warning email is sent. *)
 hdd_coredir_stop_core = true

	(* Send a warning mail each <interval> hours for each directory, 0 to deactivate mail warnings. *)
 hdd_send_warning_interval = 1

	(*                 Incoming and shared directories.
	   At least two entries have to be present here, one with strategy
	   incoming_files and one with strategy incoming_directories.
	   Both entries can point to the same directory.
	   If one of the two strategies is missing, MLDonkey will create a default
	   directory with its entry here.
	   Finished BT multifile downloads are committed to the first directory
	   with strategy incoming_directories. Other downloads are committed
	   to the first directory with the strategy incoming_files.
	   MLdonkey searches all shared_directories with incoming_* strategies
	   on commit and uses the first one with enough free diskspace.
	   Other strategies can be found in searches.ini, section customized_sharing. *)
 shared_directories = [
  {     dirname = shared
     strategy = all_files
     priority = 0
  {     dirname = "incoming/files"
     strategy = incoming_files
     priority = 0
  {     dirname = "incoming/directories"
     strategy = incoming_directories
     priority = 0

    (* SECTION : Security *)
    (* Security options *)

	(* Commands that you are allowed to be call from the interface. These
	  commands should short, so that the core is not blocked more than necessary. *)
 allowed_commands = [
  (df, df);
  (ls, "ls incoming");]

	(* Allow you to use any command with ! in the interface instead of only the
	  ones in allowed_commands *)
 allow_any_command = false

	(* Allow others to browse our share list (0: none, 1: friends only, 2: everyone *)
 allow_browse_share = 1

	(* Regexp of messages to filter out, example: string1|string2|string3 *)
 messages_filter = "Your client is connecting too fast"

	(* Regexp of comments to filter out, example: string1|string2|string3 *)
 comments_filter = "http://|https://|www\\."

    (* SECTION : Other *)
    (* Other options *)

	(* (experimental) *)
 save_results = 0

	(* filters on replies (replies will be kept). *)
 filters = ""

	(* Buffer writes and flush after buffer_writes_delay seconds (experimental) *)
 buffer_writes = false

	(* build statistics about eMule mods *)
 emule_mods_count = false

	(* show all eMule mods in statistics *)
 emule_mods_showall = false

	(* How often (in hours) should a backup of the ini files be written into old_config.
	  A value of zero means that a backup is written only when the core shuts down. *)
 backup_options_delay = 0

	(* Define the total number of options archives in old_config. *)
 backup_options_generations = 10

	(* Define the format of the archive, zip or tar.gz are valid. *)
 backup_options_format = "tar.gz"

	(* The maximum time in seconds to wait for networks to cleanly shutdown. *)
 shutdown_timeout = 3

	(* The IP address used to bind the p2p clients *)
 client_bind_addr = ""

(*                                                               *)
(*                       ADVANCED OPTIONS                        *)
(*                                                               *)
(*        All the options after this line are for the expert     *)
(*        user. Do not modify them if you are not   sure.        *)
(*                                                               *)

    (* SECTION : Interfaces FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Options to control ports used by mldonkey interfaces *)

	(* The IP address used to bind the http server *)
 http_bind_addr = ""

	(* The IP address used to bind the gui server *)
 gui_bind_addr = ""

	(* The IP address used to bind the telnet server *)
 telnet_bind_addr = ""

	(* Should *all* sources for a file be shown on HTML/telnet vd <num> *)
 print_all_sources = true

	(* Improved telnet interface *)
 improved_telnet = true

	(* A space-separated list of keywords. Each keyword triggers
	  printing information on the corresponding messages:
	  verb : verbose mode (interesting not only for coders)
	  mc : debug client messages
	  mr|raw : debug raw messages
	  mct : debug emule clients tags
	  ms : debug server messages
	  sm : debug source management
	  net : debug net
	  gui : debug gui
	  no-login : disable login messages
	  file : debug file handling
	  do : some download warnings
	  up : some upload warnings
	  unk : unknown messages
	  ov : overnet
	  loc : debug source research/master servers
	  share: debug sharing
	  md4 : md4 computation
	  connect : debug connections
	  udp : udp messages
	  ultra|super : debug supernode
	  swarming : debug swarming
	  hc : http_client messages
	  hs : http_server messages
	  act : debug activity
	  bw : debug bandwidth
	  unexp : debug unexpected messages *)
 verbosity = ""

