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#1 Le 05/01/2005, à 00:10


[Info] Installer mtp-target :D

Mtp Target est un clone du jeu Monkey Target (un des six mini jeu de Super Monkey Ball).
Apres avoir dévalé une gigantesque pente, votre but est de toucher une cible.
Ce jeu a été entierement concu sous licence GNU GPL.

Comment y jouer sur ubuntu?
C'est facile:

1) Installez liblualib50

sudo apt-get install liblualib50

ou par synaptic

2) Téléchargez mtp-target:
ainsi par exemple:


3) Après avoir décompressé l'archive rendez-vous dans le dossier et lancez le client

cd mtp-target/client/

voilllààà big_smile
vous pouvez lancer vos penguiinnnsss dans la joie et la bonne humeur
les fleches multidir pr guider et ctrl pr ouvrir/fermer les ailes

Plus d'info ici:

/! Deconseillé avant les examens /!

Ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait, vaut la peine d'être bien fait. (Loïs McMaster Bujold)

Hors ligne

#2 Le 05/01/2005, à 12:07


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

Merci, ça a l'air sympa cool

Jabber: cougar (arobase)

Hors ligne

#3 Le 12/01/2005, à 19:37


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

je me faisait une vrai joie de retrouvé ce petit jeu sous nunux mais quand je le lance j'ai une erreur et je sais pas quoi faire???
INF 5939 task_manager.cpp 201  : Init during exec CMtpTarget
INF 5939 mtp_target.cpp 106  : setting up default tasks
INF 5939 task_manager.cpp 201  : Init during exec CConfigFileTask
DBG 5939 config_file.cpp 345  : CF: Adding config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/ client/mtp_target.cfg' in the config file
INF 5939 config_file.cpp 386  : CF: RootConfigFilename variable found in the '/h ome/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' config file, parse the root config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target_default.cfg'
DBG 5939 config_file.cpp 345  : CF: Adding config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/ client/mtp_target_default.cfg' in the config file
INF 5939 config_file.cpp 701  : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'DefaultM axExpectedBlockSize' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'  is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 5939 variable.cpp 69  : VAR: No variable 'DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize' in co nfig file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 5939 config_file.cpp 701  : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'DefaultM axSentBlockSize' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 5939 variable.cpp 69  : VAR: No variable 'DefaultMaxSentBlockSize' in config  file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 5939 config_file.cpp 690  : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'EnableEd itor' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified ex ternaly
INF 5939 variable.cpp 64  : VAR: Setting variable 'EnableEditor' with value '0' from config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 5939 config_file.cpp 701  : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'FlushSen dsBeforeSleep' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is mo dified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 5939 variable.cpp 69  : VAR: No variable 'FlushSendsBeforeSleep' in config f ile '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 5939 config_file.cpp 701  : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'UpdateAs sertionThreadTimeout' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg ' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 5939 variable.cpp 69  : VAR: No variable 'UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout' in c onfig file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 5939 config_file.cpp 701  : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'UseYield Method' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 5939 variable.cpp 69  : VAR: No variable 'UseYieldMethod' in config file '/h ome/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 5939 task_manager.cpp 201  : Init during exec CTimeTask
INF 5939 task_manager.cpp 201  : Init during exec CEntityManager
INF 5939 task_manager.cpp 201  : Init during exec CNetworkTask
INF 5939 task_manager.cpp 201  : Init during exec CResourceManager
INF 5939 path.cpp 896  : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(cache, 1, 0): adding the pat h 'cache/'
INF 5939 path.cpp 896  : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data, 1, 0): adding the path  'data/'
INF 5939 task_manager.cpp 201  : Init during exec C3DTask
DBG 5939 driver_opengl.cpp 884  : XOpenDisplay on ':0.0' OK
DBG 5939 driver_opengl.cpp 921  : glXChooseVisual OK
DBG 5939 driver_opengl.cpp 932  : glXCreateContext() OK
DBG 5939 driver_opengl.cpp 967  : XCreateWindow() OK
DBG 5939 driver_opengl.cpp 1049  : Available mode - 800x600

