Pages : 1
#1 Le 12/01/2024, à 11:33
- Ubuntu1
PCMANFM message erreur
J'ai pas mal d'erreur quand je lance une recherche...dont le résultat m'est fourni par Nautilus et pas PCMANFM !!
(pcmanfm:13345): Gdk-WARNING **: 11:26:36.389: gdk_window_set_icon_list: icons too large
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13415): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:26:47.394: Failed to load plugin '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/': /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/ échec d'adressage (mapping) du segment de l'objet partagé
(process:13415): GLib-ERROR (recursed) **: ../../../glib/gprintf.c:343: failed to allocate memory
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13442): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:26:48.710: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13461): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:26:59.274: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13499): GLib-ERROR **: 11:27:09.798: ../../../glib/gmem.c:134: failed to allocate 59412 bytes
Error loading document: PDF document is damaged
Error loading document: PDF document is damaged
***MEMORY-ERROR***: totem-video-thumbnailer[13544]: GSlice: failed to allocate 4080 bytes (alignment: 4096): Ne peut allouer de la mémoire
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13585): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:27:12.695: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13610): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:27:23.571: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(pcmanfm:13345): GLib-GIO-CRITICAL **: 11:27:25.804: g_file_query_filesystem_info: assertion 'G_IS_FILE (file)' failed
(pcmanfm:13345): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: 11:27:25.804: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13670): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:27:55.310: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13687): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:28:05.574: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13744): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:28:37.313: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: pthread_create failed for thread 6 of 8: Ressource temporairement non disponible
OpenBLAS blas_thread_init: RLIMIT_NPROC 62859 current, 62859 max
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13812): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:28:48.049: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13862): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:28:58.248: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13877): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:29:08.866: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13929): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:29:19.612: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13946): GStreamer-WARNING **: 11:29:30.195: failed to create thread: Error creating thread: Ressource temporairement non disponible
can't mmap pool of 16384 bytes: Ne peut allouer de la mémoire - using malloc
(totem-video-thumbnailer:13963): GLib-ERROR **: 11:29:41.453: ../../../glib/gmem.c:205: failed to allocate 8192 bytes
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#2 Le 26/01/2024, à 18:08
- Vobul
Re : PCMANFM message erreur
T'as plus de RAM dispo, non ?
Utilisez le retour utilisable de commandes !!!
J'aime la langue française, mais je parle franglais, deal with it.
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