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#1 Le 22/09/2014, à 08:56


[Résolu] Pear, php 5.5 sur ubuntu 14.04

Découvrant les serveur à l'occasion de l'installation d'un serveur PMB (serveur pour bibliothèque) j'ai un grave soucis qui m'empêche de profiter d'un module important de PMB : le téléchargement des notices Z39.50 ...
Pour cela je dévrais installer php-yaz qui n'existe plus dans les dépôts. J'ai tenté de suivre les consignes de la doc qui font passer, si j'ai bien compris par php-pear.
Ça bloque là :

$ sudo pecl install yaz
downloading yaz-1.1.6.tgz ...
Starting to download yaz-1.1.6.tgz (16,464 bytes)
......done: 16,464 bytes
could not extract the package.xml file from "/build/buildd/php5-5.5.9+dfsg/pear-build-download/yaz-1.1.6.tgz"
Download of "pecl/yaz" succeeded, but it is not a valid package archive
Error: cannot download "pecl/yaz"
Download failed
install failed

Ce problème est connu et dû à la 14.04. Par exemple cette doc que j'ai suivi (malgré l'anglais qui ne m'est pas familier). Je pense que le problème se manifeste lors de la dernière commande :

$ sudo pear upgrade-all
Will upgrade channel://
Will upgrade channel://
Will upgrade channel://
WARNING: "pear/Console_Getopt" is deprecated in favor of "pear/Console_GetoptPlus"
downloading XML_Util-1.2.3.tgz ...
Starting to download XML_Util-1.2.3.tgz (17,134 bytes)
......done: 17,134 bytes
[ICI ->]         could not extract the package.xml file from "/build/buildd/php5-5.5.9+dfsg/pear-build-download/XML_Util-1.2.3.tgz"
Download of "pear/xml_util" succeeded, but it is not a valid package archive
Error: cannot download "pear/XML_Util"
downloading PEAR-1.9.5.tgz ...
Starting to download PEAR-1.9.5.tgz (290,006 bytes)
...done: 290,006 bytes
could not extract the package.xml file from "/build/buildd/php5-5.5.9+dfsg/pear-build-download/PEAR-1.9.5.tgz"
Download of "pear/pear" succeeded, but it is not a valid package archive
Error: cannot download "pear/PEAR"

Merci d'avance pour vos conseils.

D'abord c'est un véritable bug répertorié.
Il me semble avoir trouvé la solution , en #14.
La solution en #5 n'a pas marchée pour moi, celle en #14 m'a permis d'installer mon paquet yaz (bien qu'il ne me semble pas encore fonctionnel) : il s'agit de remplacer le fichier /usr/share/php/Archive/Tar.php par celui proposé par l'auteur. La commande sudo pecl install yaz marche alors.
Voici son fichier au cas où...


 * Missing zlib functions.
 * @see
function gzopen($filename, $mode, $use_include_path = 0) {
  return  gzopen64($filename, $mode, $use_include_path);

function gzseek($zp, $offset, $whence = SEEK_SET) {
  return gzseek64($zp, $offset, $whence);

function gztell($zp) {
  return gztell64($zp);

/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */

 * File::CSV
 * PHP versions 4 and 5
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2008,
 * Vincent Blavet <>
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
 *     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
 *       this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 *     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * @category  File_Formats
 * @package   Archive_Tar
 * @author    Vincent Blavet <>
 * @copyright 1997-2010 The Authors
 * @license New BSD License
 * @version   CVS: $Id$
 * @link

require_once 'PEAR.php';

define('ARCHIVE_TAR_END_BLOCK', pack("a512", ''));

* Creates a (compressed) Tar archive
* @package Archive_Tar
* @author  Vincent Blavet <>
* @license New BSD License
* @version $Revision$
class Archive_Tar extends PEAR
    * @var string Name of the Tar
    var $_tarname='';

    * @var boolean if true, the Tar file will be gzipped
    var $_compress=false;

    * @var string Type of compression : 'none', 'gz' or 'bz2'
    var $_compress_type='none';

    * @var string Explode separator
    var $_separator=' ';

    * @var file descriptor
    var $_file=0;

    * @var string Local Tar name of a remote Tar (http:// or ftp://)
    var $_temp_tarname='';

    * @var string regular expression for ignoring files or directories
    var $_ignore_regexp='';

     * @var object PEAR_Error object
    var $error_object=null; 

    // {{{ constructor
    * Archive_Tar Class constructor. This flavour of the constructor only
    * declare a new Archive_Tar object, identifying it by the name of the
    * tar file.
    * If the compress argument is set the tar will be read or created as a
    * gzip or bz2 compressed TAR file.
    * @param string $p_tarname  The name of the tar archive to create
    * @param string $p_compress can be null, 'gz' or 'bz2'. This
    *               parameter indicates if gzip or bz2 compression
    *               is required.  For compatibility reason the
    *               boolean value 'true' means 'gz'.
    * @access public
    function Archive_Tar($p_tarname, $p_compress = null)
        $this->_compress = false;
        $this->_compress_type = 'none';
        if (($p_compress === null) || ($p_compress == '')) {
            if (@file_exists($p_tarname)) {
                if ($fp = @fopen($p_tarname, "rb")) {
                    // look for gzip magic cookie
                    $data = fread($fp, 2);
                    if ($data == "\37\213") {
                        $this->_compress = true;
                        $this->_compress_type = 'gz';
                        // No sure it's enought for a magic code ....
                    } elseif ($data == "BZ") {
                        $this->_compress = true;
                        $this->_compress_type = 'bz2';
            } else {
                // probably a remote file or some file accessible
                // through a stream interface
                if (substr($p_tarname, -2) == 'gz') {
                    $this->_compress = true;
                    $this->_compress_type = 'gz';
                } elseif ((substr($p_tarname, -3) == 'bz2') ||
                          (substr($p_tarname, -2) == 'bz')) {
                    $this->_compress = true;
                    $this->_compress_type = 'bz2';
        } else {
            if (($p_compress === true) || ($p_compress == 'gz')) {
                $this->_compress = true;
                $this->_compress_type = 'gz';
            } else if ($p_compress == 'bz2') {
                $this->_compress = true;
                $this->_compress_type = 'bz2';
            } else {
                $this->_error("Unsupported compression type '$p_compress'\n".
                    "Supported types are 'gz' and 'bz2'.\n");
                return false;
        $this->_tarname = $p_tarname;
        if ($this->_compress) { // assert zlib or bz2 extension support
            if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz')
                $extname = 'zlib';
            else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2')
                $extname = 'bz2';

            if (!extension_loaded($extname)) {
            if (!extension_loaded($extname)) {
                $this->_error("The extension '$extname' couldn't be found.\n".
                    "Please make sure your version of PHP was built ".
                    "with '$extname' support.\n");
                return false;
    // }}}

    // {{{ destructor
    function _Archive_Tar()
        // ----- Look for a local copy to delete
        if ($this->_temp_tarname != '')
    // }}}