    (* SECTION : Bandwidth FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Bandwidth options *)

	(* The delay in milliseconds to wait in the event loop. Can be decreased to
	  increase the bandwidth usage, or increased to lower the CPU usage. *)
 loop_delay = 20

    (* SECTION : Networks FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Networks options *)

	(* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a OpenFT sub node (experimental) *)
 enable_openft = false

    (* SECTION : Network Config FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Network config options *)

	(* URLs of RSS feeds *)
 rss_feeds = []

	(* If MLDonkey can not read broken RSS feeds, use this program to preprocess them *)
 rss_preprocessor = xmllint

	(* Keep IP blocking ranges descriptions in memory *)
 ip_blocking_descriptions = false

	(* IP blocking list filename (peerguardian format), can also be in gz/bz2/zip format
	  Zip files must contain either a file named guarding.p2p or guarding_full.p2p. *)
 ip_blocking = ""

	(* List of countries to block connections from/to (requires Geoip).
	  Names are in ISO 3166 format, see
	  You can also at your own risk use "Unknown" for IPs Geoip won't recognize. *)
 ip_blocking_countries = []

	(* false: use ip_blocking_countries as block list, all other countries are allowed
	  true: use ip_blocking_countries as allow list, all other countries are blocked *)
 ip_blocking_countries_block = false

	(* Location of GeoIP.dat (Get one from *)
 geoip_dat = ""

	(* The size of the header of a TCP/IP packet on your connection (ppp adds
	  14 bytes sometimes, so modify to take that into account) *)
 tcpip_packet_size = 40

	(* The size of the MTU of a TCP/IP packet on your connection *)
 mtu_packet_size = 1500

	(* The size of the frame packet on your network (on my cable link, it is 250) *)
 packet_frame_size = 250

	(* The size of the minimal packet you want mldonkey to send when data is
	  available on the connection *)
 minimal_packet_size = 600

	(* Should a connection check if the peer we are connected to is still alive?
	  This implies some bandwidth-cost (with 200 connections ~10-20%) *)
 socket_keepalive = false

    (* Options to configure HTML mode *)

	(* Whether to use the modified WEB interface *)
 html_mods = true

	(* Which html_mods style to use (set with html_mods_style command) *)
 html_mods_style = 0

	(* Whether to use human readable GMk number format *)
 html_mods_human_readable = true

	(* Whether to use relative availability in the WEB interface *)
 html_mods_use_relative_availability = true

	(* Whether to display the Net column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_network = true

	(* Whether to display the Comments column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_comments = true

	(* Whether to display the User column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_user = false

	(* Whether to display the Group column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_group = false

	(* Whether to display the Active Sources column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_active_sources = true

	(* Whether to display the Age column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_age = true

	(* Show graph in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx = true

	(* Remove graph files on core shutdown *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_remove = false

	(* Fill graph in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_fill = true

	(* Split download and upload graph in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_split = false

	(* Stacked download and upload graph *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_stack = true

	(* Flip up/side graph position in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_flip = true

	(* Show mean line on graph in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_mean = true

	(* Show transparent graph in vd output (only for png) *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_transparent = true

	(* Draw graph as png if true, else draw as jpg in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_png = true

	(* Show hourly graph in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_h = true

	(* Graph x size in vd output ( 365 < x < 3665 ) *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_x_size = 795

	(* Graph y size in vd output ( 200 < y < 1200 ) *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_y_size = 200

	(* compute values for hourly graph every 1,2,3,4,5,10,15,20,30,60 min
		Changes to this option require a core restart. *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_h_intervall = 60

	(* Dynamic grid width, start with 1 h/grid, maximum html_mods_vd_gfx_h_grid_time h/grid *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_h_dymamic = true

	(* Max hours on time scale per grid (0 = no limit) *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_h_grid_time = 0

	(* Number of shown subgrids on graph (0 = no subgrids) *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_subgrid = 0

	(* Draw tag graph *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag = false

	(* Use tag source image  *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_use_source = false

	(* Tag source image name *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_source = image

	(* Draw tag as png if true, else draw as jpg in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_png = true

	(* Enable tag graph title *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_enable_title = true

	(* Tag graph title *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_title = "MLNet traffic"

	(* Tag graph title x pos in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_title_x_pos = 4

	(* Tag graph title y pos in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_title_y_pos = 1

	(* Tag graph download x pos in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_dl_x_pos = 4

	(* Tag graph download y pos in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_dl_y_pos = 17

