#1 Le 21/01/2007, à 15:04
- Anium
Recherche logiciel pour se perfectionner en anglais
Salut à tous,
Voila, parce que je pars à Dublin début février et que mon niveau en anglais est un peu faible à mon goût.
J'ai donc besoin d'entraînement.
Je pensais aux genres de logiciel (sous windows) qu'on avait au lycée avec lesquels on parlait au micro face à l'écran..
Vous avez des pistes ?
Merci d'avance
Hors ligne
#2 Le 22/01/2007, à 15:43
- Mifrey
Re : Recherche logiciel pour se perfectionner en anglais
Dublin début février... c'est un peu tard pour faire des progrès . Je ne sais pas le niveau que tu as en anglais, mais vu le temps qu'il te reste, je te conseille simplement de bien revoir la structure des phrases, l'usage des temps, et les verbes irréguliers. Car pour comprendre ce que l'on te dit ou pour t'exprimer simplement, ce sont les premières choses à bien connaître. Le reste suivra en immersion.
Un autre « truc » pour se préparer à l'immersion (en tout cas moi ça m'aide), c'est de se parler à soi-même en anglais dans la vie de tous les jours. Quand tu va aux toilettes, tu dis "I'm going to the toilet", quand tu vas au lit, tu dit "I will go to bed because I have to wake up early tomorrow", quand tu descends les escaliers, tu dis "I'm going down the stairs". Quand tu ne sais pas comment le dire, tu regardes dans le dico ou tu demandes à quelqu'un qui peut t'aider. Tu fais ça tous les jours avec de petites variantes.
Pour revenir sur le topic, je n'ai jamais vu de logiciels de qualité pour Linux tels ceux que l'on trouve pour Windows (pour l'apprentissage des langues, entendons-nous bien ). Mais il y a peut-être moyen avec Wine...
Ce que j'utilise sous GNU/Linux :
1. Le dictionnaire http://www.wordreference.com via un script : http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=80544#p673701
2. J'écoute des radios avec ce petit script, il y en a d'autres à http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk :
# radioplay.sh: plays selected audio streams (requires dialog,
# Xdialog, mplayer). By mifrey.
# Player
player="mplayer -quiet -cache 32"
killPlayer="killall -9 mplayer"
# (X)dialog
# We are under X or not?
if [ -z $DISPLAY ]
echo $DIALOG
# Temporary file for selected radio
tmpFile=`tempfile 2>/dev/null` || tmpFile=/tmp/$progName.tmp$$
trap "rm -f $tmpFile" 0 1 2 5 15
# Radio selection
$DIALOG --title "$progName v$progVer by $author" \
--menu "Select your radio" $height $width $menuHeight \
"Stop radio" "Kill the radio player" \
"La Première" "" \
"Classic 21" "" \
"Pure FM" "" \
"Vivacité Arlon" "" \
"Vivacité Liège" "" \
"Radio Nostalgie" "" \
"Radio Contact" "" \
"48FM" "ULg" \
"BFM" "La radio de l'économie" \
"Divergence FM" "" \
"PunkRadioCast" "Punk rock broadcast with live DJs" \
"Groove Salad" "A tasty plate of ambient beats and grooves." \
"Secret Agent" "The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. For Spies and P.I.'s too! " \
"Drone Zone" "Served best chilled, safe with most medications. Atmospheric textures with minimal beats." \
"Tag's Trance Trip" "Progressive house / trance. Tip top tunes." \
"indie pop rocks" "New and your favorite classic indie pop tracks" \
"cliqhop idm" "Blips'n'beeps backed mostly w/beats. Intelligent Dance Music." \
"Beat Blender" "A late night blend of deep-house and downtempo chill." \
"BBC Radio 1" "" \
"BBC Radio 2" "" \
"BBC Radio 3" "" \
"BBC Radio 4" "" \
"BBC7" "" \
"BBC World Service" "" \
"Science in Action" "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on World Service on Fridays at 10:00." \
"The Material World" "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on Radio 4 on Thursdays at 16:30." \
"Discovery" "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on World Service on Wednesdays at 10:00." \
"Go Digital" "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on World Service on Tuesdays at 10:00." \
"Just a Minute" "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on Radio 4 on Mondays at 18:30." \
"DW-RADIO" "Actualités du monde vue par une radio allemande" \
"Galway Bay FM" "Galway (Ireland) local radio station" \
"RTE Radio 1" "Dublin (Ireland) local radio station" \
2> $tmpFile
selectedRadio=`cat $tmpFile`
case $returnValue in
if [ "$selectedRadio" = "Stop radio" ]
then $killPlayer; exit 0
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "La Première" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/prem128.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Classic 21" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.classic21.be/rtbf_2000/radios/21128.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Pure FM" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/pure128.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Vivacité Arlon" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/vivalux.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Vivacité Liège" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/vivaliege.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Radio Nostalgie" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.nostalgie.be/player/nostalgie.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Radio Contact" ]