    // {{{ create()
    * This method creates the archive file and add the files / directories
    * that are listed in $p_filelist.
    * If a file with the same name exist and is writable, it is replaced
    * by the new tar.
    * The method return false and a PEAR error text.
    * The $p_filelist parameter can be an array of string, each string
    * representing a filename or a directory name with their path if
    * needed. It can also be a single string with names separated by a
    * single blank.
    * For each directory added in the archive, the files and
    * sub-directories are also added.
    * See also createModify() method for more details.
    * @param array $p_filelist An array of filenames and directory names, or a
    *              single string with names separated by a single
    *              blank space.
    * @return true on success, false on error.
    * @see    createModify()
    * @access public
    function create($p_filelist)
        return $this->createModify($p_filelist, '', '');
    // }}}

    // {{{ add()
    * This method add the files / directories that are listed in $p_filelist in
    * the archive. If the archive does not exist it is created.
    * The method return false and a PEAR error text.
    * The files and directories listed are only added at the end of the archive,
    * even if a file with the same name is already archived.
    * See also createModify() method for more details.
    * @param array $p_filelist An array of filenames and directory names, or a
    *              single string with names separated by a single
    *              blank space.
    * @return true on success, false on error.
    * @see    createModify()
    * @access public
    function add($p_filelist)
        return $this->addModify($p_filelist, '', '');
    // }}}

    // {{{ extract()
    function extract($p_path='', $p_preserve=false)
        return $this->extractModify($p_path, '', $p_preserve);
    // }}}

    // {{{ listContent()
    function listContent()
        $v_list_detail = array();

        if ($this->_openRead()) {
            if (!$this->_extractList('', $v_list_detail, "list", '', '')) {
                $v_list_detail = 0;

        return $v_list_detail;
    // }}}

    // {{{ createModify()
    * This method creates the archive file and add the files / directories
    * that are listed in $p_filelist.
    * If the file already exists and is writable, it is replaced by the
    * new tar. It is a create and not an add. If the file exists and is
    * read-only or is a directory it is not replaced. The method return
    * false and a PEAR error text.
    * The $p_filelist parameter can be an array of string, each string
    * representing a filename or a directory name with their path if
    * needed. It can also be a single string with names separated by a
    * single blank.
    * The path indicated in $p_remove_dir will be removed from the
    * memorized path of each file / directory listed when this path
    * exists. By default nothing is removed (empty path '')
    * The path indicated in $p_add_dir will be added at the beginning of
    * the memorized path of each file / directory listed. However it can
    * be set to empty ''. The adding of a path is done after the removing
    * of path.
    * The path add/remove ability enables the user to prepare an archive
    * for extraction in a different path than the origin files are.
    * See also addModify() method for file adding properties.
    * @param array  $p_filelist   An array of filenames and directory names,
    *                             or a single string with names separated by
    *                             a single blank space.
    * @param string $p_add_dir    A string which contains a path to be added
    *                             to the memorized path of each element in
    *                             the list.
    * @param string $p_remove_dir A string which contains a path to be
    *                             removed from the memorized path of each
    *                             element in the list, when relevant.
    * @return boolean true on success, false on error.
    * @access public
    * @see addModify()
    function createModify($p_filelist, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir='')
        $v_result = true;

        if (!$this->_openWrite())
            return false;

        if ($p_filelist != '') {
            if (is_array($p_filelist))
                $v_list = $p_filelist;
            elseif (is_string($p_filelist))
                $v_list = explode($this->_separator, $p_filelist);
            else {
                $this->_error('Invalid file list');
                return false;

            $v_result = $this->_addList($v_list, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir);

        if ($v_result) {
        } else

        return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ addModify()
    * This method add the files / directories listed in $p_filelist at the
    * end of the existing archive. If the archive does not yet exists it
    * is created.
    * The $p_filelist parameter can be an array of string, each string
    * representing a filename or a directory name with their path if
    * needed. It can also be a single string with names separated by a
    * single blank.
    * The path indicated in $p_remove_dir will be removed from the
    * memorized path of each file / directory listed when this path
    * exists. By default nothing is removed (empty path '')
    * The path indicated in $p_add_dir will be added at the beginning of
    * the memorized path of each file / directory listed. However it can
    * be set to empty ''. The adding of a path is done after the removing
    * of path.
    * The path add/remove ability enables the user to prepare an archive
    * for extraction in a different path than the origin files are.
    * If a file/dir is already in the archive it will only be added at the
    * end of the archive. There is no update of the existing archived
    * file/dir. However while extracting the archive, the last file will
    * replace the first one. This results in a none optimization of the
    * archive size.
    * If a file/dir does not exist the file/dir is ignored. However an
    * error text is send to PEAR error.
    * If a file/dir is not readable the file/dir is ignored. However an
    * error text is send to PEAR error.
    * @param array  $p_filelist   An array of filenames and directory
    *                             names, or a single string with names
    *                             separated by a single blank space.
    * @param string $p_add_dir    A string which contains a path to be
    *                             added to the memorized path of each
    *                             element in the list.
    * @param string $p_remove_dir A string which contains a path to be
    *                             removed from the memorized path of
    *                             each element in the list, when
    *                             relevant.
    * @return true on success, false on error.
    * @access public
    function addModify($p_filelist, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir='')
        $v_result = true;

        if (!$this->_isArchive())
            $v_result = $this->createModify($p_filelist, $p_add_dir,
        else {
            if (is_array($p_filelist))
                $v_list = $p_filelist;
            elseif (is_string($p_filelist))
                $v_list = explode($this->_separator, $p_filelist);
            else {
                $this->_error('Invalid file list');
                return false;

            $v_result = $this->_append($v_list, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir);

        return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ addString()
    * This method add a single string as a file at the
    * end of the existing archive. If the archive does not yet exists it
    * is created.
    * @param string $p_filename A string which contains the full
    *                           filename path that will be associated
    *                           with the string.
    * @param string $p_string   The content of the file added in
    *                           the archive.
    * @param int    $p_datetime A custom date/time (unix timestamp)
    *                           for the file (optional).
    * @return true on success, false on error.
    * @access public
    function addString($p_filename, $p_string, $p_datetime = false)
        $v_result = true;

        if (!$this->_isArchive()) {
            if (!$this->_openWrite()) {
                return false;

        if (!$this->_openAppend())
            return false;