	(* Tag graph upload x pos in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_ul_x_pos = 4

	(* Tag graph upload y pos in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_ul_y_pos = 33

	(* Tag graph x size in vd output ( 130 < x < 3600 ) *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_x_size = 80

	(* Tag graph y size in vd output ( 50 < x < 1200 ) *)
 html_mods_vd_gfx_tag_y_size = 50

	(* Whether to display the Last column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_last = true

	(* Whether to display the Priority column in vd output *)
 html_mods_vd_prio = true

	(* Change height of download indicator bar in vd output *)
 html_vd_barheight = 2

	(* Whether to display chunks list as graph or text in vd output *)
 html_vd_chunk_graph = true

	(* Change style of chunk graph *)
 html_vd_chunk_graph_style = 0

	(* Change max width of chunk graph *)
 html_vd_chunk_graph_max_width = 200

	(* Whether to display the pending slots in uploaders command *)
 html_mods_show_pending = true

	(* Whether to load the mldonkey_messages.ini file (false=use internal settings) *)
 html_mods_load_message_file = false

	(* Maximum chat messages to log in memory *)
 html_mods_max_messages = 50

	(* Whether to use checkboxes in the WEB interface for download list *)
 html_checkbox_vd_file_list = true

	(* Whether to use checkboxes in the WEB interface for search result list *)
 html_checkbox_search_file_list = false

	(* Use gzip compression on web pages *)
 html_use_gzip = false

	(* Whether to use the fancy javascript tooltips or plain html-title *)
 html_mods_use_js_tooltips = true

	(* How long to wait before displaying the tooltips *)
 html_mods_js_tooltips_wait = 0

	(* How long to display the tooltips *)
 html_mods_js_tooltips_timeout = 100000

	(* Use javascript to display option help text as js popup (true=use js, false=use html tables) *)
 html_mods_use_js_helptext = true

    (* SECTION : Debug FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Debug options *)

	(* If this option is set, IP addresses on the local network are allowed
	  (only for debugging) *)
 allow_local_network = false

	(* size of log in number of records *)
 log_size = 300

	(* Maximum size of log_file in MB, this value is only checked on startup,
	   log_file will be deleted if its bigger than log_file_size. *)
 log_file_size = 2

	(* The file in which you want mldonkey to log its debug messages. If you
	  set this option, mldonkey will log this info in the file until you use the
	  'close_log' command. The log file may become very large. You can
	  also enable logging in a file after startup using the 'log_file' command. *)
 log_file = "mlnet.log"

	(* Post log messages to syslog. This setting is independent of log_file
	  and its associated commands, therefore close_log does not stop log to syslog.
	  Its therefore possible to log to syslog and log_file at the same time. *)
 log_to_syslog = false

	(* number of lines for GUI console messages *)
 gui_log_size = 30

    (* SECTION : Download FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Download options *)

	(* How many sources to use to download each chunk *)
 sources_per_chunk = 3

	(* What algorithm to use to select blocks (currently 1 or 2) *)
 swarming_block_selection_algorithm = 1

	(* Allows swarmer to switch a source to another block if current block is already
	  totally selected by other sources *)
 block_switching = true

    (* SECTION : Startup FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Startup options *)

	(* How many megabytes should MLdonkey keep for saving configuration files. *)
 config_files_security_space = 10

    (* SECTION : Paths FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Paths options *)

	(* Name of program used for preview (first arg is local filename, second arg
	  is name of file as searched on eDonkey *)
 previewer = "/usr/bin/see"

	(* Directory where mldonkey binaries are installed *)
 mldonkey_bin = "/usr/bin"

	(* Name of GUI to start *)
 mldonkey_gui = "/usr/bin/mlgui"

    (* SECTION : Other FOR EXPERTS *)
    (* Other options *)

	(* keep seen files in history to allow local search (can be expensive in memory) *)
 use_file_history = false

	(* Buffer writes and flush after buffer_writes_delay seconds (experimental) *)
 buffer_writes_delay = 30.