ERR 5939 driver_opengl.cpp 1074  : Couldn't find an appropriate mode 800x600

No callstack available

Log with no filter:

Log Starting [2005/01/12 19:36:00]
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CMtpTarget
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 mtp_target.cpp 106 : setting up default tasks
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CConfigFileTask
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> DBG  5939 config_file.cpp 345 : CF: Adding config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' in the config file
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 config_file.cpp 386 : CF: RootConfigFile name variable found in the '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' confi g file, parse the root config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target_de fault.cfg'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> DBG  5939 config_file.cpp 345 : CF: Adding config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target_default.cfg' in the config file
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 config_file.cpp 701 : CF: Setting callba ck when the variable 'DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp -target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> WRN  5939 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'Defa ultMaxExpectedBlockSize' in config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_targ et.cfg'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 config_file.cpp 701 : CF: Setting callba ck when the variable 'DefaultMaxSentBlockSize' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-tar get/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> WRN  5939 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'Defa ultMaxSentBlockSize' in config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.c fg'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 config_file.cpp 690 : CF: Setting callba ck when the variable 'EnableEditor' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/ mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 variable.cpp 64 : VAR: Setting variable 'EnableEditor' with value '0' from config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/m tp_target.cfg'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 config_file.cpp 701 : CF: Setting callba ck when the variable 'FlushSendsBeforeSleep' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-targe t/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> WRN  5939 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'Flus hSendsBeforeSleep' in config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg '
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 config_file.cpp 701 : CF: Setting callba ck when the variable 'UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout' on the file '/home/adrien/mt p-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> WRN  5939 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'Upda teAssertionThreadTimeout' in config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_tar get.cfg'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 config_file.cpp 701 : CF: Setting callba ck when the variable 'UseYieldMethod' on the file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/clien t/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> WRN  5939 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'UseY ieldMethod' in config file '/home/adrien/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CTimeTask
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CEntityManager
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CNetworkTask
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CResourceManager
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 path.cpp 896 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPat h(cache, 1, 0): adding the path 'cache/'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 path.cpp 896 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPat h(data, 1, 0): adding the path 'data/'
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> INF  5939 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec C3DTask
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> DBG  5939 driver_opengl.cpp 884 : XOpenDisplay on ':0.0' OK
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> DBG  5939 driver_opengl.cpp 921 : glXChooseVisual OK
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> DBG  5939 driver_opengl.cpp 932 : glXCreateContext () OK
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> DBG  5939 driver_opengl.cpp 967 : XCreateWindow() OK
2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> DBG  5939 driver_opengl.cpp 1049 : Available mode - 800x600

2005/01/12 19:36:00 <Unknown> ERR  5939 driver_opengl.cpp 1074 : Couldn't find a n appropriate mode 800x600

Hors ligne

#4 Le 13/01/2005, à 20:40


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

Le prob est là:
ERR 5939 driver_opengl.cpp 1074  : Couldn't find an appropriate mode 800x600
Je ne connais pas cette erreur mais sur: mtp_target_default.cfg
tu peux changer les résolutions, essaie

Ce qui vaut la peine d'être fait, vaut la peine d'être bien fait. (Loïs McMaster Bujold)

Hors ligne

#5 Le 19/11/2006, à 21:35


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

Salut chez moi il me fait :

./client: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

y a quelqu'un qui a une idée?

"Le monde est dangereux non pas à cause de ceux qui font le mal, mais à cause de ceux qui regardent et laissent faire"
(Albert Einstein)

Hors ligne

#6 Le 08/03/2007, à 10:35


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

J'ai exactement le même erreur sad
J'adorais se jeu sous windows et je vaux continuer à y jouer sous linux.

SVP A l'aide

Hors ligne

#7 Le 08/03/2007, à 13:15


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

+1 avec totoroavi big_smile

Daniel parce qu’il le Prévost bien !