        // Need to check the get back to the temporary file ? ....
        $v_result = $this->_addString($p_filename, $p_string, $p_datetime);



        return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ extractModify()
    * This method extract all the content of the archive in the directory
    * indicated by $p_path. When relevant the memorized path of the
    * files/dir can be modified by removing the $p_remove_path path at the
    * beginning of the file/dir path.
    * While extracting a file, if the directory path does not exists it is
    * created.
    * While extracting a file, if the file already exists it is replaced
    * without looking for last modification date.
    * While extracting a file, if the file already exists and is write
    * protected, the extraction is aborted.
    * While extracting a file, if a directory with the same name already
    * exists, the extraction is aborted.
    * While extracting a directory, if a file with the same name already
    * exists, the extraction is aborted.
    * While extracting a file/directory if the destination directory exist
    * and is write protected, or does not exist but can not be created,
    * the extraction is aborted.
    * If after extraction an extracted file does not show the correct
    * stored file size, the extraction is aborted.
    * When the extraction is aborted, a PEAR error text is set and false
    * is returned. However the result can be a partial extraction that may
    * need to be manually cleaned.
    * @param string  $p_path        The path of the directory where the
    *                               files/dir need to by extracted.
    * @param string  $p_remove_path Part of the memorized path that can be
    *                               removed if present at the beginning of
    *                               the file/dir path.
    * @param boolean $p_preserve    Preserve user/group ownership of files
    * @return boolean true on success, false on error.
    * @access public
    * @see    extractList()
    function extractModify($p_path, $p_remove_path, $p_preserve=false)
        $v_result = true;
        $v_list_detail = array();

        if ($v_result = $this->_openRead()) {
            $v_result = $this->_extractList($p_path, $v_list_detail,
                "complete", 0, $p_remove_path, $p_preserve);

        return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ extractInString()
    * This method extract from the archive one file identified by $p_filename.
    * The return value is a string with the file content, or NULL on error.
    * @param string $p_filename The path of the file to extract in a string.
    * @return a string with the file content or NULL.
    * @access public
    function extractInString($p_filename)
        if ($this->_openRead()) {
            $v_result = $this->_extractInString($p_filename);
        } else {
            $v_result = null;

        return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ extractList()
    * This method extract from the archive only the files indicated in the
    * $p_filelist. These files are extracted in the current directory or
    * in the directory indicated by the optional $p_path parameter.
    * If indicated the $p_remove_path can be used in the same way as it is
    * used in extractModify() method.
    * @param array   $p_filelist    An array of filenames and directory names,
    *                               or a single string with names separated
    *                               by a single blank space.
    * @param string  $p_path        The path of the directory where the
    *                               files/dir need to by extracted.
    * @param string  $p_remove_path Part of the memorized path that can be
    *                               removed if present at the beginning of
    *                               the file/dir path.
    * @param boolean $p_preserve    Preserve user/group ownership of files
    * @return true on success, false on error.
    * @access public
    * @see    extractModify()
    function extractList($p_filelist, $p_path='', $p_remove_path='', $p_preserve=false)
        $v_result = true;
        $v_list_detail = array();

        if (is_array($p_filelist))
            $v_list = $p_filelist;
        elseif (is_string($p_filelist))
            $v_list = explode($this->_separator, $p_filelist);
        else {
            $this->_error('Invalid string list');
            return false;

        if ($v_result = $this->_openRead()) {
            $v_result = $this->_extractList($p_path, $v_list_detail, "partial",
                $v_list, $p_remove_path, $p_preserve);

        return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ setAttribute()
    * This method set specific attributes of the archive. It uses a variable
    * list of parameters, in the format attribute code + attribute values :
    * $arch->setAttribute(ARCHIVE_TAR_ATT_SEPARATOR, ',');
    * @param mixed $argv variable list of attributes and values
    * @return true on success, false on error.
    * @access public
    function setAttribute()
        $v_result = true;

        // ----- Get the number of variable list of arguments
        if (($v_size = func_num_args()) == 0) {
            return true;

        // ----- Get the arguments
        $v_att_list = &func_get_args();

        // ----- Read the attributes
        while ($i<$v_size) {

            // ----- Look for next option
            switch ($v_att_list[$i]) {
                // ----- Look for options that request a string value
                case ARCHIVE_TAR_ATT_SEPARATOR :
                    // ----- Check the number of parameters
                    if (($i+1) >= $v_size) {
                        $this->_error('Invalid number of parameters for '
						              .'attribute ARCHIVE_TAR_ATT_SEPARATOR');
                        return false;

                    // ----- Get the value
                    $this->_separator = $v_att_list[$i+1];

                default :
                    $this->_error('Unknow attribute code '.$v_att_list[$i].'');
                    return false;

            // ----- Next attribute

        return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ setIgnoreRegexp()
    * This method sets the regular expression for ignoring files and directories
    * at import, for example:
    * $arch->setIgnoreRegexp("#CVS|\.svn#");
    * @param string $regexp regular expression defining which files or directories to ignore
    * @access public
    function setIgnoreRegexp($regexp)
    	$this->_ignore_regexp = $regexp;
    // }}}

    // {{{ setIgnoreList()
    * This method sets the regular expression for ignoring all files and directories
    * matching the filenames in the array list at import, for example:
    * $arch->setIgnoreList(array('CVS', '.svn', 'bin/tool'));
    * @param array $list a list of file or directory names to ignore
    * @access public
    function setIgnoreList($list)
    	$regexp = str_replace(array('#', '.', '^', '$'), array('\#', '\.', '\^', '\$'), $list);
    	$regexp = '#/'.join('$|/', $list).'#';
    // }}}

    // {{{ _error()
    function _error($p_message)
        $this->error_object = &$this->raiseError($p_message); 
    // }}}

    // {{{ _warning()
    function _warning($p_message)
        $this->error_object = &$this->raiseError($p_message); 
    // }}}

    // {{{ _isArchive()
    function _isArchive($p_filename=null)
        if ($p_filename == null) {
            $p_filename = $this->_tarname;
        return @is_file($p_filename) && !@is_link($p_filename);
    // }}}

    // {{{ _openWrite()
    function _openWrite()
        if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz' && function_exists('gzopen'))
            $this->_file = @gzopen($this->_tarname, "wb9");
        else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2' && function_exists('bzopen'))
            $this->_file = @bzopen($this->_tarname, "w");
        else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
            $this->_file = @fopen($this->_tarname, "wb");
        else {
            $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('
            return false;

        if ($this->_file == 0) {
            $this->_error('Unable to open in write mode \''
            return false;

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _openRead()
    function _openRead()
        if (strtolower(substr($this->_tarname, 0, 7)) == 'http://') {

          // ----- Look if a local copy need to be done
          if ($this->_temp_tarname == '') {
              $this->_temp_tarname = uniqid('tar').'.tmp';
              if (!$v_file_from = @fopen($this->_tarname, 'rb')) {
                $this->_error('Unable to open in read mode \''
                $this->_temp_tarname = '';
                return false;
              if (!$v_file_to = @fopen($this->_temp_tarname, 'wb')) {
                $this->_error('Unable to open in write mode \''
                $this->_temp_tarname = '';
                return false;
              while ($v_data = @fread($v_file_from, 1024))
                  @fwrite($v_file_to, $v_data);

          // ----- File to open if the local copy
          $v_filename = $this->_temp_tarname;

