#1 Le 22/06/2010, à 10:35
- francoise_peace
[Résolu] Changer la couleur de fond de Geany ?
Bonjour, afin d'éditer des sites web j'aimerais que la couleur de fond de mon programme Geany soit: #D1C1ED
Le programme permet de tels changements, mais où mettre: #D1C1ED ?
Je n'ai pas un niveau aussi avancé dans les couleurs car je ne comprends pas les 0x, c'est toujours de l'hexadécimal ?
Tools > Configuration Files > filetypes.common (je suppose)
# For complete documentation of this file, please see Geany's main documentation
# use foreground;background;bold;italic or named_style,bold,italic
# used for filetype All/None
# 3rd selection argument is true to override default foreground
# 4th selection argument is true to override default background
# style for a matching brace
# style for a non-matching brace (a brace without a counterpart)
# the following settings define the colours of the margins on the left side
# background colour of the current line, only the second and third argument is interpreted
# use the third argument to enable or disable the highlighting of the current line (has to be true/false)
# translucency for the current line(first argument) and the selection (second argument)
# values between 0 and 256 are accepted. Note for Windows 95, 98 and ME users:
# keep this value at 256 to disable translucency otherwise Geany might crash
# only the first and second argument is interpreted
# style for a highlighted line (e.g when using Goto line or goto tag)
# only the first and second argument is interpreted
# style for a marked search results (when using "Mark" in Search dialogs)
# the second argument sets the background colour for the drawn rectangle
# only the second argument is interpreted
# style for a marked line (e.g when using the "Toggle Marker" keybinding (Ctrl-M))
# only the first and second argument is interpreted
# translucency for the line marker(first argument) and the search marker (second argument)
# only the first and second argument is interpreted
# colour of the caret(the blinking cursor), only first and third argument is interpreted
# set the third argument to true to change the caret into a block caret
# width of the caret(the blinking cursor), only first argument is interpreted
# width in pixels, use 0 to make it invisible, maximum width is 3
# set foreground and background colour of indentation guides
# third argument: if true, use this foreground color. If false, use the default value defined by the filetypes.
# fourth argument: if true, use this background color. If false, use the default value defined by the filetypes.
# style of folding icons, only first and second arguments are used, valid values are:
# first argument: 1 for boxes, 2 for circles
# second argument: 1 for straight lines, 2 for curved lines
# should an horizontal line be drawn at the line where text is folded (only first argument is interpreted)
# 0 to disable
# 1 to draw the line above folded text
# 2 to draw the line below folded text
# only first and second argument is interpreted
# first argument: drawing of visual flags to indicate a line is wrapped. This is a bitmask of the
# values: 0 - No visual flags, 1 - Visual flag at end of subline of a wrapped line, 2 - Visual flag
# at begin of subline of a wrapped line, Subline is indented by at least 1 to make room for the flag.
# second argument: wether the visual flags to indicate a line is wrapped are drawn near the border
# or near the text. This is a bitmask of the values: 0 - Visual flags drawn near border,
# 1 - Visual flag at end of subline drawn near text, 2 - Visual flag at begin of subline drawn near text
# only first and second argument is interpreted
# first argument: sets the size of indentation of sublines for wrapped lines in terms of
# the width of a space, only used when the second argument is 0
# second argument: wrapped sublines can be indented to the position of their first subline or
# one more indent level, possible values:
# 0 - Wrapped sublines aligned to left of window plus amount set by the first argument
# 1 - Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent (use the same indentation)
# 2 - Wrapped sublines are aligned to first subline indent plus one more level of indentation
# only first and second argument is interpreted
# first argument: amount of space to be drawn above the line's baseline
# second argument: amount of space to be drawn below the line's baseline
# which characters should be skipped when moving (or included when deleting) to word boundaries
# should always include space and tab (\s\t)
# style names to use in filetypes.* [styling] sections
# use foreground;background;bold;italic
# normally background should be left blank to use the "default" style
# keyword
# e.g. global types from a *.c.tags file
# unterminated string
Dernière modification par francoise_peace (Le 12/01/2011, à 14:14)
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#2 Le 22/06/2010, à 17:58
- AnsuzPeorth
Re : [Résolu] Changer la couleur de fond de Geany ?
Il suffit d'ajouter 0x à ta couleur !
Tu as jeter un oeil sur la doc ?
Et sur le site de geany ?
Où tu trouveras un lien vers un éditeur online de coloration syntaxique pour geany.
Je peux pas t'en dire plus, je n'utilise pas geany, car impossible d'avoir la coloratin que je veux (bug sur les mots supplémentaire à matcher, word2), donc je reste sous gEdit (qui, à part le dépliage de code, a tout les addons qui faut)
Interface graphique pour bash, python ou autre: glade2script
Support Tchat: http://chat.jabberfr.org/muckl_int/inde … ade2script (Hors ligne)
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#3 Le 23/06/2010, à 19:30
- francoise_peace
Re : [Résolu] Changer la couleur de fond de Geany ?
ça n'a pas marché:
# background colour of the current line, only the second and third argument is interpreted
# use the third argument to enable or disable the highlighting of the current line (has to be true/false)
-> rien
et: ~/Downloads/geany-darkTango$ sudo cp * ~/.config/geany/filedefs/
-> rien
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#4 Le 12/01/2011, à 14:14
- francoise_peace
Re : [Résolu] Changer la couleur de fond de Geany ?
Geany > Tools > Configuration Files > filetypes.common
Fenêtre de choix de couleur: suggestion de valeur de background #E7E7E7
# style names to use in filetypes.* [styling] sections
# use foreground;background;bold;italic
# normally background should be left blank to use the "default" style
-> le deuxième code hexadécimal c'est la couleur du fond
merci à: Tomzz
À la fin du fichier /usr/share/geany/filetypes.common , modifier la ligne default=0x000000;0xffffff;false;false
le 0xffffff, enfin je crois bien, avec les couleurs html, je viens juste de regarder
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#5 Le 13/01/2011, à 18:15
- Kookaburra
Re : [Résolu] Changer la couleur de fond de Geany ?
Petit complèment : il existe aussi des thèmes pour Geany
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