	(* Flush buffers if buffers exceed buffer_writes_threshold kB (experimental) *)
 buffer_writes_threshold = 1024

	(* The conversions to apply on Unicode characters *)
 utf8_filename_conversions = []

	(* The size of the buffer between the client and its GUI. Can be useful
	  to increase when the connection between them has a small bandwith *)
 interface_buffer = 1000000

	(* The size long names will be shortened to in the interface *)
 max_name_len = 50

	(* The maximum number of different filenames used by MLDonkey *)
 max_filenames = 50

	(* The size long client names will be shortened to in the interface *)
 max_client_name_len = 25

	(* Is the default terminal an ANSI terminal (escape sequences can be used) *)
 term_ansi = true

	(* Delay between updates to the GUI *)
 update_gui_delay = 1.

	(* The realm shown when connecting with a WEB browser *)
 http_realm = MLdonkey

	(* This option controls whether the WEB interface should show frame borders or not *)
 html_frame_border = true

	(* The height of the command frame in pixel (depends on your screen and browser sizes) *)
 commands_frame_height = 46

	(* Message printed at startup additional to welcome text *)
 motd_html = ""

	(* Force compaction every <n> hours (in [1..24]) *)
 compaction_delay = 2

	(* The delay between reloads of the vd output in the WEB interface *)
 vd_reload_delay = 120

	(* Should the MLSUBMIT.REG file be created *)
 create_mlsubmit = true

	(* Size of the minor heap in kB *)
 minor_heap_size = 32

	(* The source queues to display in source lists (see 'sources' command) *)
 relevant_queues = [

	(* The minimal delay between two connections to the same client (in seconds) *)
 min_reask_delay = 600

	(* Whether to display results already downloaded *)
 display_downloaded_results = true

	(* Minimal number of results for filter form to appear *)
 filter_table_threshold = 50

	(* Maximal size of the buffers of a client *)
 client_buffer_size = 500000

	(* The delay between two saves of the 'downloads.ini' file (default is 15 minutes).
	  Changes to this option require a core restart. *)
 save_options_delay = 900.

	(* timeout when connecting to a server *)
 server_connection_timeout = 30.

	(* The delay between one glance at a file and another *)
 download_sample_rate = 1.

	(* How many samples go into an estimate of transfer rates *)
 download_sample_size = 10

	(* This option defines a set of date at which some commands have to be executed.
	  For each tuple, the first argument is a list of week days (from 0 to 6),
	  the second is a list of hours (from 0 to 23) and the last one a command to
	  execute. Can be used with 'pause all' and 'resume all' for example to
	  resume and pause downloads automatically for the night. *)
 calendar = []

	(* The percentage of free memory before a compaction is triggered *)
 compaction_overhead = 25

	(* The major GC speed is computed from this parameter. This is the memory
	  that will be "wasted" because the GC does not immediatly collect 
	  unreachable blocks. It is expressed as a percentage of the memory used
	  for live data. The GC will work more (use more CPU time and collect 
	  blocks more eagerly) if space_overhead is smaller. *)
 space_overhead = 80

	(* Maximal number of results displayed for a search *)
 max_displayed_results = 1000

	(* (internal option) *)
 options_version = 14

	(* Maximum number of comments per file *)
 max_comments_per_file = 100

	(* Maximum length of file comments *)
 max_comment_length = 256

#2 Le 19/04/2007, à 20:06


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide ! sais pas neutral je fais ça graphiquement a partir de la gui sans me poser de question hmm

la roue tourne...c'est sûr! c'est même pour ça qu'on l'a inventée.

Hors ligne

#3 Le 19/04/2007, à 21:15

ubuntiste junior

Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

Ok mais c pour sancho .... sad ?

#4 Le 19/04/2007, à 21:41


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !


dans sancho => menu outlis, préférences, sancho options principales, onglet transfert, onglet explorateur

tu regardes la ligne "emplacement des fichiers téléchargés" et tu modifies comme tu veux wink

Asus X93SM-YZ157V / Asus X93SM-YZ065V sous KDE Neon
ASUS K95VB sous Kubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish (64 bits) / ACER Aspire 5612 WLMI sous Kubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (32 bits)

En ligne

#5 Le 19/04/2007, à 23:11

ubuntiste junior

Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

Probléme core not found !

#6 Le 20/04/2007, à 00:11


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

tu l'as lancer avant de démarrer sancho ?

Asus X93SM-YZ157V / Asus X93SM-YZ065V sous KDE Neon
ASUS K95VB sous Kubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish (64 bits) / ACER Aspire 5612 WLMI sous Kubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (32 bits)

En ligne

#7 Le 20/04/2007, à 00:46

ubuntiste junior

Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

oui comme sur le tuto ! sad

#8 Le 20/04/2007, à 09:15


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

donne l'adresse du tuto stp

tu le lances comment ton core ?

t'as quelle version de mldonkey et sancho ?

