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#1 Le 24/10/2011, à 08:28
- kamui57 va fermer (où sont hébergés pas mal de projets comme slim, fbsplash) va fermer. par manque de temps/moyens pour gérer le dépôt car c'est un institut de recherche d'abord. Les dons ne sont pas suffisants et la recherche de sponsors a échoué. En conséquence les développeurs devraient exporter leurs projets ailleurs.
BerliOS Pie
The BerliOS project
The goal of BerliOS is to provide support for different interest groups in the area of Open Source Software (OSS). Our aim is to fulfil a neutral mediator function. The target groups of BerliOS are on one hand the developers and users of Open Source Software and on the other hand manufacturers of OSS operating systems and applications as well as support companies.
BerliOS will be closed on 31.12.2011
Dear BerliOS developers and users,
BerliOS was founded 10 years ago as one of the first repositories in Europe. It was developed and maintained by Fraunhofer FOKUS. As an European, non-proprietary project BerliOS pursued the goal to support the various Open Source players and provide a neutral mediator function. In 2011 over 4800 projects have been hosted on BerliOS, with 50,000 registered users and over 2.6 million file downloads each month. We are proud that with BerliOS we have brought the idea of an OSS repository to Europe. Meanwhile, the concept has prevailed and there are many good alternatives.
Unfortunately, as a research institute Fraunhofer FOKUS has only few opportunities to operate a repository like BerliOS. Such a project will only work with a follow-up financing, or with sponsors or partners taking over the repository. In the field of OSS this is a difficult undertaking. In a recent survey the community indicated some support in funds and manpower which we would like to thank you for. Unfortunately, the result is not enough to put the project on a sustainable financial basis. In addition the search for sponsors or partners was not successful.
Open Source is understood by Fraunhofer FOKUS as a paradigm for future-oriented intelligent use of IT. It hurts us all the more that we are forced to discontinue the hosting for BerliOS by 31.12.2011.
- As a developer, you should export your BerliOS project into another repository. For alternatives see … facilities.
- On our site you will find a guide on how to get your project data out of the portal and migrate it in a different platform, see … group_id=2.
Fraunhofer FOKUS has a strong commitment to Open Source and interoperability, and is involved in numerous successful OSS projects. The institute focuses on the development of quality standards for Open Source software and in particular on the technical, semantic and organizational interoperability between OSS components and between open source and closed source software. Example of our OSS activities including our management of the German Competence Center QualiPSo.
We thank all who have used BerliOS over the years.
Fraunhofer FOKUS
Quand le dernier arbre aura été abattu, et le dernier animal exterminé, les hommes se rendront compte que l'argent ne se mange pas (proverbe indien)
Toshiba Satellite L655 4 Go RAM, Archlinux Gnome-shell,LXDE / W7
Toshiba Satellite M30 512 Mo RAM, Archlinux Gnome 3 restreint / Crunchbang LXDE pour poster du texte sur internet en console
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