        } else
          // ----- File to open if the normal Tar file
          $v_filename = $this->_tarname;

        if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz' && function_exists('gzopen'))
            $this->_file = @gzopen($v_filename, "rb");
        else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2' && function_exists('bzopen'))
            $this->_file = @bzopen($v_filename, "r");
        else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
            $this->_file = @fopen($v_filename, "rb");
        else {
            $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('
            return false;

        if ($this->_file == 0) {
            $this->_error('Unable to open in read mode \''.$v_filename.'\'');
            return false;

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _openReadWrite()
    function _openReadWrite()
        if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz')
            $this->_file = @gzopen($this->_tarname, "r+b");
        else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2') {
            $this->_error('Unable to open bz2 in read/write mode \''
			              .$this->_tarname.'\' (limitation of bz2 extension)');
            return false;
        } else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
            $this->_file = @fopen($this->_tarname, "r+b");
        else {
            $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('
            return false;

        if ($this->_file == 0) {
            $this->_error('Unable to open in read/write mode \''
            return false;

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _close()
    function _close()
        //if (isset($this->_file)) {
        if (is_resource($this->_file)) {
            if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz')
            else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2')
            else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
                $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('

            $this->_file = 0;

        // ----- Look if a local copy need to be erase
        // Note that it might be interesting to keep the url for a time : ToDo
        if ($this->_temp_tarname != '') {
            $this->_temp_tarname = '';

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _cleanFile()
    function _cleanFile()

        // ----- Look for a local copy
        if ($this->_temp_tarname != '') {
            // ----- Remove the local copy but not the remote tarname
            $this->_temp_tarname = '';
        } else {
            // ----- Remove the local tarname file
        $this->_tarname = '';

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _writeBlock()
    function _writeBlock($p_binary_data, $p_len=null)
      if (is_resource($this->_file)) {
          if ($p_len === null) {
              if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz')
                  @gzputs($this->_file, $p_binary_data);
              else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2')
                  @bzwrite($this->_file, $p_binary_data);
              else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
                  @fputs($this->_file, $p_binary_data);
                  $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('
          } else {
              if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz')
                  @gzputs($this->_file, $p_binary_data, $p_len);
              else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2')
                  @bzwrite($this->_file, $p_binary_data, $p_len);
              else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
                  @fputs($this->_file, $p_binary_data, $p_len);
                  $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('

      return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _readBlock()
    function _readBlock()
      $v_block = null;
      if (is_resource($this->_file)) {
          if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz')
              $v_block = @gzread($this->_file, 512);
          else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2')
              $v_block = @bzread($this->_file, 512);
          else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
              $v_block = @fread($this->_file, 512);
              $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('
      return $v_block;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _jumpBlock()
    function _jumpBlock($p_len=null)
      if (is_resource($this->_file)) {
          if ($p_len === null)
              $p_len = 1;

          if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz') {
              @gzseek($this->_file, gztell($this->_file)+($p_len*512));
          else if ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2') {
              // ----- Replace missing bztell() and bzseek()
              for ($i=0; $i<$p_len; $i++)
          } else if ($this->_compress_type == 'none')
              @fseek($this->_file, $p_len*512, SEEK_CUR);
              $this->_error('Unknown or missing compression type ('

      return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _writeFooter()
    function _writeFooter()
      if (is_resource($this->_file)) {
          // ----- Write the last 0 filled block for end of archive
          $v_binary_data = pack('a1024', '');
      return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _addList()
    function _addList($p_list, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir)
      $v_header = array();

      // ----- Remove potential windows directory separator
      $p_add_dir = $this->_translateWinPath($p_add_dir);
      $p_remove_dir = $this->_translateWinPath($p_remove_dir, false);

      if (!$this->_file) {
          $this->_error('Invalid file descriptor');
          return false;

      if (sizeof($p_list) == 0)
          return true;

      foreach ($p_list as $v_filename) {
          if (!$v_result) {

        // ----- Skip the current tar name
        if ($v_filename == $this->_tarname)

        if ($v_filename == '')

       	// ----- ignore files and directories matching the ignore regular expression
       	if ($this->_ignore_regexp && preg_match($this->_ignore_regexp, '/'.$v_filename)) {
            $this->_warning("File '$v_filename' ignored");

        if (!file_exists($v_filename) && !is_link($v_filename)) {
            $this->_warning("File '$v_filename' does not exist");

        // ----- Add the file or directory header
        if (!$this->_addFile($v_filename, $v_header, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir))
            return false;

        if (@is_dir($v_filename) && !@is_link($v_filename)) {
            if (!($p_hdir = opendir($v_filename))) {
                $this->_warning("Directory '$v_filename' can not be read");
            while (false !== ($p_hitem = readdir($p_hdir))) {
                if (($p_hitem != '.') && ($p_hitem != '..')) {
                    if ($v_filename != ".")
                        $p_temp_list[0] = $v_filename.'/'.$p_hitem;
                        $p_temp_list[0] = $p_hitem;

                    $v_result = $this->_addList($p_temp_list,


      return $v_result;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _addFile()
    function _addFile($p_filename, &$p_header, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir)
      if (!$this->_file) {
          $this->_error('Invalid file descriptor');
          return false;

      if ($p_filename == '') {
          $this->_error('Invalid file name');
          return false;

      // ----- Calculate the stored filename
      $p_filename = $this->_translateWinPath($p_filename, false);;
      $v_stored_filename = $p_filename;
      if (strcmp($p_filename, $p_remove_dir) == 0) {
          return true;
      if ($p_remove_dir != '') {
          if (substr($p_remove_dir, -1) != '/')
              $p_remove_dir .= '/';

          if (substr($p_filename, 0, strlen($p_remove_dir)) == $p_remove_dir)
              $v_stored_filename = substr($p_filename, strlen($p_remove_dir));
      $v_stored_filename = $this->_translateWinPath($v_stored_filename);
      if ($p_add_dir != '') {
          if (substr($p_add_dir, -1) == '/')
              $v_stored_filename = $p_add_dir.$v_stored_filename;
              $v_stored_filename = $p_add_dir.'/'.$v_stored_filename;

      $v_stored_filename = $this->_pathReduction($v_stored_filename);

      if ($this->_isArchive($p_filename)) {
          if (($v_file = @fopen($p_filename, "rb")) == 0) {
              $this->_warning("Unable to open file '".$p_filename
			                  ."' in binary read mode");
              return true;

          if (!$this->_writeHeader($p_filename, $v_stored_filename))
              return false;

          while (($v_buffer = fread($v_file, 512)) != '') {
              $v_binary_data = pack("a512", "$v_buffer");


      } else {
          // ----- Only header for dir
          if (!$this->_writeHeader($p_filename, $v_stored_filename))
              return false;

      return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _addString()
    function _addString($p_filename, $p_string, $p_datetime = false)
      if (!$this->_file) {
          $this->_error('Invalid file descriptor');
          return false;

      if ($p_filename == '') {
          $this->_error('Invalid file name');
          return false;

