#1 Le 04/06/2007, à 16:40
- OpenIgloo
Perl et pdf, besoin d'un coup de pouce
Bonjour à tous !
Voila, je rentre dans le vif du sujet, mais ça ne devrait pas être compliqué à résoudre même si je m'y casse les dents depuis un bon moment.
Je cherche à générer des miniatures de document PDF, et pour cela, j'ai trouvé un script plutôt balaise qui permet cela.
Il s'agit de thumbpdf, qui créer pour chaque page du document PDF une miniature au format PNG.
Tout ça, c'est très bien, mais moi je ne veux que la miniature de la première page !!!
Et c'est la que je ne trouve pas, dans le script, la boucle à "briser" pour stopper la création des thumbnails apres la première page.
j'immagine que ce n'est pas bien difficile, mais ce language m'est relativement obscur....
Sachant que ce script pourrait également servir à pas mal de monde (j'ai pas trouvé d'autre méthode pour créer une image à partir d'un PDF), je pense que c'est une bonne idée de le publier ici.
Voici le script (bien long car il ne fait pas que ça) :
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# thumbpdf.pl
# Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Heiko Oberdiek.
# This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
# of this license or (at your option) any later version.
# The latest version of this license is in
# http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
# and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
# version 2003/12/01 or later.
# This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
# This Current Maintainer of this work is Heiko Oberdiek.
# See file "readme.txt" for a list of files that belong to this project.
# This file "thumbpdf.pl" may be renamed to "thumbpdf"
# for installation purposes.
my $file = "thumbpdf.pl";
my $program = uc($&) if $file =~ /^\w+/;
my $version = "3.8";
my $date = "2005/07/06";
my $author = "Heiko Oberdiek";
my $copyright = "Copyright (c) 1999-2005 by $author.";
