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#1 Le 15/07/2007, à 20:34


Modif script : lancer une commande supplémentaire

Bonjour à toutes et tous !
Je vous préviens directement, je n'ai aucune connaissance en programmation, mais ce que je cherche ne doit pas être bien compliqué si vous avez quelques bases.
Je cherche à modifier le script de wallpapoz, qui permet de changer le fond d'écran automatiquement à des intervalles de temps précis : je cherche également à relancer à chaque fois les desklets, car il y a un effet de rémanence sur leur fond : ils gardent en mémoire le fond d'écran précédent sans actualiser le nouveau.
Voici le script initial :

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# - Wallpapoz 
#    Copyright (C) 2005 Akbar <>
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

# This file will check desktop continously and change wallpaper 
# with preferences from configuration file

from xml_processing import XMLProcessing
import os
import sys
import array
import time
import threading
import random

## number -- global variable
# this is index of wallpaper list of workspaces
# for example: number[0] is index of wallpaper list in first workspace
number = array.array('i')

## delay -- global variable, how many time will wallpaper list thread
# has to wait before it manipulate its index
delay = 1.0

## random -- global variable, is wallpaper list thread randomize its index
randomvar = 0

## System -- class for knowing current desktop and change wallpaper
# with calling external program
class System:
    ## class method to know what workspace we are in now
    def current_desktop(self):
	desktop = os.popen('xprop -root _NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP').read()
	return int(desktop[33] + desktop[34])

    ## class method
    def change_wallpaper(self, wallpaper):
	os.system('gconftool-2 -t string -s /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename ' + "\"" + wallpaper + "\"")

## AsyncIndex -- class for making thread that manipulating index wallpaper list
class AsyncIndex(threading.Thread):
    ## constructor
    def __init__(self, index):
	self.index = index

    ## the function that thread will execute
    def run(self):
	if randomvar == 1:
	    number[self.index] = 0
	    size = len(worklist[self.index])
	    while True:
		number[self.index] = int(random.random() * size)
	    while True:
		number[self.index] = 0
		for i in worklist[self.index]:
		    number[self.index] = number[self.index] + 1

## the main program
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # generate seed for random number

    # the configuration file
    file = os.environ['HOME'] + "/.wallpapoz/wallpapoz.xml"

    # call the xmlprocessing class to read it
    wallpapozxml = XMLProcessing(file)

    # fill the workspace list
    worklist = wallpapozxml.fill_list()
    # cleansing
    for iter in worklist:

    # how many workspace we use
    total_workspace = wallpapozxml.get_workspace_num()

    # create the index for wallpaper list thread
    number.fromlist( range( total_workspace ) )

    # create the system class ( to change wallpaper and read current desktop )
    # by calling external program
    system = System()

    # previous workspace
    previous_desktop = -1

    # previous wallpaper list index
    previous_index = -1

    # get the delay time and random preferences
    delay = 60 * float(wallpapozxml.delay())
    randomvar = int(wallpapozxml.is_random())

    # create the thread
    wallpaper_list = []
    for i in range(total_workspace):

    # the daemon that works forever
    while True:
	    # don't get rush

	    # what workspace we are in now?
	    cur_desk = system.current_desktop()

	    # requirement for changing wallpaper
	    # 1. we change workspace
	    # 2. index of wallpaper list change
	    if previous_desktop != cur_desk or previous_index != number[cur_desk]:
		# if we move to workspace that we don't use, just ignore
		if cur_desk >= total_workspace:

		# command to change wallpaper

		# our previous workspace and index of wallpaper list
		previous_desktop = cur_desk
		previous_index = number[cur_desk]

	# ok, we stop this daemon
	except KeyboardInterrupt:
	    # now it's time for the main thread to exit

Je pense qu'il suffit simplement de lancer la commande "adesklets --nautilus" au bon moment pour faire ce que je cherche à obtenir... mais où ? big_smile

Merci de votre aide !

Dernière modification par Schrö (Le 31/08/2007, à 14:55)

"I think I'll stop here." - Andrew Wiles - 23 juin 1993

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#2 Le 15/07/2007, à 23:16


Re : Modif script : lancer une commande supplémentaire


Essaie peut-être en dessous de ça.

 # command to change wallpaper
        os.system("adesklet --nautilus")

C'est à tenter tongue

GPG Key ID = 5518CFC7

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#3 Le 16/07/2007, à 09:20


Re : Modif script : lancer une commande supplémentaire

C'est bon, finalement, j'ai testé ta manipulation et ca fonctionne ! Chapeau, et merci beaucoup !

Dernière modification par Schrö (Le 29/07/2007, à 18:22)

"I think I'll stop here." - Andrew Wiles - 23 juin 1993

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#4 Le 31/08/2007, à 14:55


Re : Modif script : lancer une commande supplémentaire

Ben une mise à jour de wallpapoz fait que cette modification ne fonctionne plus... Je pige pas tout, j'essaie de voir ce que je peux faire en testant différentes méthodes mais pour le moment, ca ne marche pas...

Dernière modification par Schrö (Le 31/08/2007, à 15:16)

"I think I'll stop here." - Andrew Wiles - 23 juin 1993

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