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#1 Le 04/11/2017, à 10:38
- davestephans
Quelqu'un est rentré dans mon PC
The impetus is the decision to incorporate ping pong as a game in the 1988 Olympics. The American effort to compete against the two national teams that dominate the game, China and Sweden, will be aided by a $1.2 million award from the United States Olympic Committee, one of 37 full shares of their profits out of the Summer Games last year at Los Angeles.
Since the United States Open Ping pong Championships got under way in this hotel's cavernous convention hall this week, with over 600 players in 30 countries rocketing shots at each other across heaps of green tables, ping pong paddle reviews, promoters were savoring the opportunity to boost the sport from summer-camp obscurity into the hot-ticket mass following it appreciates in other nations.
China's 'Most Popular Sport' .
One of the primary things the United States of America Ping pong Organization did with all the Olympic money was to employ a Chinese few to coach the American men's and women's teams.
Ai Liguo moved into the United States last year from Peking with his spouse, Li Henan. Ai, 43 years old, was a participant on the Chinese team that won the world championship in 1961. Miss Li has been the trainer of the world championship Chinese women's team.
"We had good jobs and high social position in China," Ai said during a rest from his evaluation of their strokes of the countless American players engaging in the Open. Ai was chief editor of Sports News, which he described as the leading sports book in China.
"My wife was quite famous since ping pong is the most popular game in China," he said.
Secondly Behind Ping Pong -
The top-rated American participant is Eric Boggan, a 21-year old New Yorker who's ranked 33d one of the very best male players in the entire world.
"Our difficulty in the usa," said Tim Boggan, Eric's father and also a vice president of the International Ping pong Federation, "is that there are something like 19 million Americans who play tabletennis, but just a couple thousand take it seriously. In China there are two million officially registered players - players who compete seriously in the game - and the unofficial figure is probably more like 12 million" The game is the only livelihood of approximately 40,000 Chinese players, he said.
By comparison, he pointed out, just a few American gamers are able to squeeze a living from it. Eric Boggan plays for a club team in West Germany, '' said his dad, a professor of English at Long Island University whose other son, Scott, 23, is ranked the third-best American player.
Ping-Pong is regarded as the 2nd most popular participatory sport in the world behind soccer, but it has never brought much of a following in the USA, even though most Americans have played the game.
Until the 1950's, when Europeans dominated the game, table-tennis competition was viewed as conflict between players with particular offensive or defensive skills. Long battles over points tended to pitch two gamers ranging far from the dining table, one killing the ball while the other returned the smashes with unerring, looping shots. Or else the competitions engaged in an exchange of chopping, turning shots and single things may involve dozens of strokes.
"Now techniques have shifted and the game is faster," stated Tim Boggan. " The Japanese introduced a racket in the 1950's with a sponge coating that rocketed the ball. In the 1960's the Chinese used a sponge paddle using a layer of rubber that gave their shots both speed and spin.
"With the new rackets the afternoon of long rallies came to an end and now the match is attack, attack, attack," said Boggan, smiling. " The quality of the rubber paddles allows for so much velocity and hop on the ball the defensive player doesn't have a opportunity."
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The International Federation is studying ways to slow down the game, he said. One proposal is to raise the net by a half-inch; the next would be to force single players to serve cross-court as doubles players are made to do.
Dernière modification par davestephans (Le 02/01/2018, à 17:30)
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#2 Le 04/11/2017, à 10:51
- Nuliel
Re : Quelqu'un est rentré dans mon PC
Quelqu'un est rentré dans mon PC: je dirais que oui
j'ai Ubuntu 12.04 LTS qui tournait
Cette version est périmée depuis avril 2016! Passe à ubuntu 16.04, comme ça tu seras tranquille jusqu'en avril 2021.
La plupart des commandes sont inutiles car servent à windows (lancer iexplorer.exe sur linux ça risque d'être difficile)
Fais une copie du retour de
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Y a t'il un accès depuis internet vers le serveur? (règle nat ou autre)
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C'est lequel le serveur (qui accède à qui)? Windows ou ubuntu?
Dernière modification par Nuliel (Le 04/11/2017, à 10:55)
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#3 Le 04/11/2017, à 10:52
- Brunod
Re : Quelqu'un est rentré dans mon PC … #p12724911
Regarde la commande 60. C'est la même et les explications suivent.
Mais tu étais déjà passé par ici :
Au fait combien de comptes as-tu sur ce forum ?
Dernière modification par Brunod (Le 04/11/2017, à 10:57)
Windows est un système d'exploitation de l'homme par l'ordinateur. Linux, c'est le contraire...
39 pc linux convertis
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#4 Le 04/11/2017, à 11:18
- pingouinux
Re : Quelqu'un est rentré dans mon PC
Il semble que davestephans n'ait fait que recopier mot pour mot la seconde discussion citée par Brunod #3, et qui date de 3 ans. Un diff ne montre aucune différence.
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