Pages : 1
#1 Le 13/03/2007, à 13:10
- ft
[HOWTO] Réparer un Feisty cassé
Peut-être à punaiser en début de ce forum ?
Copié sur ubuntuforums :
1. Boot up a live cd, or ubuntu from a different partition.
2. Mount your feisty drive somewhere (replace **** with name of drive, e.g. hda1 or sda2 etc.)
sudo mkdir /media/feisty
sudo mount /dev/**** /media/feisty
3. chroot into your feisty drive.
sudo chroot /media/feisty su
4. Update your system via apt as normal. (sudo not required)
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
5. ctrl+d or type "exit" to exit the chroot, then reboot the computer and you should be able to get back into feisty.
et aussi :
Sometimes there will be no Internet connection in the chroot environment.
To correct this, we have to enter:
sudo cp /etc/resolv.conf /media/feisty/etc/resolv.conf
Ubuntu 25.04
Hors ligne
#2 Le 16/03/2007, à 20:40
- temceln
Hors ligne
Pages : 1