      // ----- Calculate the stored filename
      $p_filename = $this->_translateWinPath($p_filename, false);;
      // ----- If datetime is not specified, set current time
      if ($p_datetime === false) {
          $p_datetime = time();

      if (!$this->_writeHeaderBlock($p_filename, strlen($p_string),
                                    $p_datetime, 384, "", 0, 0))
          return false;

      while (($v_buffer = substr($p_string, (($i++)*512), 512)) != '') {
          $v_binary_data = pack("a512", $v_buffer);

      return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _writeHeader()
    function _writeHeader($p_filename, $p_stored_filename)
        if ($p_stored_filename == '')
            $p_stored_filename = $p_filename;
        $v_reduce_filename = $this->_pathReduction($p_stored_filename);

        if (strlen($v_reduce_filename) > 99) {
          if (!$this->_writeLongHeader($v_reduce_filename))
            return false;

        $v_info = lstat($p_filename);
        $v_uid = sprintf("%07s", DecOct($v_info[4]));
        $v_gid = sprintf("%07s", DecOct($v_info[5]));
        $v_perms = sprintf("%07s", DecOct($v_info['mode'] & 000777));

        $v_mtime = sprintf("%011s", DecOct($v_info['mtime']));

        $v_linkname = '';

        if (@is_link($p_filename)) {
          $v_typeflag = '2';
          $v_linkname = readlink($p_filename);
          $v_size = sprintf("%011s", DecOct(0));
        } elseif (@is_dir($p_filename)) {
          $v_typeflag = "5";
          $v_size = sprintf("%011s", DecOct(0));
        } else {
          $v_typeflag = '0';
          $v_size = sprintf("%011s", DecOct($v_info['size']));

        $v_magic = 'ustar ';

        $v_version = ' ';
        if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid'))
          $userinfo = posix_getpwuid($v_info[4]);
          $groupinfo = posix_getgrgid($v_info[5]);
          $v_uname = $userinfo['name'];
          $v_gname = $groupinfo['name'];
          $v_uname = '';
          $v_gname = '';

        $v_devmajor = '';

        $v_devminor = '';

        $v_prefix = '';

        $v_binary_data_first = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12",
		                            $v_reduce_filename, $v_perms, $v_uid,
									$v_gid, $v_size, $v_mtime);
        $v_binary_data_last = pack("a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12",
		                           $v_typeflag, $v_linkname, $v_magic,
								   $v_version, $v_uname, $v_gname,
								   $v_devmajor, $v_devminor, $v_prefix, '');

        // ----- Calculate the checksum
        $v_checksum = 0;
        // ..... First part of the header
        for ($i=0; $i<148; $i++)
            $v_checksum += ord(substr($v_binary_data_first,$i,1));
        // ..... Ignore the checksum value and replace it by ' ' (space)
        for ($i=148; $i<156; $i++)
            $v_checksum += ord(' ');
        // ..... Last part of the header
        for ($i=156, $j=0; $i<512; $i++, $j++)
            $v_checksum += ord(substr($v_binary_data_last,$j,1));

        // ----- Write the first 148 bytes of the header in the archive
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data_first, 148);

        // ----- Write the calculated checksum
        $v_checksum = sprintf("%06s ", DecOct($v_checksum));
        $v_binary_data = pack("a8", $v_checksum);
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data, 8);

        // ----- Write the last 356 bytes of the header in the archive
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data_last, 356);

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _writeHeaderBlock()
    function _writeHeaderBlock($p_filename, $p_size, $p_mtime=0, $p_perms=0,
	                           $p_type='', $p_uid=0, $p_gid=0)
        $p_filename = $this->_pathReduction($p_filename);

        if (strlen($p_filename) > 99) {
          if (!$this->_writeLongHeader($p_filename))
            return false;

        if ($p_type == "5") {
          $v_size = sprintf("%011s", DecOct(0));
        } else {
          $v_size = sprintf("%011s", DecOct($p_size));

        $v_uid = sprintf("%07s", DecOct($p_uid));
        $v_gid = sprintf("%07s", DecOct($p_gid));
        $v_perms = sprintf("%07s", DecOct($p_perms & 000777));

        $v_mtime = sprintf("%11s", DecOct($p_mtime));

        $v_linkname = '';

        $v_magic = 'ustar ';

        $v_version = ' ';

        if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid'))
          $userinfo = posix_getpwuid($p_uid);
          $groupinfo = posix_getgrgid($p_gid);
          $v_uname = $userinfo['name'];
          $v_gname = $groupinfo['name'];
          $v_uname = '';
          $v_gname = '';
        $v_devmajor = '';

        $v_devminor = '';

        $v_prefix = '';

        $v_binary_data_first = pack("a100a8a8a8a12A12",
		                            $p_filename, $v_perms, $v_uid, $v_gid,
									$v_size, $v_mtime);
        $v_binary_data_last = pack("a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12",
		                           $p_type, $v_linkname, $v_magic,
								   $v_version, $v_uname, $v_gname,
								   $v_devmajor, $v_devminor, $v_prefix, '');

        // ----- Calculate the checksum
        $v_checksum = 0;
        // ..... First part of the header
        for ($i=0; $i<148; $i++)
            $v_checksum += ord(substr($v_binary_data_first,$i,1));
        // ..... Ignore the checksum value and replace it by ' ' (space)
        for ($i=148; $i<156; $i++)
            $v_checksum += ord(' ');
        // ..... Last part of the header
        for ($i=156, $j=0; $i<512; $i++, $j++)
            $v_checksum += ord(substr($v_binary_data_last,$j,1));

        // ----- Write the first 148 bytes of the header in the archive
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data_first, 148);

        // ----- Write the calculated checksum
        $v_checksum = sprintf("%06s ", DecOct($v_checksum));
        $v_binary_data = pack("a8", $v_checksum);
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data, 8);

        // ----- Write the last 356 bytes of the header in the archive
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data_last, 356);

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _writeLongHeader()
    function _writeLongHeader($p_filename)
        $v_size = sprintf("%11s ", DecOct(strlen($p_filename)));

        $v_typeflag = 'L';

        $v_linkname = '';

        $v_magic = '';

        $v_version = '';

        $v_uname = '';

        $v_gname = '';

        $v_devmajor = '';

        $v_devminor = '';

        $v_prefix = '';

        $v_binary_data_first = pack("a100a8a8a8a12a12",
		                            '././@LongLink', 0, 0, 0, $v_size, 0);
        $v_binary_data_last = pack("a1a100a6a2a32a32a8a8a155a12",
		                           $v_typeflag, $v_linkname, $v_magic,
								   $v_version, $v_uname, $v_gname,
								   $v_devmajor, $v_devminor, $v_prefix, '');