Hors ligne

#8 Le 08/03/2007, à 22:28


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

A se que je comprend (arrétez moi si je me trompe) il me manque la librairie libcurl2 mais je ne trouve aucune source de cette librairie. Quelqu'un en connait une ?

Hors ligne

#9 Le 11/03/2007, à 01:17


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

Up !

Vu qu'il y a libcurl3 on ne trouve presque plus libcurl2 mais est-ce que elle existe encore et si oui ou puis-je là trouver ? J'ai entendu dire quel y étais dans adobe reader 7 est ce vrai ?

Edit : J'ai trouver toutes les librairies qu'il me manquait dans le paquet tar.gz d'Abobe reader 7 et je les ai mis dans le dossier lib du dossier mtp-target.

Après j'ai fait


et voila mon nouveau message d'erreur :

*******@*******:~/Desktop/mtp-target/client$ ./

INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec CMtpTarget
INF 3068348096 mtp_target.cpp 106 init <Unknown> : setting up default tasks
INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec CConfigFileTask
DBG 3068348096 config_file.cpp 388 reparse <Unknown> : CF: Adding config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' in the config file
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 429 reparse <Unknown> : CF: RootConfigFilename variable found in the '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' config file, parse the root config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target_default.cfg'
DBG 3068348096 config_file.cpp 388 reparse <Unknown> : CF: Adding config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target_default.cfg' in the config file
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 init <Unknown> : VAR: No variable 'DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'DefaultMaxSentBlockSize' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 init <Unknown> : VAR: No variable 'DefaultMaxSentBlockSize' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 736 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'EnableEditor' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly
INF 3068348096 variable.cpp 64 init <Unknown> : VAR: Setting variable 'EnableEditor' with value '0' from config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'FlushSendingQueuesOnExit' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 init <Unknown> : VAR: No variable 'FlushSendingQueuesOnExit' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'FlushSendsBeforeSleep' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 init <Unknown> : VAR: No variable 'FlushSendsBeforeSleep' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 init <Unknown> : VAR: No variable 'L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 init <Unknown> : VAR: No variable 'UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 setCallback <Unknown> : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'UseYieldMethod' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 init <Unknown> : VAR: No variable 'UseYieldMethod' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec CTimeTask
INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec CEntityManager
DBG 3068348096 time_nl.cpp 110 getLocalTime <Unknown> : Monotonic local time supported (resolution 4.000250 ms)
INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec CNetworkTask
INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec CResourceManager
INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 addSearchPath <Unknown> : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(cache, 1, 0): adding the path 'cache/'
INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 addSearchPath <Unknown> : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data, 1, 0): adding the path 'data/'
INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec CResourceManagerLan
WRN 3068348096 path.cpp 293 remapExtension <Unknown> : PATH: CPath::remapExtension(dds, tga, 1): remapping already set
INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 addSearchPath <Unknown> : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(cache, 1, 0): adding the path 'cache/'
INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 addSearchPath <Unknown> : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data, 1, 0): adding the path 'data/'
INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 add <Unknown> : Init during exec C3DTask
DBG 3068348096 driver_opengl.cpp 915 setDisplay <Unknown> : XOpenDisplay on ':0.0' OK
Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".
ERR 3068348096 driver_opengl.cpp 948 setDisplay <Unknown> : glXChooseVisual() failed
No callstack available

Log with no filter:

