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#1 Le 20/05/2008, à 20:47
- slat
j'essaye désespérément de transférer des fichier entre ma ti 92 et mon ordinateur avec tilp.Je la connecte avec un cable usb gris argenté
J'ai installé tilp2 et ,je crois, toutes les librairies nécessaires.
Voici le message que j'ai dans mon terminal:
TiLP2 - Version 1.01, (C) 1999-2006 Romain Lievin
built on Sep 3 2007 16:56:25
tilp-INFO: setlocale: <fr_FR.UTF-8>
tilp-INFO: bindtextdomain: </usr/share/locale/>
tilp-INFO: textdomain: <tilp2>
ticables-INFO: ticables library version 1.2.0
ticables-INFO: setlocale: fr_FR.UTF-8
ticables-INFO: bindtextdomain: /usr/local/share/locale
ticables-INFO: textdomain: libticables2
ticables-INFO: kernel: 2.6.24-16-generic
tifiles-INFO: tifiles library version 1.0.2
tifiles-INFO: setlocale: <fr_FR.UTF-8>
tifiles-INFO: bindtextdomain: </usr/share/locale>
tifiles-INFO: textdomain: <libtifiles2>
ticalcs-INFO: ticalcs library version 1.0.2
ticalcs-INFO: setlocale: <fr_FR.UTF-8>
ticalcs-INFO: bindtextdomain: </usr/share/locale>
ticalcs-INFO: textdomain: <libticalcs2>
ticables-INFO: Check for lib-usb support:
ticables-INFO: usb support: available.
ticables-INFO: Check for lib-usb usability:
ticables-INFO: usb filesystem (/dev/bus/usb/): mounted
tilp-INFO: Searching for link cables...
ticables-INFO: Recherche de câble de connexion:
ticables-INFO: found TI-GRAPH LINK USB on #1, version <2.08>
tilp-INFO: Searching for hand-helds on DirectLink...
ticables-INFO: Check for lib-usb support:
ticables-INFO: usb support: available.
ticables-INFO: Check for lib-usb usability:
ticables-INFO: usb filesystem (/dev/bus/usb/): mounted
ticables-INFO: found TI-GRAPH LINK USB on #1, version <2.08>
ticalcs-INFO: PC->TI: Buffer Size Request (1024 bytes)
(tilp:5326): ticables-WARNING **: usb_bulk_read (No error).
tilp-INFO: Searching for hand-helds on SilverLink...
ticables-INFO: Check for lib-usb support:
ticables-INFO: usb support: available.
ticables-INFO: Check for lib-usb usability:
ticables-INFO: usb filesystem (/dev/bus/usb/): mounted
ticables-INFO: found TI-GRAPH LINK USB on #1, version <2.08>
ticalcs-INFO: Check for TIXX...
ticalcs-INFO: PC->TI: RDY?
(tilp:5326): ticables-WARNING **: usb_bulk_read (No error).
ticalcs-INFO: TI->PC: ACK
ticalcs-INFO: PC->TI: RDY?
(tilp:5326): ticables-WARNING **: usb_bulk_read (No error).
ticalcs-INFO: TI->PC: ACK
ticalcs-INFO: Check for TI92...
ticables-INFO: found TI-GRAPH LINK USB on #1, version <2.08>
ticalcs-INFO: PC->TI: RDY?
ticalcs-INFO: TI->PC: ACK
ticalcs-INFO: PC->TI: RDY?
ticalcs-INFO: TI->PC: ACK
ticables-INFO: Check for tty support:
ticables-INFO: tty support: available.
ticables-INFO: Check for tty usability:
ticables-INFO: node /dev/ttyS0: exists
ticables-INFO: node /dev/ttyS0: accessible
ticables-INFO: is useable: no
tilp-INFO: Msg: unable to use serial (/dev/ttySx) device.
Cause: the /dev/ttySx node doesn't exist or you don't have required permissions. How to grant permission to devices to the user depends on the distribution, it may involve adding the user to a group such as 'dialout' or 'uucp'. This can be done by editing /etc/group and add the username after the ':'. Example: dialout:x:20:romain
System: Ressource temporairement non disponible (errno = 11)
tilp-INFO: tilp_device_err catched error 51
Merci d'avance
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Pages : 1