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#1 Le 09/05/2014, à 12:23


Ubuntu Server 14.04 et powernap ?

Bonjour à tous,

Je suis en train de configurer un petit serveur de fichiers, médias, etc. via Ubuntu Server 14.04.

Le matériel (un vieux HP Slimline 7520s) supporte parfaitement la mise en hibernation via pm-suspend, mais je souhaiterai pousser plus loin l'économie d'énergie en utilisant powernap. L'idée étant que le serveur  entre de lui-même en veille si il n'est pas utilisé.

Aucun soucis pour l'installation, mais je ne comprend pas comment configurer powernap pour le faire fonctionner. J'ai eu beau modifier /etc/powernap/config et vérifier que le service tourne bien, le serveur ne rentre pas en veille. Qui plus est les logs restent vides (?). Ci-dessous le contenu du fichier de configuration :

# This is the configuration file for PowerNap.
# See powernap(1) for more information.

# This file is Python syntax, and will be sourced by the powernap daemon
# on start. To enact changes to this configuration, restart the daemon.
# Example:
#   sudo service powernap restart

# The ACTION_METHOD variable determines what action to take.
# The possible actions are:
# 0 - powersave
# 1 - suspend
# 2 - hibernate
# 3 - poweroff
# 4 - best-effort
# The default mode of operation is powersave. This method will use the
# "pm-powersave" command and will execute hooks locate in "/etc/pm/power.d" and
# "/usr/lib/pm-utils/power.d".
# The best-effort method, witll first, it will try a user-defined script
# at "/etc/powernap/action", or suspend, hibernate, poweroff.

# Number of seconds that all monitors must have no activity or must be absent.
# The default is an absence period of 30 seconds.
# Example:

# Grace period, after (ABSENT_SECONDS - GRACE_SECONDS) have elapsed with all of
# the Monitors with absent activity, the system will send a Wall message for an
# administrator to warn that the system will perform the "/usr/sbin/powernap"
# action in GRACE_SECONDS.
# The default grace period is 6 seconds.
# Example:

# The powernap daemon will wake every INTERVAL_SECONDS and check for activity
# to all of the monitors.  Lower values of INTERVAL_SECONDS will provide
# more detailed process monitoring but will consume more system resources.
# Higher values of INTERVAL_SECONDS will consume less system resources, but
# might miss activity that execute for less than INTERVAL_SECONDS.
# The minimum runtime of any monitor should not be less than INTERVAL_SECONDS.
# The default interval is 1 second.
# Example:

# The powernap daemon will issue a warning message to the console whenever it
# has entered into GRACE period. This warning message will warn the user that
# it is about to perform an ACTION.
# This warning message is done using the "wall" command, notifying all the
# users connected to a console.
# The default is set to 'yes' to WARN the user. It can be disabled by setting
# the option to 'n' or 'no', or can simply be commented.
# Example
#   WARN = y
#   WARN = n
WARN = y

# The powernap daemon logs errors to /var/log/powernap.err, and some basic
# information to /var/log/powernap.log.  To change the verbosity of this
# logging, set DEBUG to 0, 1, 2, or 3:
# The default debug level is 0.
#    DEBUG = 1
#    DEBUG = 2

# The powernap daemon can watch for changes in the configuration file in
# /etc/powernap directory without having to restart it.
# The default value is n.

# Kernel Modules that are to be disabled when running PowerNap on Powersave
# mode
#KERN_MODULES = btusb sco tfcomm bnep

# Network Services that are to be disabled when running PowerNap on
# PowerSave mode
#SERVICES = postgresql-8.4 apache2 ntp network-manager

####                        STAGE2 ACTION                               ####
# Number of seconds that all monitors must have no activity or must be absent
# while running in PowerSave mode to perform the STAGE2_ACTION_METHOD.
# The default value is to be disabled by default. If you wish to enable the
# Second Stage Action method, set the STAGE2_ABSENT_SECONDS and ensure that
# STAGE2_ACTION_METHOD is set correctly.
# Example:

# The STAGE2_ACTION_METHOD variable determines what action should be taken
# after a period on inactivity while under PowerSave Mode (See ACTION_METHOD
# above).
# The possible actions are:
# 1 - suspend
# 2 - hibernate
# 3 - poweroff
# 4 - best-effort
# The default mode of operation is best-effort. This method will try to
# user-defined script  at "/etc/powernap/action", or suspend, hibernate,
# or poweroff the machine.