then url="-playlist http://fr.radiocontact.be/LiveStreaming.asx"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "48FM" ]
then url="http://stream1.visio.ulg.ac.be:8000/48fm"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "BFM" ]
then url="-playlist http://cache.yacast.fr/V4/bfm/bfm.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Divergence FM" ]
then url="-playlist http://o6.fr:8000/dfm128.ogg.m3u"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "PunkRadioCast" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.punkradiocast.com/high.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Groove Salad" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/groovesalad.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Secret Agent" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/secretagent.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Drone Zone" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/dronezone.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Tag's Trance Trip" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/tagstrance.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "indie pop rocks" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/indiepop.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "cliqhop idm" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/cliqhop.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Beat Blender" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/beatblender.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "BBC Radio 1" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/realaudio/media/r1live.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "BBC Radio 2" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/realmedia/fmg2.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "BBC Radio 3" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/ram/r3g2.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "BBC Radio 4" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/realplayer/media/fmg2.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "BBC7" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbc7/realplayer/dsatg2.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "BBC World Service" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ram/live_infent.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Science in Action" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/wservice/sia.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "The Material World" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/radio4/materialworld.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Discovery" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/wservice/discovery.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Go Digital" ]
then url="rtsp://rmv8.bbc.net.uk/worldservice/scienceview.ra"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Just a Minute" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/radio4/just.ram"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "DW-RADIO" ]
then url="http://metafiles.gl-systemhaus.de/dw/radio_en_64.pls"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "Galway Bay FM" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/galwaybay.asx"
elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "RTE Radio 1" ]
then url="-playlist http://www.rte.ie/smiltest/radio1.smil"
# elif [ "$selectedRadio" = "" ]
# then url=""
$DIALOG --title "$progName" --msgbox "\"$selectedRadio\" has no defined stream!" 0 0
exit -1
echo Nothing selected. Exiting...
exit 0;;
$player $url
exit 0
3. J'utilise festival comme synthétiseur de voix (paquet festival), c'est pas terrible mais c'est déjà ça, j'ai jamais appronfi le fonctionnement non plus :
echo "I will go to bed because I have to wake up early tomorrow" | festival --tts
Sinon il y a aussi la pratique sans l'immersion : http://www.mylanguageexchange.com
Hors ligne
#3 Le 15/01/2008, à 17:02
- Ted Ward
Re : Recherche logiciel pour se perfectionner en anglais
Hey, I thought I'd let you know I modifed your script to run in PHP so I could stream music through my home server (or my laptop).
Keep in mind that the user running the server has to have rights to play audio. For apache on Ubuntu, I had to add www-data to the audio group.
I'm still working on the look and feel, but here it is.