        // ----- Calculate the checksum
        $v_checksum = 0;
        // ..... First part of the header
        for ($i=0; $i<148; $i++)
            $v_checksum += ord(substr($v_binary_data_first,$i,1));
        // ..... Ignore the checksum value and replace it by ' ' (space)
        for ($i=148; $i<156; $i++)
            $v_checksum += ord(' ');
        // ..... Last part of the header
        for ($i=156, $j=0; $i<512; $i++, $j++)
            $v_checksum += ord(substr($v_binary_data_last,$j,1));

        // ----- Write the first 148 bytes of the header in the archive
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data_first, 148);

        // ----- Write the calculated checksum
        $v_checksum = sprintf("%06s ", DecOct($v_checksum));
        $v_binary_data = pack("a8", $v_checksum);
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data, 8);

        // ----- Write the last 356 bytes of the header in the archive
        $this->_writeBlock($v_binary_data_last, 356);

        // ----- Write the filename as content of the block
        while (($v_buffer = substr($p_filename, (($i++)*512), 512)) != '') {
            $v_binary_data = pack("a512", "$v_buffer");

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _readHeader()
    function _readHeader($v_binary_data, &$v_header)
        if (strlen($v_binary_data)==0) {
            $v_header['filename'] = '';
            return true;

        if (strlen($v_binary_data) != 512) {
            $v_header['filename'] = '';
            $this->_error('Invalid block size : '.strlen($v_binary_data));
            return false;

        if (!is_array($v_header)) {
            $v_header = array();
        // ----- Calculate the checksum
        $v_checksum = 0;
        // ..... First part of the header
        for ($i=0; $i<148; $i++)
        // ..... Ignore the checksum value and replace it by ' ' (space)
        for ($i=148; $i<156; $i++)
            $v_checksum += ord(' ');
        // ..... Last part of the header
        for ($i=156; $i<512; $i++)

        if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION,"5.5.0-dev")<0) {
            $fmt = "a100filename/a8mode/a8uid/a8gid/a12size/a12mtime/" .
                   "a8checksum/a1typeflag/a100link/a6magic/a2version/" .
        } else {
            $fmt = "Z100filename/Z8mode/Z8uid/Z8gid/Z12size/Z12mtime/" .
                   "Z8checksum/Z1typeflag/Z100link/Z6magic/Z2version/" .
        $v_data = unpack($fmt, $v_binary_data);

        if (strlen($v_data["prefix"]) > 0) {
            $v_data["filename"] = "$v_data[prefix]/$v_data[filename]";

        // ----- Extract the checksum
        $v_header['checksum'] = OctDec(trim($v_data['checksum']));
        if ($v_header['checksum'] != $v_checksum) {
            $v_header['filename'] = '';

            // ----- Look for last block (empty block)
            if (($v_checksum == 256) && ($v_header['checksum'] == 0))
                return true;

            $this->_error('Invalid checksum for file "'.$v_data['filename']
			              .'" : '.$v_checksum.' calculated, '
						  .$v_header['checksum'].' expected');
            return false;

        // ----- Extract the properties
        $v_header['filename'] = $v_data['filename'];
        if ($this->_maliciousFilename($v_header['filename'])) {
            $this->_error('Malicious .tar detected, file "' . $v_header['filename'] .
                '" will not install in desired directory tree');
            return false;
        $v_header['mode'] = OctDec(trim($v_data['mode']));
        $v_header['uid'] = OctDec(trim($v_data['uid']));
        $v_header['gid'] = OctDec(trim($v_data['gid']));
        $v_header['size'] = OctDec(trim($v_data['size']));
        $v_header['mtime'] = OctDec(trim($v_data['mtime']));
        if (($v_header['typeflag'] = $v_data['typeflag']) == "5") {
          $v_header['size'] = 0;
        $v_header['link'] = trim($v_data['link']);
        /* ----- All these fields are removed form the header because
		they do not carry interesting info
        $v_header[magic] = trim($v_data[magic]);
        $v_header[version] = trim($v_data[version]);
        $v_header[uname] = trim($v_data[uname]);
        $v_header[gname] = trim($v_data[gname]);
        $v_header[devmajor] = trim($v_data[devmajor]);
        $v_header[devminor] = trim($v_data[devminor]);

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _maliciousFilename()
     * Detect and report a malicious file name
     * @param string $file
     * @return bool
     * @access private
    function _maliciousFilename($file)
        if (strpos($file, '/../') !== false) {
            return true;
        if (strpos($file, '../') === 0) {
            return true;
        return false;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _readLongHeader()
    function _readLongHeader(&$v_header)
      $v_filename = '';
      $n = floor($v_header['size']/512);
      for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
        $v_content = $this->_readBlock();
        $v_filename .= $v_content;
      if (($v_header['size'] % 512) != 0) {
        $v_content = $this->_readBlock();
        $v_filename .= trim($v_content);

      // ----- Read the next header
      $v_binary_data = $this->_readBlock();

      if (!$this->_readHeader($v_binary_data, $v_header))
        return false;

      $v_filename = trim($v_filename);
      $v_header['filename'] = $v_filename;
        if ($this->_maliciousFilename($v_filename)) {
            $this->_error('Malicious .tar detected, file "' . $v_filename .
                '" will not install in desired directory tree');
            return false;

      return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _extractInString()
    * This method extract from the archive one file identified by $p_filename.
    * The return value is a string with the file content, or null on error.
    * @param string $p_filename The path of the file to extract in a string.
    * @return a string with the file content or null.
    * @access private
    function _extractInString($p_filename)
        $v_result_str = "";

        While (strlen($v_binary_data = $this->_readBlock()) != 0)
          if (!$this->_readHeader($v_binary_data, $v_header))
            return null;

          if ($v_header['filename'] == '')

          // ----- Look for long filename
          if ($v_header['typeflag'] == 'L') {
            if (!$this->_readLongHeader($v_header))
              return null;

          if ($v_header['filename'] == $p_filename) {
              if ($v_header['typeflag'] == "5") {
                  $this->_error('Unable to extract in string a directory '
				                .'entry {'.$v_header['filename'].'}');
                  return null;
              } else {
                  $n = floor($v_header['size']/512);
                  for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
                      $v_result_str .= $this->_readBlock();
                  if (($v_header['size'] % 512) != 0) {
                      $v_content = $this->_readBlock();
                      $v_result_str .= substr($v_content, 0,
					                          ($v_header['size'] % 512));
                  return $v_result_str;
          } else {

        return null;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _extractList()
    function _extractList($p_path, &$p_list_detail, $p_mode,
                          $p_file_list, $p_remove_path, $p_preserve=false)
    $v_nb = 0;
    $v_extract_all = true;
    $v_listing = false;

    $p_path = $this->_translateWinPath($p_path, false);
    if ($p_path == '' || (substr($p_path, 0, 1) != '/'
	    && substr($p_path, 0, 3) != "../" && !strpos($p_path, ':'))) {
      $p_path = "./".$p_path;
    $p_remove_path = $this->_translateWinPath($p_remove_path);

