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#1 Le 20/04/2007, à 16:46


Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE


J'ai toujours pas pigé la différence / le lien entre CEDEGA et WINE.

J'ai cherché une explication claire mais j'ai pas trouvé sad

Je pense avoir compris que CEDEGA permettais à WINE utilisée des librairies windows ( comme directX)  mais je suis pas sur.

Je cherche donc une ame charitable ou un lien qui explique tout cela ( in french please wink )

Merci d'avance

#2 Le 20/04/2007, à 17:03

Echuu Fox

Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

Et bien, la différence c'est que Cedega n'est pas libre alors que Wine l'est.

Libre c'est quoi ?
C'est le fait que le logiciel ai ses sources aux yeux de tout le monde afin de pouvoir être modifié. Majoritairmeent, ça fait avancer les choses. Cf, le curseur dans Guild Wars avec les anciennes versions de Wine.

Le lien ?
Je ne suis pas sur mais il me semble que Cedega c'était WineX avant. La version payante de Wine.
Mais là, je suis vraiment pas sur.

Merci de me corriger wink

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#3 Le 20/04/2007, à 17:11

compte supprimé

Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

marrant, c'est justement le sujet de la derniere newsletter de wine:

There's a little topic that doesn't get covered much here. In fact, it's something that doesn't really get covered anywhere and it's probably time to try to set the record straight. We'll start with the Slashdot announcement of Transgaming's Cedega 6.0 which read:

Today Transgaming introduced Cedega 6.0, which is the popular Linux game emulator based upon WINE.

Here's the facts you need to know about Wine & Cedega:

    * Cedega's core is based off the original Wine tree and was forked in 2002. There are several core components that no longer share a similarity with Wine as it exists today.
    * Transgaming has not actively contributed to Wine in about 5 years with the exception of a few patches (less than 5 a year.)

So any time I hear Wine and Cedega in the same sentence I kind of cringe. They're really two different codebases at this point. Why is that? Well, it all goes back to Wine changing it's licensing from X11 (BSD-style) to the LGPL about 5 years ago. See WWN issues #115 , #116 , and #117 for more info. So Wine switched it's license, Transgaming kept using the old codebase, and now the two have diverged. Except.. Transgaming has realized that some of the stuff created by Wine is necessary and they've imported specific DLL's into their codebase and kept them under the LGPL license. Wine's modular DLL architecture allows that pretty easily.

Okay, so the code is different. How about the relationship between the two projects? Despite rumblings that might appear here and there on the mailing list, the relaionship isn't that bad. Really it's more that there isn't a relationship, however there doesn't seem to be animosity between the two groups. The last in-depth communications (public at least) seemed to have been in 2004 when Gav State came to WineConf 2004. At the time he basically pitched a few technical changes for Wine and all of them were shot down. While the two projects were diverging before that, that was probably the event that ensured the two projects would go their own ways.

Okay, so now you know some of the background. Saying that Cedega is based off Wine technicallly isn't incorrect, but it does imply that Cedega has all the new architecture of Wine that's happened in the past half decade.

A benchmark was done and linked from the Slashdot announcement. It led Tom Wickline to comment:

I have been pondering the thoughts of running every benchmark that I have on Wine, Cedega, XP, and CX to see where we stack up in the performance game.

And while doing my daily reading of news sites I came across this posted on /.

Those guys ran 5 game test and Wine's performance is clearly superior to that of Cedega on benchmarks where Wine was run, they give no details of the Wine configuration, So I can only presume it's a default setup. And since there *trying* to paint the best picture possible for Cedega they don't point out that Wine is superior!

      "It is also important to note that there were minimal performance differences between WINE 0.9.32 and Cedega 6.0. Granted there are only five benchmarks in this Cedega 6.0 performance preview, but the level of performance for Cedega does look extremely promising and we will continue to look at Cedega 6.0 and report back in future articles."

Should read : Cedega's performance is currently lagging that of Wine 0.9.32 and with each Wine release Wine's performance and feature set is continuously improving!

I'm open for thoughts and suggestions....

Apparently what's not said in that benchmark though is that all of the games are using OpenGL, not Direct3D, for rendering. Really Direct3D is where Wine and Cedega have completely different codepaths. So both Henri Verbeet and Stephan Dösinger suggested a D3D comparison would be much more useful. On a slightly different note, Stephan mentioned some informal benchmarking he had recently performed himself using just Wine and Linux vs. native MacOS:

Though the interesting thing is that I did my own native Linux vs native MacOS vs Wine benchmarks with glExcess a few days ago. I got pretty much the opposite result. Granted, my benchmarking code was very primitive, so read the results as +/- 10 fps, and this was on fglrx. But I got remarkable differences between wine and native, with native beeing up to 2 times faster.

Out of interest I did a quick check on nvidia. The difference smaller, but there too(990 vs 1100 fps in the first glExcess scene at 640x480). Still a ~10% difference.

I also tested winelib vs PE .exe(with msvc6) and found no difference(That was 990(winelib) vs 980(PE)). The small differences could be because of my shitty benchmark code or because of compiler differences.

#4 Le 20/04/2007, à 17:16


Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

Mais CEDEGA c'est un "plugin" de wine ?

Poster c'est poster ! Editer n'est pas jouer © KLeMiX

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#5 Le 20/04/2007, à 17:20


Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

Ps : I speak very bad english et google translation ne permet pas de comprendre le billet yikes

Poster c'est poster ! Editer n'est pas jouer © KLeMiX

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#6 Le 20/04/2007, à 17:22


Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

cedega non libre ???
et les sources sur le cvs alors ?
si je dis pas de betises cedega dispose d'une license libre et donc ce qui implique une redistribution des sources smile

la plus grande différence entre wine et cedega est que ( je crois ) que le second supporte directX bien mieux que wine

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#7 Le 20/04/2007, à 17:28


Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

Mais CEDEGA csv peut marché sans WINE ?

Poster c'est poster ! Editer n'est pas jouer © KLeMiX

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#8 Le 20/04/2007, à 17:51

compte supprimé

Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

ok, donc je vais faire un résumé:
bon alors en gros le seul truc open source dans cedega c'est la partie wine utilisée, donc cvs cedega c'est une version de wine qui date de 5 ans. ce serait bien de l'étiquetter, ça ferait passer l'envie de compiler a pas mal de monde et réduirait le nombre de topic de 20%.

bon donc cedega n'est pas libre. grosso modo il y a eu une embrouille car cedega utilise wine, mais ne donnait rien en échange (moins de 5 patchs par an, ce qui n'est vraiment rien! sachant que un gros contributeur en poste 30 par mois....)
wine a donc changé de license pour éviter que des petits malins viennent pomper le boulot pour le revendre, et donc transgaming (la boite qui fait cedega) a été obligée de se séparer de wine, et d'utiliser donc comme base la derniere version licenciée en X11 (la license précédente, ca va vous suivez?)
et il y a un passage que j'ai ptet mal compris, mais il semblerais que cedega utilise des dll des versions récente de wine, mais les dev de wine laissent faire parce que tu as le dev principal de cedega qui va dire coucou au dev de wine a chaque wineconf.

#9 Le 20/04/2007, à 18:44


Re : Lien entre CEDEGA et WINE

oki au temps pour moi smile c'est un peu abusé de leur part ça...

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