####                          MONITORS                                  ####

# The [WoLMonitor] section lists all ports on which the WoL Monitor will be
# listening for WoL Packets for any of the network interfaces.
# Once a WoL Packet is received, the WoLMonitor will compare the data received
# with all the network interfaces (eth's) to determine wether it is destined
# for any of the network interfaces.
# The default is to monitor ports 7 and 9 for WoL data packets. It can also be
# set to any other port on which the machine is receiving WoL packets
# Example:
#  wol1052 = 1052
wol7 = 7
wol9 = 9

# The [ConsoleMonitor] section enables or disables  monitoring of activity
# in the Console (tty), also tracking activity from any locally connected
# mouse and keyboard (PS2 Only).
# The default is enabled, set to 'y'. It can be disabled by setting it to 'n'.
# Examples:
#  console = y
#  console = n
ptmx = y

# The [ProcessMonitor] section lists all the processes to Monitor by using
# regular expressions.
# Each item listed will be compared against the output of "ps -eo args".
# The default is to monitor /sbin/init, which should always be running.
# Examples:
#  mplayer = "mplayer "
#  sshd = "sshd: .*\[priv\]$"
#  kvm = "kvm "
#init = "^/sbin/init"
sshd = "sshd:.*\[priv\]$"

# The [LoadMonitor] section defines the load threshold.  When the system load
# according to /proc/loadavg is above this value, then system will be deemed
# 'active' and will not powernap.  If the system is already powernapping, then
# the system will awake out of the powernap mode if the load raises above the
# threshold.
# If the threshold is set to "n" (which is default), threshold is automatically
# calculated to be the number of online processors, as determined by:
# Example:
#   threshold = 1.5
#   threshold = 9999
#   threshold = 0
#   threshold = n
threshold = 2
#threshold = n

# The [TCPMonitor] section lists all the TCP ports on which to watch for
# established connections using netstat(8). It supports both, single TCP
# as well as port ranges.
# There is no default TCP Monitor.
# Examples:
#  ssh = 22
#  http = 80
#  https = 443
#  other = 64500-65000
ssh = 22
http = 80
https = 443

# The [UDPMonitor] section lists all the UDP ports on which to listen
# for data.
# Each item listed will BIND a UDP port and listen to any data. Keep
# in mind that this port will be bined and no other application will
# be able to use this port.
# There is no default UDP Monitor.
# Examples:
#  udp-1 = 1025
#  udp-2 = 2048
udp-1025 = 1025

# The [IOMonitor] section lists all the processes to Monitor for IO
# activity. A regular expressions is used to find the processes PIDs, which
# are later used to monitor IO.
# There is no default IO Monitor.
# Examples:
#  kvm-io = "kvm"
#  mysqld-io = "mysql"
#kvm-io = "kvm"
#mysqld-io = "mysql"

# The [InputMonitor] section lists the USB Input devices for which to track
# events. Currently, only two types of devices are supported, mouse and keyboard.
# Both InputMonitor's are enabled by default. In the case there are no USB
# devices connected, PowerNap will ignore these settings.
# To disable, set them to "n" or "no", or simply comment them.
# Examples:
#  keyboard = n
#  keyboard = y
keyboard = y
mouse = y

# The [DiskMonitor] section lists the disk devices for which to track
# standby/sleep status.  If any of the devices are active/idle the
# system will be deemed 'active' and will not powernap. Generally useful
# for monitoring data drives (e.g. NAS), but will not typically work to
# monitor the root drive. Note also that this plugin only reacts to the
# state of the drive and does not modify the behavior of the drive
# directly. Therefore it only makes sense to monitor a drive that has
# already been configured to standby or sleep.  
# To disable checking specific drives, set them to "n" or "no",
# or simply comment them.
# Examples:
#  sda = y
#  sdb = n
#sda = y

Bref, ne trouvant que très peu de documentation sur la question, je viens à la pêche aux infos sur le forum et suis preneur de tout conseil !

D'avance merci !

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