    // ----- Look for path to remove format (should end by /)
    if (($p_remove_path != '') && (substr($p_remove_path, -1) != '/'))
      $p_remove_path .= '/';
    $p_remove_path_size = strlen($p_remove_path);

    switch ($p_mode) {
      case "complete" :
        $v_extract_all = true;
        $v_listing = false;
      case "partial" :
          $v_extract_all = false;
          $v_listing = false;
      case "list" :
          $v_extract_all = false;
          $v_listing = true;
      default :
        $this->_error('Invalid extract mode ('.$p_mode.')');
        return false;


    while (strlen($v_binary_data = $this->_readBlock()) != 0)
      $v_extract_file = FALSE;
      $v_extraction_stopped = 0;

      if (!$this->_readHeader($v_binary_data, $v_header))
        return false;

      if ($v_header['filename'] == '') {

      // ----- Look for long filename
      if ($v_header['typeflag'] == 'L') {
        if (!$this->_readLongHeader($v_header))
          return false;

      if ((!$v_extract_all) && (is_array($p_file_list))) {
        // ----- By default no unzip if the file is not found
        $v_extract_file = false;

        for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($p_file_list); $i++) {
          // ----- Look if it is a directory
          if (substr($p_file_list[$i], -1) == '/') {
            // ----- Look if the directory is in the filename path
            if ((strlen($v_header['filename']) > strlen($p_file_list[$i]))
			    && (substr($v_header['filename'], 0, strlen($p_file_list[$i]))
				    == $p_file_list[$i])) {
              $v_extract_file = true;

          // ----- It is a file, so compare the file names
          elseif ($p_file_list[$i] == $v_header['filename']) {
            $v_extract_file = true;
      } else {
        $v_extract_file = true;

      // ----- Look if this file need to be extracted
      if (($v_extract_file) && (!$v_listing))
        if (($p_remove_path != '')
            && (substr($v_header['filename'].'/', 0, $p_remove_path_size)
			    == $p_remove_path)) {
          $v_header['filename'] = substr($v_header['filename'],
          if( $v_header['filename'] == '' ){
        if (($p_path != './') && ($p_path != '/')) {
          while (substr($p_path, -1) == '/')
            $p_path = substr($p_path, 0, strlen($p_path)-1);

          if (substr($v_header['filename'], 0, 1) == '/')
              $v_header['filename'] = $p_path.$v_header['filename'];
            $v_header['filename'] = $p_path.'/'.$v_header['filename'];
        if (file_exists($v_header['filename'])) {
          if (   (@is_dir($v_header['filename']))
		      && ($v_header['typeflag'] == '')) {
            $this->_error('File '.$v_header['filename']
			              .' already exists as a directory');
            return false;
          if (   ($this->_isArchive($v_header['filename']))
		      && ($v_header['typeflag'] == "5")) {
            $this->_error('Directory '.$v_header['filename']
			              .' already exists as a file');
            return false;
          if (!is_writeable($v_header['filename'])) {
            $this->_error('File '.$v_header['filename']
			              .' already exists and is write protected');
            return false;
          if (filemtime($v_header['filename']) > $v_header['mtime']) {
            // To be completed : An error or silent no replace ?

        // ----- Check the directory availability and create it if necessary
        elseif (($v_result
		         = $this->_dirCheck(($v_header['typeflag'] == "5"
									:dirname($v_header['filename'])))) != 1) {
            $this->_error('Unable to create path for '.$v_header['filename']);
            return false;

        if ($v_extract_file) {
          if ($v_header['typeflag'] == "5") {
            if (!@file_exists($v_header['filename'])) {
                if (!@mkdir($v_header['filename'], 0777)) {
                    $this->_error('Unable to create directory {'
                    return false;
          } elseif ($v_header['typeflag'] == "2") {
              if (@file_exists($v_header['filename'])) {
              if (!@symlink($v_header['link'], $v_header['filename'])) {
                  $this->_error('Unable to extract symbolic link {'
                  return false;
          } else {
              if (($v_dest_file = @fopen($v_header['filename'], "wb")) == 0) {
                  $this->_error('Error while opening {'.$v_header['filename']
				                .'} in write binary mode');
                  return false;
              } else {
                  $n = floor($v_header['size']/512);
                  for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++) {
                      $v_content = $this->_readBlock();
                      fwrite($v_dest_file, $v_content, 512);
            if (($v_header['size'] % 512) != 0) {
              $v_content = $this->_readBlock();
              fwrite($v_dest_file, $v_content, ($v_header['size'] % 512));

            if ($p_preserve) {
                @chown($v_header['filename'], $v_header['uid']);
                @chgrp($v_header['filename'], $v_header['gid']);

            // ----- Change the file mode, mtime
            @touch($v_header['filename'], $v_header['mtime']);
            if ($v_header['mode'] & 0111) {
                // make file executable, obey umask
                $mode = fileperms($v_header['filename']) | (~umask() & 0111);
                @chmod($v_header['filename'], $mode);

          // ----- Check the file size
          if (!is_file($v_header['filename'])) {
              $this->_error('Extracted file '.$v_header['filename']
                            .'does not exist. Archive may be corrupted.');
              return false;
          $filesize = filesize($v_header['filename']);
          if ($filesize != $v_header['size']) {
              $this->_error('Extracted file '.$v_header['filename']
                            .' does not have the correct file size \''
                            .'\' ('.$v_header['size']
                            .' expected). Archive may be corrupted.');
              return false;
        } else {
      } else {

      /* TBC : Seems to be unused ...
      if ($this->_compress)
        $v_end_of_file = @gzeof($this->_file);
        $v_end_of_file = @feof($this->_file);

      if ($v_listing || $v_extract_file || $v_extraction_stopped) {
        // ----- Log extracted files
        if (($v_file_dir = dirname($v_header['filename']))
		    == $v_header['filename'])
          $v_file_dir = '';
        if ((substr($v_header['filename'], 0, 1) == '/') && ($v_file_dir == ''))
          $v_file_dir = '/';

        $p_list_detail[$v_nb++] = $v_header;
        if (is_array($p_file_list) && (count($p_list_detail) == count($p_file_list))) {
            return true;

