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#1 Le 23/02/2006, à 22:10


Compiz plugins

Salut à tous, j'ai trouvé ca sur le site de Open Suze

From openSUSE

    * 1 Using compiz and its plugins
          o 1.1 Available plugins
          o 1.2 Default plugin keyboard shortcuts

Using compiz and its plugins

compiz is a combined window manager / composite manager that uses OpenGL for rendering. Currently, it is only working correctly if run on Xgl. Please see that wiki page for general installation instructions.

This page contains a description for the available plugins and their keyboard/mouse shortcuts.

Available plugins

Cube: One of the most anticipated plugin of compiz. It doesn't actually have keyboard shortcuts other than previous and next slide for the top face of the cube. The rotate plugin is the one interacting with the cube. Keyboard shortcuts.

Decoration: This plugin is used to provide support for Window decorations. No keyboard shortcut.

Fade:Probably the most subtle plugin available. For specified window types, it will fade them in and out on the screen. No keyboard shortcut.

Gconf:This plugin stores configuration information for compiz and the various plugins inside gconf. You will find the keys under '/apps/compiz/'. Some interesting keys:

    * '/apps/compiz/general/allscreens/options/active_plugins' = list key defining which plugins are enabled
    * '/apps/compiz/plugins/cube/screen0/options/color' = top and bottom faces bg color (#cccccc format)
    * '/apps/compiz/plugins/cube/screen0/options/svgs' = list key defining paths to svgs files to be rendered on the top face of the cube
    * '/apps/compiz/plugins/fade/screen0/options/window_types' = list key defining the window types using fade
    * '/apps/compiz/plugins/fade/screen0/options/fade_speed' = speed at which the fade is executed. The lower the value the slower the fade will be (0 to 5,00)

There are many more, happy digging.

Minimize: Great plugin rendering windows from and to the Window list when minimizing and maximizing them. No keyboard shortcut.

Move: Allows for windows to be moved across the viewable area(s) and cube faces when enabled. Keyboard shortcuts.

Place: This plugin places windows at the appropriate positions when mapped. No keyboard shortcut.

Resize:Just like place and move, this plugin provides basically functionalities expected from a windows manager. It allows one to resize a Window. Keyboard shortcuts.

Rotate: This plugin makes the cube come to life. It allows you to switch between cube faces. It also has the ability to snap to the top face of the cube. Keyboard shortcuts.

Scale: This plugin re-arranges all displayed windows on the viewable area (like Expose). Keyboard shortcuts.

Switcher: This plugin is a replacement for the old "Alt-Tab" user experience. Check out the way all windows but the current one become translucent. The windows are displayed in a film-strip style selector. Keyboard shortcuts.

Wobbly: This plugin leverages a 'spring model' to modify the window aspect when grabbed, moved or resized. Only move is enabled by default. We recommend to people sensitive to motion sickness to move their windows with care. Keyboard shortcuts.

Zoom: A great use of the technology for accessibility purposes. Visually impaired users we hope will appreciate the smoothness of the screen magnification provided by this plugin. Pixel counters are likely to enjoy this plugin as well. Tired of watching earnings webcasts embedded in web pages at a terribly low resolution, this plugin is for you as well.

Default plugin keyboard shortcuts

    * Switch windows = Alt + Tab
    * Arrange and View All Windows = F12 turns on or off; clicking a window will zoom it to the front
    * Switch desktops on cube = Ctrl + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
    * Switch desktops on cube - with active window following = Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right Arrow
    * Rotate cube manually = Ctrl + Alt + left-click
    * Make window translucent/opaque = currently only possible with the "transset" utility
    * Zoom-in once = Super-key right-click
    * Zoom-in manually = Super-key + wheel mouse up
    * Zoom-out manually = Super-key + wheel mouse down
    * Move window = Alt + left-click
    * Snap Move window (will stick to borders) = Ctrl + Alt + left-click
    * Resize window = Alt + right-click

Voila je pense que ca pourra aider ceux qui comme moi commencent à aprivoiser compiz

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#2 Le 24/02/2006, à 00:41

dr gonzo

Re : Compiz plugins

C'est quoi la super-key ?

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#3 Le 24/02/2006, à 00:49


Re : Compiz plugins

C'est la touche windows il me semble non?

#4 Le 24/02/2006, à 01:03


Re : Compiz plugins

* Make window translucent/opaque = currently only possible with the "transset" utility

Bah non, il suffit d'aller chercher le module opacity wink … ht=opacity[en]

«La violence n'a jamais rien réglé» Gengis Khan 1162-1227
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#5 Le 24/02/2006, à 01:22


Re : Compiz plugins

la touche F12 c'est ce que je prefere, du vrai bonheur...
CE que j'ai remarqué c'est qu'il range les miniatures sur le bureau en fonction de l'ordre au quel on rend active les fenetre de la plus recente a la plus vielle dans le sens de la lecture. Bien foutu et bien pratique
Sinon au niveau de la rotation de la fenetre active sur les bureaux , je me demande si il y a pas un décalage de la fentre au fur et a mesure des tours. Avec XMMS si je fais tourner la liste de lecture (genre 50 tours de bureaux big_smile) elle se decale de l'alignement du lecteur comme s'il y avait une erreur d'arrondi dans les calculs.... mais la je chipote lol

bete poilue: pour la liberté soyons perfectionniste!

nous m'épatons!
clavier qwerty, tapez pas!
Francais qui rouille, tapez pas non plus!

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#6 Le 24/02/2006, à 18:15


Re : Compiz plugins


Merci Enormement, je savais pas que c'etait avec des touches de raccourcis que l'on activait les bureau virtuel, c ke du bonheur !!!!

bon aller j'install ces fichus drivers, car au niveau du cube ça rend pas gégé...

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#7 Le 12/03/2006, à 22:27


Re : Compiz plugins

je me permets de remonter le topic juste pour vous demander si quelqu'un a trouvé un moyen de garder une fenetre au premier plan (quand on fait un clic droit sur une fenetre le "on top" est grisé)

#8 Le 12/03/2006, à 22:42


Re : Compiz plugins

Non, sur le forum anglais non plus:/

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