# Reqirements: Perl5, Ghostscript
# History:
# 1999/02/14 v1.0: First release.
# 1999/02/23 v1.1:
# * Looking for the media box to calculate the resolution
# for Ghostscript
# * new option --resolution
# 1999/03/01 v1.2:
# * optimization: indirect objects for length values removed.
# * "first line" from epstopdf
# 1999/03/12 v1.3:
# * Copyright: LPPL
# 1999/05/05 v1.4:
# * Detecting of cygwin32 environment.
# * Minor corrections of output of error messages.
# * Sharing RGB objects.
# 1999/06/13 v1.5:
# * gs detection extended.
# 1999/07/27 v1.6
# 1999/08/08 v1.7:
# * \immediate before \pdfobj (pdfTeX 0.14a)
# 1999/09/09 v1.8
# 1999/09/06 v1.9:
# * Check for direct /Length values (for jpg images)
# 2000/01/11 v1.10:
# * Bug fix: /Length (direct) as last entry.
# * Direct /Length in RGB objects supported.
# 2000/01/19 v1.11:
# * "for (my $j=0;...;...)" replaced by "my $j; for($j=0;...;...)",
# because there exist perl versions that have problems with.
# 2000/02/11 v1.12:
# * Option `clean' added.
# * The name of thumbnail data file: jobname.tnd,
# if thumbpdf is called: thumbpdf jobname[.pdf] [options]
# 2000/02/22 v2.0:
# * pdfmark support for dvips/ps2pdf route added.
# * <jobname>.tpt replaces thumbdta.tex (for pdfTeX)
# <jobname>.tpm (for pdfmark)
# <jobname>.top replaces thumbopt.tex
# * Options `useps', `modes' added,
# `makedef' renamed to `makedata'.
# 2000/02/28 v2.1:
# * Environment variable `THUMBPDF' supported.
# 2000/03/07 v2.2:
# * Support for Distiller 3 and 4, the streams are uncompressed.
# * Call of gs is changed in order to show the currently processed
# page number of the pdf file.
# * Option --printgscmd creates the command line file `thumbpdf.gs'
# for the Ghostscript call.
# 2000/03/22 v2.3:
# * Bug fix: --useps now works.
# 2000/04/10 v2.4:
# * Fix for ActiveState Perl 5.6.0: uc line changed, fork removed.
# (Thanks to Andreas Buehmann <andreas.buehmann@gmx.de>.)
# * Version test for thumbpdf.tex added for users that
# mix versions, sigh.
# 2000/07/29 v2.5:
# * `save' trick in call of ghostscript.
# * Undocumented option --gspages added.
# 2000/09/27 v2.6
# 2000/10/27 v2.7:
# * -dFIXEDMEDIA=0 added in gs call
# 2001/01/12 v2.8:
# * Bug fix in dvips mode and active option `level2':
# pack parameter corrected for little-endian machines.
# * /Rotate in pdf pages:
# ghostscript versions around 6.01 have added a hack
# in /pdfshowpage_setpage, that ignores the /Rotate entry.
# A patch is added to disable the hack.
# * Ghostscript uses the MediaBox for calculating the
# page size. For version 6.50 a patch is added to use
# the /CropBox instead.
# 2001/03/29 v2.9:
# * Option --password added.
# 2001/04/02 v2.10
# 2001/04/26 v2.11
# * Option --antialias added (suggestion of Juergen Bausa).
# 2002/01/11 v3.0
# * Syntax of option --antialias changed (see readme.txt).
# * Support for VTeX's PS mode added.
# * Greek mode added (see readme.txt).
# * Signal handlers added for cleanup.
# 2002/05/26 v3.1
# * SIG_HUP unkown in Windows.
# * Bug fix: The signal function for __DIE__ "cleanup" aborts
# before the error message of "die" is printed.
# Replaced by "clean" that does not contain "exit 1".
# * Small bug fix in mode detection and mode "vtex"
# removed from list. "vtexpdfmark" was detected,
# "vtex" did not work and perhaps it will be used
# later for VTeX in PDF mode.
# 2002/05/26 v3.2
# * Fix: "MacOS/X: darwin" is now not interpreted as
# Windows.