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _openAppend()
    function _openAppend()
        if (filesize($this->_tarname) == 0)
          return $this->_openWrite();

        if ($this->_compress) {

            if (!@rename($this->_tarname, $this->_tarname.".tmp")) {
                $this->_error('Error while renaming \''.$this->_tarname
				              .'\' to temporary file \''.$this->_tarname
                return false;

            if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz')
                $v_temp_tar = @gzopen($this->_tarname.".tmp", "rb");
            elseif ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2')
                $v_temp_tar = @bzopen($this->_tarname.".tmp", "r");

            if ($v_temp_tar == 0) {
                $this->_error('Unable to open file \''.$this->_tarname
				              .'.tmp\' in binary read mode');
                @rename($this->_tarname.".tmp", $this->_tarname);
                return false;

            if (!$this->_openWrite()) {
                @rename($this->_tarname.".tmp", $this->_tarname);
                return false;

            if ($this->_compress_type == 'gz') {
                $end_blocks = 0;
                while (!@gzeof($v_temp_tar)) {
                    $v_buffer = @gzread($v_temp_tar, 512);
                    if ($v_buffer == ARCHIVE_TAR_END_BLOCK || strlen($v_buffer) == 0) {
                        // do not copy end blocks, we will re-make them
                        // after appending
                    } elseif ($end_blocks > 0) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $end_blocks; $i++) {
                        $end_blocks = 0;
                    $v_binary_data = pack("a512", $v_buffer);

            elseif ($this->_compress_type == 'bz2') {
                $end_blocks = 0;
                while (strlen($v_buffer = @bzread($v_temp_tar, 512)) > 0) {
                    if ($v_buffer == ARCHIVE_TAR_END_BLOCK || strlen($v_buffer) == 0) {
                        // do not copy end blocks, we will re-make them
                        // after appending
                    } elseif ($end_blocks > 0) {
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $end_blocks; $i++) {
                        $end_blocks = 0;
                    $v_binary_data = pack("a512", $v_buffer);


            if (!@unlink($this->_tarname.".tmp")) {
                $this->_error('Error while deleting temporary file \''

        } else {
            // ----- For not compressed tar, just add files before the last
			//       one or two 512 bytes block
            if (!$this->_openReadWrite())
               return false;

            $v_size = filesize($this->_tarname);

            // We might have zero, one or two end blocks.
            // The standard is two, but we should try to handle
            // other cases.
            fseek($this->_file, $v_size - 1024);
            if (fread($this->_file, 512) == ARCHIVE_TAR_END_BLOCK) {
                fseek($this->_file, $v_size - 1024);
            elseif (fread($this->_file, 512) == ARCHIVE_TAR_END_BLOCK) {
                fseek($this->_file, $v_size - 512);

        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _append()
    function _append($p_filelist, $p_add_dir='', $p_remove_dir='')
        if (!$this->_openAppend())
            return false;

        if ($this->_addList($p_filelist, $p_add_dir, $p_remove_dir))


        return true;
    // }}}

    // {{{ _dirCheck()

     * Check if a directory exists and create it (including parent
     * dirs) if not.
     * @param string $p_dir directory to check
     * @return bool true if the directory exists or was created
    function _dirCheck($p_dir)
        if ((@is_dir($p_dir)) || ($p_dir == ''))
            return true;

        $p_parent_dir = dirname($p_dir);

        if (($p_parent_dir != $p_dir) &&
            ($p_parent_dir != '') &&
             return false;

        if (!@mkdir($p_dir, 0777)) {
            $this->_error("Unable to create directory '$p_dir'");
            return false;

        return true;

    // }}}

    // {{{ _pathReduction()

     * Compress path by changing for example "/dir/foo/../bar" to "/dir/bar",
     * rand emove double slashes.
     * @param string $p_dir path to reduce
     * @return string reduced path
     * @access private
    function _pathReduction($p_dir)
        $v_result = '';

        // ----- Look for not empty path
        if ($p_dir != '') {
            // ----- Explode path by directory names
            $v_list = explode('/', $p_dir);

            // ----- Study directories from last to first
            for ($i=sizeof($v_list)-1; $i>=0; $i--) {
                // ----- Look for current path
                if ($v_list[$i] == ".") {
                    // ----- Ignore this directory
                    // Should be the first $i=0, but no check is done
                else if ($v_list[$i] == "..") {
                    // ----- Ignore it and ignore the $i-1
                else if (   ($v_list[$i] == '')
				         && ($i!=(sizeof($v_list)-1))
						 && ($i!=0)) {
                    // ----- Ignore only the double '//' in path,
                    // but not the first and last /
                } else {
                    $v_result = $v_list[$i].($i!=(sizeof($v_list)-1)?'/'
        if (defined('OS_WINDOWS') && OS_WINDOWS) {
            $v_result = strtr($v_result, '\\', '/');
        return $v_result;

    // }}}

    // {{{ _translateWinPath()
    function _translateWinPath($p_path, $p_remove_disk_letter=true)
      if (defined('OS_WINDOWS') && OS_WINDOWS) {
          // ----- Look for potential disk letter
          if (   ($p_remove_disk_letter)
		      && (($v_position = strpos($p_path, ':')) != false)) {
              $p_path = substr($p_path, $v_position+1);
          // ----- Change potential windows directory separator
          if ((strpos($p_path, '\\') > 0) || (substr($p_path, 0,1) == '\\')) {
              $p_path = strtr($p_path, '\\', '/');
      return $p_path;
    // }}}


Dernière modification par Ouessant (Le 12/01/2015, à 16:48)

Xubntu 16.04 + Albert (Synapse HS?)

Hors ligne

#2 Le 22/09/2014, à 14:54


Re : [Résolu] Pear, php 5.5 sur ubuntu 14.04

Bonjour, je vois que nous travaillons ensemble sur le même problème ! pour ma part j'ai installé yaz à partir des dépôts qui sont désormais disponibles pour 14.04 : voir là
et surtout là : page donnant l'adresse du dépôt de YaZ
une fois les dépôts install un sudo apt-get install yaz a fonctionnée mais yaz n'apparaît pas comme module dans phpinfo alors que j'ai effectué toutes les démarches prévues.

Dernière modification par Nicolas11 (Le 22/09/2014, à 14:54)

Asus Zenbook avec trusty tahr installé sur la partition ssd, le top ! un bombe, les tablettes peuvent toujours attendre…
Vaio VGN-B1XP Lubuntu - Precise ça speede aussi.
Mes logiciels favoris : Libreoffice, imagemagic, italc, pyrenamer, winff, pdfschuffler, easystroke, freeplane et tant d'autres…

Hors ligne

#3 Le 23/09/2014, à 14:48


Re : [Résolu] Pear, php 5.5 sur ubuntu 14.04

Pour ma part j'ai réussi à installer yaz grâce au fichier que je répercute au-dessus.
Cependant il n'apparaissait pas non plus chez moi dans le phpinfo et je suis certain qu'il fonctionne puisque ma connexion z39.50 fonctionne.
Mais votre solution est meilleure que la mienne si elle marche puisqu'elle ne met pas en oeuvre de bidouille. Dîtes-nous donc si ça marche.

Je me permet de copier les adresses des dépôts ci-dessous car on ne sais jamais combien de temps durent les pages internet...

Ubuntu users can add the following two lines in /etc/apt/sources.list
and use Ubuntus own package management tools apt-get, aptitude, etc.
Replace intrepid with your version of Ubuntu. Use 
  grep CODENAME /etc/lsb-release
to determine your Ubuntu release.

deb intrepid main
deb-src intrepid main

These packages are signed with a key you can install as follows:
 sudo apt-key add indexdata.asc

Xubntu 16.04 + Albert (Synapse HS?)

Hors ligne