Asus X93SM-YZ157V / Asus X93SM-YZ065V sous KDE Neon
ASUS K95VB sous Kubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish (64 bits) / ACER Aspire 5612 WLMI sous Kubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (32 bits)

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#9 Le 20/04/2007, à 21:03

ubuntiste junior

Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

Voici le tutorial suivi à la lettre... yikes

#10 Le 20/04/2007, à 23:35


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

ok désolé de pas poursuivre pour le moment, je passe vite fait car après dodo (je pars une semaine en vacances demain big_smile)

Asus X93SM-YZ157V / Asus X93SM-YZ065V sous KDE Neon
ASUS K95VB sous Kubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish (64 bits) / ACER Aspire 5612 WLMI sous Kubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (32 bits)

En ligne

#11 Le 25/04/2007, à 16:58


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

des soucis aussi, quand je lance mlnet avec mon user, il lance bien mldonkey, mais j ai pas d acces avec mon pc distant et sancho ( j ai autorisé l ip dans downloads.ini )

quand je lance avec le script mldonkey-server en SUDO, et bien ca ne me fait pas d erreur mais ca se lance pas ! ( au debut il me parlait de problemes de droit sur les incoming et temp )

j ai laissé ces repertoires au groupe MLDONKEY, et je me suis ajouté a ce groupe ( moi ) , comme ca je peux voir le contenu des repertoires qd je navigue avec mon compte et le programme peut les utiliser !!

mais le deamon n est pas lancé qd je lance le script ( alros qu il se lance qd je fais mlnet ), est ce qu ils prennent les parametres a des endroits différents ?

j ai trouvé dans mon home / .../.mldonkey une version des fichiers de configuration
une autre dans /var/lib/mldonkey
cest celui la qui fait foi ??

merci de m aider pour savoir quels fichiers je dois utilier pour le configurer parmi les deux emplacements
mais aussi me dire pkoi il se lance pas depuis le script mais bien depuis mon user a moi smile

Merci !

Hors ligne

#12 Le 25/04/2007, à 17:02


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

bon un indice pour moi : ca vient de mes comptes !
j ai raté un truc dans mes groupes et utilisateurs non? 

extrait du mlnet.log qui se trouve dans /var/lib/mldonkey :

2007/04/25 16:58:28 can not create files in directory /media/vol1/telechargement/incoming, check rights...

ahah ! en lancant "sudo mlnet" j ai ca smile

pour repondre a la question du premier tout en haut :

 shared_directories = [
  {     dirname = shared
     strategy = all_files
     priority = 0
  {     dirname = "incoming/files"
     strategy = incoming_files
     priority = 0
  {     dirname = "incoming/directories"
     strategy = incoming_directories
     priority = 0

c est la que tu dois le changer smile a la place de incoming/ , tu mets ton chemin entier que tu veux utiliser ( pour les deux types de telechargement : fichier ou repertoire ! )

voilà !

Hors ligne

#13 Le 29/04/2007, à 22:47


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

leshaussebons a écrit :

des soucis aussi, quand je lance mlnet avec mon user, il lance bien mldonkey, mais j ai pas d acces avec mon pc distant et sancho ( j ai autorisé l ip dans downloads.ini )

quand je lance avec le script mldonkey-server en SUDO, et bien ca ne me fait pas d erreur mais ca se lance pas ! ( au debut il me parlait de problemes de droit sur les incoming et temp )

j ai laissé ces repertoires au groupe MLDONKEY, et je me suis ajouté a ce groupe ( moi ) , comme ca je peux voir le contenu des repertoires qd je navigue avec mon compte et le programme peut les utiliser !!

mais le deamon n est pas lancé qd je lance le script ( alros qu il se lance qd je fais mlnet ), est ce qu ils prennent les parametres a des endroits différents ?

j ai trouvé dans mon home / .../.mldonkey une version des fichiers de configuration
une autre dans /var/lib/mldonkey
cest celui la qui fait foi ??

merci de m aider pour savoir quels fichiers je dois utilier pour le configurer parmi les deux emplacements
mais aussi me dire pkoi il se lance pas depuis le script mais bien depuis mon user a moi smile

Merci !

je réponds pour ton histoire de dossier auquel je répondrais donc logiquement celui caché dans le home mais j'ai un doute du coup...

ubuntiste junior => t'en ai où alors ?