# 2003/03/19 v3.3
# * Fix for gs 8.00 in mode dvips:
# THB_DistillerPatch also applied to ghostscript >= 8.00.
# 2003/06/06 v3.4
# * Bug fix, two forgotten "pop"s added for Distiller case.
# 2004/10/24 v3.5
# * Revert Cygwin detection: is unix (request by Jan Nieuwenhuizen).
# * LPPL 1.3.
# 2004/11/19 v3.6
# * Bug fix for dvips mode and gs < 8.00 (/stackunderflow in pop).
# 2004/11/19 v3.7:
# * For easier debugging, the special thumbpdf objects of
# thumbpdf.pdf are now valid PDF objects (dictionaries).
# * Remove of extra '\n' before "endstream" that is added
# by pdfTeX 1.20a.
# 2005/07/06 v3.8:
# * Fix because of pdfTeX 1.30.
### program identification
my $title = "$program $version, $date - $copyright\n";
### error strings
my $Error = "!!! Error:"; # error prefix
### string constants for Ghostscript run
# get Ghostscript command name
my $GS = "gs";
$GS = "gs386" if $^O =~ /dos/i;
$GS = "gsos2" if $^O =~ /os2/i;
$GS = "gswin32c" if $^O =~ /mswin32/i;
# Windows detection (no SIGHUP)
my $Win = 0;
$Win = 1 if $^O =~ /mswin32/i;
my $gspages = 1;
$gspages = 0 if $^O =~ /dos/i;
### variables
my $jobname = "";
my $jobfile = "";
my $pdftexfile = "";
my $pdfmarkfile = "";
my $psext = ".ps";
my $pdfext = ".pdf";
my $pdftexext = ".tpt";
my $pdfmarkext = ".tpm";
my $thumbprefix = "thb";
my $envvar = "THUMBPDF";
my $pdffile = "thumbpdf.pdf";
my $logfile = "thumbpdf.log";
my $texfile = "thumbpdf";
my $package = "thumbpdf.sty";
my $readme = "readme.txt";
my $gscnffile = "thumbpdf.gs";
my $gssection = "section I. `Known Problems'";
my @cleanlist = ();
my $resolution = 9;
my $mode_pdftex = 0;
my $mode_pdfmark = 0;
my $antialias_default = "4";
my @arglist = @ARGV;
my $gskidrunning = 0;
### option variables
my @bool = ("false", "true");
$::opt_device = "png16m";
$::opt_compress = "10";
$::opt_resolution = "";
$::opt_modes = "pdftex";
$::opt_gscmd = "";
$::opt_level2 = 0;
$::opt_help = 0;
$::opt_quiet = 0;
$::opt_debug = 0;
$::opt_verbose = 0;
$::opt_useps = 0;
$::opt_printgscmd = 0;
$::opt_gspages = $gspages; # undocumented
$::opt_makepng = 1;
$::opt_makepdf = 1;
$::opt_makedata = 1;
$::opt_clean = 1;
$::opt_password = "";
$::opt_antialias = $antialias_default;
$::opt_greek = 0;
my $usage = <<"END_OF_USAGE";
${title}Syntax: \L$program\E [options] <jobname[.pdf|.ps]>
Function: Support of thumbnails for pdfTeX or dvips/ps2pdf (pdfmark).
Thumbnails are generated by Ghostscript and the result is
written to data files for package `$package':
`<jobname>$pdftexext' (pdfTeX), `<jobname>$pdfmarkext' (pdfmark)
Options: (defaults:)
--help print usage
--(no)quiet suppress messages ($bool[$::opt_quiet])
--(no)verbose verbose printing ($bool[$::opt_verbose])
--(no)debug debug informations ($bool[$::opt_debug])
--(no)makepng make thumbnails `$thumbprefix*.png' ($bool[$::opt_makepng])
--(no)makepdf make `$pdffile' with thumbnails as images ($bool[$::opt_makepdf])
--(no)makedata make data file(s) for package `$package' ($bool[$::opt_makedata])
--(no)clean clear temp files ($bool[$::opt_clean])
--(no)useps `makepng' uses `.ps' instead of `.pdf' file ($bool[$::opt_useps])
--(no)level2 `<jobname>.tpm' with ps level 2 features ($bool[$::opt_level2])
--(no)greek text in greek style (experimental) ($bool[$::opt_greek])
--antialias <num1>[num2] anti-aliasing, 0 = disable, 4 = max ($::opt_antialias)
--device|png [png]<dev> Ghostscript device for thumbnails,
dev = mono, gray, 16, 256, 16m ($::opt_device)
--resolution <res> thumbnail resolution for makepng ($resolution)
