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#1 Le 26/05/2006, à 12:42


bug wine avec steam

Bonjour, je viens d'installer dapper en suivant ce tuto :

ensuite je me telecharger steam et je le lance grace a wine, et j'ai tout qui marche jusqu'au chargement, sa arrive a 26 % et sa bloque:
et j'ai ce message:

err:ntdll:RtlpWaitForCriticalSection section 0x5277e8 "?" wait timed out in thread 0014, blocked by 0017, retrying (60 sec)

est ce que quelqu'un comprend ce message svp?

#2 Le 26/05/2006, à 20:35


Re : bug wine avec steam

Installing and Running Steam 3

Option 1: Without Winetools or Internet Explorer

1. Install Wine 0.9.13 (confirmed)

2. Install Mozilla Active X Control from

(The transgaming ActiveX Control is used because it includes one enhanced dll necessary to Steam operation)

a. Untar to any directory
b. In that directory, run #regsvr32 mozctlx.dll

3. Install tahoma.ttf from either a windows installation, or download from the net. Installation will vary with flavor of linux.
(le paquet ubuntu s'appelle msttcorefonts)

4. Install Steam with steaminstall.exe from the Steampowered website. When it asks for your username and password, close the application.

(Alternatively you can right-click the username input box and it will give you keyboard focus. In this case you can skip steps 5-7)

5. Run winecfg as user, select the Graphics tab, then check "Emulate a virtual desktop". Select at least a 1024x768 desktop size and click Apply. Close the app.

6. Start Steam.exe from .wine/drive_c/Program Files/Steam/. After entering your username and password, make SURE that "Remember my username and password" is checked.

You cannot enter your username or password when Wine is not running with an emulated desktop, so it must remember them now, before we switch that setting back.

Click OK, close the HTML window that pops up by clicking the X at the top. The Close button at the bottom does not work. Close the app.

7. Return to winecfg and uncheck "Emulate a virtual desktop". Apply and exit the app.

Your steam install is now complete.

sur cette page

"Les jeux vidéos n'affectent pas les enfants : je veux dire si Pac-Man nous avait influencé étant enfant, nous devrions tous courrir en rond dans des pièces sombres, en gobant des pillules magiques tout en écoutant de la musique répétitive."

Hors ligne

#3 Le 27/05/2006, à 11:00


Re : bug wine avec steam

Sa veut tirne savoir toujours à 26% sa ce ferme

#4 Le 27/05/2006, à 11:35


Re : bug wine avec steam

toujours le meme bug, svp queqlu'un peut m'aider?

~/Desktop$ err:seh:setup_exception stack overflow 64 bytes in thread 0019 eip 00447721 esp 7df9bfc0 stack 0x7df9c000-0x7e0ac000
err:seh:setup_exception stack overflow 8 bytes in thread 0016 eip 00446fe7 esp 7fa80ff8 stack 0x7fa81000-0x7fb90000