Dernière modification par jajaX (Le 29/04/2007, à 22:50)

Asus X93SM-YZ157V / Asus X93SM-YZ065V sous KDE Neon
ASUS K95VB sous Kubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish (64 bits) / ACER Aspire 5612 WLMI sous Kubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (32 bits)

En ligne

#14 Le 06/05/2007, à 15:02


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

j ai solutionné les problemes, je ne sais plus exactement comment ! hmm en sudo ca se lance sans probleme, et les parametres sont ceux qui se trouvent dans var/lib/mldonkey a ce moment là.

Hors ligne

#15 Le 08/07/2007, à 16:27

Marc des Vosges

Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

leshaussebons a écrit :

mais le deamon n est pas lancé qd je lance le script ( alros qu il se lance qd je fais mlnet ), est ce qu ils prennent les parametres a des endroits différents ?

j ai trouvé dans mon home / .../.mldonkey une version des fichiers de configuration
une autre dans /var/lib/mldonkey
cest celui la qui fait foi ??

merci de m aider pour savoir quels fichiers je dois utilier pour le configurer parmi les deux emplacements
mais aussi me dire pkoi il se lance pas depuis le script mais bien depuis mon user a moi smile

Merci !

J'ai le même problème que toi, et je pense que sa vient du scirpt /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server.
En effet j'ai essayer de modifier le fichier /etc/default/mldonkey-server qui permet de définir le répertoire de travail et de dire si le programme démarre oui ou non au démarrage mais en vain :

# MLDonkey configuration
# This file is loaded by /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server
# This file is managed using ucf(1)


pour MLDONKEY_DIR j'ai mis le dossier dans mon home qui se nomme /.mldonkey, mais sa na rien changé.

je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais sur une autre partition ubuntu, sa marche.

je vais essayer de comparer les deux scripts qui sons dans /etc/init.d/ , mais si quelqu'un a une idée, je suis preneur...

En tous cas, d'après moi, le tuto de mldonkey devrait être entièrement revu :

Hors ligne

#16 Le 09/07/2007, à 19:24


Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !


pour ma part, j'ai suivi les instructions d'installation pour (k)ubuntu dispo sur le site officiel de mldonkey (rubrique "compilations"). je lance mldonkey à la "main" en tapant mlnet et pas de soucis.

Asus X93SM-YZ157V / Asus X93SM-YZ065V sous KDE Neon
ASUS K95VB sous Kubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish (64 bits) / ACER Aspire 5612 WLMI sous Kubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver (32 bits)

En ligne

#17 Le 09/08/2007, à 16:12

Marc des Vosges

Re : Probléme mldonkey demande d'aide !

J'ai trouvé une solution...

...en fait je pense que le problème vient des droits des fichiers que l'on réécrit et des droits des fichiers et des répertoires utilisés par Mldonkey (incoming et temp).
Si les droits sont mal configurés ils peuvent empêcher le "travaille" (l'écriture et la lecture) de Mldonkey, et alors si vous démarrer le programme un "bug" (pas pour certains) se produit :
Le démon Mldonkey  semble ne plus démarrer au demmarage, ou en utilisant la commande sudo /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server start. Et même si vous tentez de remettre les bons droits aux fichiers et aux répertoires le démon ne démarrera pas.

Perso, ma solution a été :

1. de désinstaller complètement Mldonkey (le server uniquement).

2. de le réinstaller.

3. de stopper le démon (sudo /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server stop).

4. de définir les utilisateurs Marcel, Monique et root comme fessant partie du groupe Mldonkey.

5. de modifier le(s) fichier(s) que l'on souhaite (par exemple download.ini).

6. de BIEN configurer les droits de TOUS les fichiers et dossiers qui serrons dorénavant utilisés par Mldonkey :
En effet les fichiers doivent appartenir à Mldonkey et lui êtres accessibles en lecture et en écriture. Ils doivent également êtres accessibles au groupe Mldonkey en lecture et écriture (pour que vous puissiez manipuler les fichiers plus facilement par la suite). Si un seul des fichiers est mal configuré, le bug se produit, il est donc nécessaire de vérifier les droits de tous les fichiers, notamment des répertoires incoming et temp et des fichiers qu'ils contiennent.

6. dernière étape, redémarrer le serveur (sudo /etc/init.d/mldonkey-server start).

…et voila, pour moi sa a marché!

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