--compress <n> thumbnail compress level, n = 0..10 ($::opt_compress)
--modes <mode>[,mode] mode=pdftex|pdfmark|dvips|ps2pdf|
vtexpdfmark|all ($::opt_modes)
--password apassword for an encrypted pdf file ($::opt_password)
### environment variable THUMBPDF
if ($ENV{$envvar}) {
unshift(@ARGV, split(/\s+/, $ENV{$envvar}));
### process options
my @OrgArgv = @ARGV;
use Getopt::Long;
) or die $usage;
!$::opt_help or die $usage;
@ARGV < 2 or die "$usage$Error Too many files!\n";
@ARGV == 1 or die "$usage$Error Missing jobname!\n";
$::opt_device = "png$::opt_device" unless $::opt_device =~ /^png/;
$::opt_quiet = 0 if $::opt_verbose;
$::opt_clean = 0 if $::opt_debug or !$::opt_makepdf or !$::opt_makedata;
$::opt_compress = 0 if $::opt_compress < 0;
$::opt_compress = 10 if $::opt_compress > 10;
my $J = "^^J";
$J = "" if $::opt_compress == 10;
$::opt_antialias = $antialias_default if $::opt_antialias eq "";
$::opt_antialias =~ /^[0124][0124]?$/ or
die "$usage$Error Wrong value for option --antialias!\n";
$::opt_antialias .= $::opt_antialias if length($::opt_antialias) < 2;
my $AntiAliasText = substr($::opt_antialias, 0, 1);
my $AntiAliasGraphics = substr($::opt_antialias, 1, 1);
$AntiAliasText = "1" if $AntiAliasText eq "0";
$AntiAliasGraphics = "1" if $AntiAliasGraphics eq "0";
$GS = $::opt_gscmd if $::opt_gscmd;
$gspages = $::opt_gspages;
### get modes
$::opt_modes = "\L$::opt_modes\E";
$::opt_modes =~ s/dvips/pdfmark/g;
$::opt_modes =~ s/ps2pdf/pdfmark/g;
$::opt_modes =~ s/vtexpdfmark/pdfmark/g;
$::opt_modes =~ s/vtexpdfmark/pdfmark/g;
if ($::opt_modes =~ /pdftex/)
$mode_pdftex = 1;
$::opt_modes =~ s/pdftex//g;
if ($::opt_modes =~ /pdfmark/)
$mode_pdfmark = 1;
$::opt_modes =~ s/pdfmark//g;
if ($::opt_modes =~ /all/)
$mode_pdftex = 1;
$mode_pdfmark = 1;
$::opt_modes =~ s/all//g;
$::opt_modes =~ s/\s+//g;
$::opt_modes =~ s/,+/,/g;
$::opt_modes =~ s/^,//;
$::opt_modes =~ s/,$//;
if ($::opt_modes ne "")
die "$usage$Error Unknown mode(s): `$::opt_modes'\n";
if ($::opt_makedata)
$mode_pdftex or $mode_pdfmark or
die "$usage$Error Missing mode!\n";
### get jobname
$jobname = $ARGV[0];
if ($::opt_useps)
$jobname =~ s/\.ps$//i;
$jobname =~ s/\\/\//g;
$jobfile = $jobname . $psext;
$jobname =~ s/\.pdf$//i;
$jobname =~ s/\\/\//g;
$jobfile = $jobname . $pdfext;
$pdftexfile = $jobname . $pdftexext;
$pdfmarkfile = $jobname . $pdfmarkext;
print $title unless $::opt_quiet;
print "* jobname: `$jobname'\n" if $::opt_verbose;
if ($::opt_debug) {
print <<"END_DEB";
* ARGV: @OrgArgv
### set signals
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&clean;
my $MaxThumb = 0;
### make thumbnails
if ($::opt_makepng)
print "*** make png files / run Ghostscript ***\n"
unless $::opt_quiet or $::opt_printgscmd;
if ($::opt_useps)
print "* ps file: $jobfile\n" if $::opt_verbose;
print "* pdf file: $jobfile\n" if $::opt_verbose;
print "* Ghostscript command: `$GS'\n" .
"* Ghostscript png device: `$::opt_device'\n" if $::opt_verbose;
if ($::opt_resolution)
$resolution = $::opt_resolution
# looking for MediaBox
my $max_x = 0;
my $max_y = 0;
my $MB = $jobfile;
open(MB, $MB) or die "$Error Cannot open `$MB'!\n";
my $xy_patt = '[\-\.\d]';
while (<MB>)
if (/\/MediaBox\s*\[\s*($xy_patt+)\s+($xy_patt+)\s+($xy_patt+)\s+($xy_patt+)\s*\]/)
my $x = $3 - $1;
my $y = $4 - $2;
$max_x = $x if $x > $max_x;
$max_y = $y if $y > $max_y;
if ($max_x <= 0 || $max_y <= 0)
print "!!! Warning: MediaBox not found, " .
