Pages : 1
#1 Le 17/07/2015, à 16:26
- teddy.kaza
Iredmail envoie ok mais aucune réception
Bonjour à tous,
j'ai installé un serveur mail sur une WM, qui elle même est hébergé chez OVH.
j'ai une ip fixe pour mon serveur mail
et une ip fixe pour mon serveur didié qui héberge la VM du serveur mail 37.XXX.XXX.XXX.
j'arrive bien à ping le serveur (le domaine n'est pas celui-ci)
J'ai installé Iredmail sans problème.
J'arrive à envoyer des mails vers l'extérieur mais je n'arrive pas à réceptionner les mails depuis l'extérieur. J'arrive à réceptionner les mails en local ( exemple : vers
j'ai n'est aucune erreur dans dovecot.log
[root@localhost postfix]# tail -50 /var/log/dovecot.log
Jul 17 17:12:02 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:12:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17721, secured, session=<uezinhMbEgB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:12:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:13:02 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17723, secured, session=<6nHInxMbFAB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:13:02 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:13:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17725, secured, session=<nHt2ohMbFgB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:13:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:14:02 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17727, secured, session=<aa1boxMbGAB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:14:02 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:14:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17735, secured, session=<9vkJphMbIwB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:14:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:15:03 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17737, secured, session=<+E/+phMbJQB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:15:03 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:15:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17739, secured, session=<h4KdqRMbJwB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:15:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:16:03 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17741, secured, session=<G42UqhMbKQB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:16:03 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:16:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17744, secured, session=<LhU0rRMbKwB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:16:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:17:03 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17746, secured, session=<eDolrhMbLQB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:17:03 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:17:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17750, secured, session=<bnDFsBMbLwB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:17:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:17:48 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 2 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS: Disconnected, session=<ljGxsBMbSQBQ15kr>
Jul 17 17:18:01 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 6 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS: Disconnected, session=<uohBsRMbUABQ15kr>
Jul 17 17:18:04 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17753, secured, session=<VzDBsRMbMQB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:18:04 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:18:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17755, secured, session=<sOxbtBMbOAB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:18:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:19:03 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17757, secured, session=<QVBQtRMbOgB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:19:03 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:19:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17762, secured, session=<6HTwtxMbQAB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:19:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:20:04 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17771, secured, session=<ZCX0uBMbQgB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:20:04 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:20:05 imap-login: Info: Disconnected (auth failed, 3 attempts in 14 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS, session=<ljMjuBMb3AAfIpin>
Jul 17 17:20:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17773, secured, session=<ZlZ/uxMbRAB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:20:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:21:04 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17775, secured, session=<huGCvBMbRgB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:21:04 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:21:16 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 2 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS: Disconnected, session=<TzEevRMbFQBQDCtd>
Jul 17 17:21:28 imap-login: Info: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 6 secs): user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, TLS, session=<KEmVvRMbGwBQDCtd>
Jul 17 17:21:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17779, secured, session=<FwsTvxMbSAB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:21:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:22:04 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17781, secured, session=<OF0WwBMbSgB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:22:04 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=382 out=2138
Jul 17 17:22:47 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17783, secured, session=<Z5WmwhMbUQB/AAAB>
Jul 17 17:22:47 imap( Info: Disconnected: Logged out in=339 out=1703
Jul 17 17:23:04 imap-login: Info: Login: user=<>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=17788, secured, session=<+tOqwxMbVwB/A
le fichier
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.10.1/README_FILES
inet_protocols = ipv4
virtual_alias_domains =
myhostname =
myorigin =
mydomain =
allow_percent_hack = no
swap_bangpath = no
biff = no
mynetworks =
mynetworks_style = host
smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining
smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient = yes
smtpd_reject_unlisted_sender = yes
smtpd_tls_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3
smtp_tls_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3
lmtp_tls_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3
smtpd_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3
smtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3
lmtp_tls_mandatory_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3
smtpd_tls_mandatory_exclude_ciphers = aNULL, eNULL, EXPORT, DES, RC4, MD5, PSK, aECDH, EDH-DSS-DES-CBC3-SHA, EDH-RSA-DES-CDC3-SHA, KRB5-DE5, CBC3-SHA
smtpd_tls_dh1024_param_file = /etc/pki/tls/dhparams.pem
smtp_tls_security_level = may
smtp_tls_CAfile = $smtpd_tls_CAfile
smtp_tls_loglevel = 0
smtp_tls_note_starttls_offer = yes
smtpd_sender_restrictions = reject_unknown_sender_domain, reject_non_fqdn_sender, reject_unlisted_sender, permit_mynetworks, reject_sender_login_mismatch, permit_sasl_authenticated
delay_warning_time = 0h
maximal_queue_lifetime = 4h
bounce_queue_lifetime = 4h
recipient_delimiter = +
proxy_read_maps = $canonical_maps $lmtp_generic_maps $local_recipient_maps $mydestination $mynetworks $recipient_bcc_maps $recipient_canonical_maps $relay_domains $relay_recipient_maps $relocated_maps $sender_bcc_maps $sender_canonical_m
aps $smtp_generic_maps $smtpd_sender_login_maps $transport_maps $virtual_alias_domains $virtual_alias_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $smtpd_sender_restrictions
smtp_data_init_timeout = 240s
smtp_data_xfer_timeout = 600s
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, reject_non_fqdn_helo_hostname, reject_invalid_helo_hostname, check_helo_access pcre:/etc/postfix/helo_access.pcre
queue_run_delay = 300s
minimal_backoff_time = 300s
maximal_backoff_time = 4000s
enable_original_recipient = no
disable_vrfy_command = yes
home_mailbox = Maildir/
allow_min_user = no
message_size_limit = 15728640
virtual_minimum_uid = 2000
virtual_uid_maps = static:2000
virtual_gid_maps = static:2000
virtual_mailbox_base = /var/vmail
transport_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
virtual_mailbox_domains = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
virtual_mailbox_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
virtual_alias_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
sender_bcc_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
recipient_bcc_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
relay_domains = $mydestination, proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
smtpd_sender_login_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/mysql/
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_local_domain =
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_tls_auth_only = yes
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = reject_unknown_recipient_domain, reject_non_fqdn_recipient, reject_unlisted_recipient, check_policy_service inet:, check_policy_service inet:, permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_aut
henticated, reject_unauth_destination
smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions = check_policy_service inet:, check_policy_service inet:,
smtpd_tls_security_level = may
smtpd_tls_loglevel = 0
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/pki/tls/private/iRedMail.key
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/pki/tls/certs/iRedMail.crt
smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/pki/tls/certs/iRedMail.crt
tls_random_source = dev:/dev/urandom
mailbox_command = /usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver
virtual_transport = dovecot
dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/dovecot-auth
content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024
smtp-amavis_destination_recipient_limit = 1
j'ai l'erreur suivante :
Erreur [0] connexion à "": php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known.
merci pour votre aide
Modération : merci à l'avenir d'utiliser les balises code (explications ici).
Dernière modification par teddy.kaza (Le 17/07/2015, à 16:58)
Hors ligne
#2 Le 17/07/2015, à 17:13
- teddy.kaza
Re : Iredmail envoie ok mais aucune réception
root@kazaxxx:~# telnet 110
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK Dovecot ready.
root@kazaxx:~# telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 ESMTP Postfix
Dernière modification par teddy.kaza (Le 17/07/2015, à 19:56)
Hors ligne
Pages : 1