Choose your radio station
<form type="GET" action="playstream.php">
function selection($name, $description)
printf("<tr><td><input type=button value='X' onclick=\"location.href='playstream.php?selection=%s'\"/>
%s</td><td> %s </td></tr>\n", $name, $name, $description);
echo ("<h1>Select your radio station\n</h1>");
echo "<table>";
selection("Stop radio", "Kill the radio player");
selection("KWGS", "University of Tulsa NPR");
selection("La Première", "");
selection("Classic 21", "");
selection("Pure FM", "");
selection("Vivacité Arlon", "");
selection("Vivacité Liège", "");
selection("Radio Nostalgie", "");
selection("Radio Contact", "");
selection("48FM", "ULg");
selection("BFM", "La radio de l'économie");
selection("Divergence FM", "");
selection("PunkRadioCast", "Punk rock broadcast with live DJs");
selection("Groove Salad", "A tasty plate of ambient beats and grooves.");
selection("Secret Agent", "The soundtrack for your stylish, mysterious, dangerous life. For Spies and P.I.'s too! ");
selection("Drone Zone", "Served best chilled, safe with most medications. Atmospheric textures with minimal beats.");
selection("Tag's Trance Trip", "Progressive house / trance. Tip top tunes.");
selection("indie pop rocks", "New and your favorite classic indie pop tracks");
selection("cliqhop idm", "Blips'n'beeps backed mostly w/beats. Intelligent Dance Music.");
selection("Beat Blender", "A late night blend of deep-house and downtempo chill.");
selection("BBC Radio 1", "");
selection("BBC Radio 2", "");
selection("BBC Radio 3", "");
selection("BBC Radio 4", "");
selection("BBC7", "");
selection("BBC World Service", "");
selection("Science in Action", "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on World Service on Fridays at 10:00.");
selection("The Material World", "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on Radio 4 on Thursdays at 16:30.");
selection("Discovery", "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on World Service on Wednesdays at 10:00.");
selection("Go Digital", "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on World Service on Tuesdays at 10:00.");
selection("Just a Minute", "BBC show (30 min). Broadcast on Radio 4 on Mondays at 18:30.");
selection("DW-RADIO", "Actualités du monde vue par une radio allemande");
selection("Galway Bay FM", "Galway (Ireland) local radio station");
selection("RTE Radio 1", "Dublin (Ireland) local radio station");
echo "</table>";
# Player
$player="mplayer -quiet -cache 32";
$killPlayer="killall -9 mplayer";
$url = "";
case "Stop radio":
case "KWGS":
$url="-playlist http://www.publicbroadcasting.net/kwgs/ppr/kwgs.pls";
case "La Première":
$url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/prem128.m3u";
case "Classic 21":
$url="-playlist http://www.classic21.be/rtbf_2000/radios/21128.m3u";
case "Pure FM":
$url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/pure128.m3u";
case "Vivacité Arlon":
$url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/vivalux.m3u";
case "Vivacité Liège":
$url="-playlist http://www.rtbf.be/rtbf_2000/radios/vivaliege.m3u";
case "Radio Nostalgie":
$url="-playlist http://www.nostalgie.be/player/nostalgie.m3u";
case "Radio Contact":
$url="-playlist http://fr.radiocontact.be/LiveStreaming.asx";
case "48FM":
case "BFM":
$url="-playlist http://cache.yacast.fr/V4/bfm/bfm.m3u";
case "Divergence FM":
$url="-playlist http://o6.fr:8000/dfm128.ogg.m3u";
case "PunkRadioCast":
$url="-playlist http://www.punkradiocast.com/high.pls";
case "Groove Salad":
$url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/groovesalad.pls";
case "Secret Agent":
$url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/secretagent.pls";
case "Drone Zone":
$url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/dronezone.pls";
case "Tag's Trance Trip":
$url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/tagstrance.pls";
case "indie pop rocks":
$url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/indiepop.pls";
case "cliqhop idm":
$url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/cliqhop.pls";
case "Beat Blender":
$url="-playlist http://www.somafm.com/beatblender.pls";
case "BBC Radio 1":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio1/realaudio/media/r1live.ram";
case "BBC Radio 2":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/realmedia/fmg2.ram";
case "BBC Radio 3":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/ram/r3g2.ram";
case "BBC Radio 4":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/realplayer/media/fmg2.ram";
case "BBC7":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbc7/realplayer/dsatg2.ram";
case "BBC World Service":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/ram/live_infent.ram";
case "Science in Action":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/wservice/sia.ram";
case "The Material World":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/radio4/materialworld.ram";
case "Discovery":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/wservice/discovery.ram";
case "Go Digital":
case "Just a Minute":
$url="-playlist http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/shows/rpms/radio4/just.ram";
case "DW-RADIO":
case "Galway Bay FM":
$url="-playlist http://www.radiofeeds.co.uk/galwaybay.asx";
case "RTE Radio 1":
$url="-playlist http://www.rte.ie/smiltest/radio1.smil";
echo ("Now playing: ".$returnValue."<br/>");
//echo($player." ".$url."<br/>");
exec($player." ".$url." >/dev/null&");
//system($player." ".$url);
<form type="GET" action="playstream.php?selection=Stop+radio">
<input type=submit value="Stop radio" />
<form type="GET" action="stream.php">
<input type=submit value="Choose another station" />