Log Starting [2007/03/11 01:23:23]
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CMtpTarget
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 mtp_target.cpp 106 : setting up default tasks
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CConfigFileTask
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> DBG 3068348096 config_file.cpp 388 : CF: Adding config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' in the config file
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 429 : CF: RootConfigFilename variable found in the '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' config file, parse the root config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target_default.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> DBG 3068348096 config_file.cpp 388 : CF: Adding config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target_default.cfg' in the config file
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'DefaultMaxExpectedBlockSize' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'DefaultMaxSentBlockSize' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'DefaultMaxSentBlockSize' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 736 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'EnableEditor' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 variable.cpp 64 : VAR: Setting variable 'EnableEditor' with value '0' from config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'FlushSendingQueuesOnExit' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'FlushSendingQueuesOnExit' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'FlushSendsBeforeSleep' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'FlushSendsBeforeSleep' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'L5TotalBytesInLowLevelSendQueues' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'UpdateAssertionThreadTimeout' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 config_file.cpp 747 : CF: Setting callback when the variable 'UseYieldMethod' on the file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg' is modified externaly (actually unknown)
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 variable.cpp 69 : VAR: No variable 'UseYieldMethod' in config file '/home/*******/Desktop/mtp-target/client/mtp_target.cfg'
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CTimeTask
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CEntityManager
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> DBG 3068348096 time_nl.cpp 110 : Monotonic local time supported (resolution 4.000250 ms)
2007/03/11 01:23:23 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CNetworkTask
2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CResourceManager
2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(cache, 1, 0): adding the path 'cache/'2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data, 1, 0): adding the path 'data/'
2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec CResourceManagerLan
2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> WRN 3068348096 path.cpp 293 : PATH: CPath::remapExtension(dds, tga, 1): remapping already set
2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(cache, 1, 0): adding the path 'cache/'2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 path.cpp 906 : PATH: CPath::addSearchPath(data, 1, 0): adding the path 'data/'
2007/03/11 01:23:24 <Unknown> INF 3068348096 task_manager.cpp 201 : Init during exec C3DTask
2007/03/11 01:23:27 <Unknown> DBG 3068348096 driver_opengl.cpp 915 : XOpenDisplay on ':0.0' OK
2007/03/11 01:23:27 <Unknown> ERR 3068348096 driver_opengl.cpp 948 : glXChooseVisual() failed
./ line 3: 10697 Abandon                 ./client

Désolé c'est un peu long mais je n'arrive pas a comprendre tous cela. Quelqu'un d'entre vous pourrait-il m'expliquer pour que je puisse résoudre se problème.



Dernière modification par MaThouX (Le 11/03/2007, à 01:36)

Hors ligne

#10 Le 11/03/2007, à 11:58


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

moi j'ai fait un liens symbolique de vers , ça marche aussi.

sinon j'arrive a lancer le jeux mais impossible de se connecter idem sur le site, il semblerait que leur redirection dyndns ais sauté... j'ai envoyé un mail.

Hors ligne

#11 Le 11/03/2007, à 17:46


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

tshirtman a écrit :

moi j'ai fait un liens symbolique de vers ...

c'est comment qu'on fait ça ?

Daniel parce qu’il le Prévost bien !

Hors ligne

#12 Le 11/03/2007, à 19:28


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D


sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

(nom du lien -> destination)

Hors ligne

#13 Le 11/03/2007, à 19:50


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

j'ai eu besoin de copier les fichier .so du répertoire lib dans /usr/lib aussi et le client se ferme toujours au moment du démarrage de la partie (sur un serveur ouvert en local...)


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#14 Le 11/03/2007, à 20:02


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

J'ai envoyer un mail pour leur signaler il y a 3 jours mais je reste toujours sans nouvelle sad

Dernière modification par MaThouX (Le 11/03/2007, à 20:14)

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#15 Le 11/03/2007, à 20:07


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

ok... la dernière news sur le site parle d'un crash de disque dur sur le serveur principale mais ça fait plus d'un mois... je pensait que c'était réparé hmm

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#16 Le 11/03/2007, à 20:15


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

tshirtman, j'ai utilisé ta méthode pour créer le lien symbolique mais quand je lance mtp-target toujours la même erreur longue et que je ne comprend pas sad

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#17 Le 11/03/2007, à 21:37


Re : [Info] Installer mtp-target :D

je ne sais pas trop, il semble ne pas réussir a trouver ton visuel, il n'y as rien de particulier avec tes drivers? (chez moi ça a juste un peu plus de mal sous beryl mais ça ne l'empèche pas de _fonctionner_ )...
(mais bon je suis en nvidia aussi ça peut aider)

Dernière modification par tshirtman (Le 11/03/2007, à 21:41)

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