"using default resolution: $resolution DPI\n";
print "* Max. Size of MediaBox: $max_x x $max_y\n" if $::opt_verbose;
my $rx = 106 * 72 / $max_x;
my $ry = 106 * 72 / $max_y;
$resolution = $rx;
$resolution = $ry if $ry < $rx;
print "* Resolution: $resolution DPI\n" if $::opt_verbose;
# Ghostscript's pdfshowpage_setpage is patched for solving
# some problems:
# * gs6.0* includes a hack that ignores the /Rotate entry
# in the PDF page, if OutputFile is set.
# gs6.50 does not need a fix and it is not applied,
# because pdfshowpage_setpage does not contain /OutputFile.
# * If /CropBox is set, then it should be used instead
# of the /MediaBox entry. Because the CropBox area should
# be part of the MediaBox, the MediaBox is overwritten
# with the CropBox values for generating the thumbnails.
# The fixes are only applied for versions >= 6.0, because
# gs5.50 gets a /PageSize problem with this fix.
my $SetPageHack = <<'SET_PAGE_HACK';
currentglobal true setglobal
/product where {
product (Ghostscript) search {
pop pop pop
revision 600 ge {
pop true
} if
}{pop} ifelse
} if
{ /pdfdict where {
pdfdict begin
[ pdfdict /pdfshowpage_setpage get
{ dup type /nametype eq
{ dup /OutputFile eq
{ pop /AntiRotationHack
dup /MediaBox eq revision 650 ge and
{ /THB.CropHack {
1 index /CropBox pget
{ 2 index exch /MediaBox exch put
} if
} def
/THB.CropHack cvx
} if
} ifelse
} if
} forall
] cvx def
} if
} if
my $Greek = "";
$Greek = <<'END_GREEK' if $::opt_greek;
currentglobal true setglobal
userdict begin
% * Patch for `show'
/THB_ORG_show {show} bind def
/.charboxpath where
currentpoint newpath moveto
true .charboxpath closepath fill
} bind def
1 string dup 0 4 -1 roll put
dup stringwidth pop exch
true charpath flattenpath pathbbox
2 index sub exch 3 index sub exch rectfill
0 rmoveto
} forall
} bind def
} ifelse
/show {
currentfont /FontType get 1 eq
% assuming white background
[ currentrgbcolor ]
{ 1 add 2 div } forall
stringwidth pop 0 rmoveto
} ifelse
} bind def
% * Patch for the PDF case
userdict /GS_PDF_ProcSet known
% GS_PDF_ProcSet is readonly, so it will be copied first
GS_PDF_ProcSet length 10 add dict dup
GS_PDF_ProcSet {
put dup
} forall
/GS_PDF_ProcSet exch def
% `setshowstate' contains the use of `show', so it has to
% be overwritten, because it was defined with `bind'.
% The definition is taken from `pdf_ops.ps'.
revision 710 lt
{ % 5.50, 6.51, 7.00, 7.02
{ WordSpacing 0 eq TextSpacing 0 eq and
{ TextRenderingMode 0 eq
{ { setfillstate show } }
{ { false charpath textrenderingprocs TextRenderingMode get exec } }
{ TextRenderingMode 0 eq
{ WordSpacing 0 eq
{ { setfillstate TextSpacing exch 0 exch ashow } }
{ TextSpacing 0 eq
{ { setfillstate WordSpacing exch 0 exch 32 exch widthshow } }
{ { setfillstate WordSpacing exch TextSpacing exch 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } }
{ { WordSpacing TextSpacing
% Implement the combination of t3 and false charpath.
% Note that we must use cshow for this, because we
% can't parse multi-byte strings any other way.
% Stack: string xword xchar
{ pop pop (x) dup 0 3 index put false charpath
% Stack: xword xchar ccode
3 copy 32 eq { add } { exch pop } ifelse 0 rmoveto pop
4 -1 roll cshow pop pop
textrenderingprocs TextRenderingMode get exec
ifelse /Show gput
} bdef
}{ % 7.10
{ WordSpacing 0 eq TextSpacing 0 eq and
{ TextRenderingMode 0 eq
{ { setfillstate show } }
{ { false charpath textrenderingprocs TextRenderingMode get exec } }
{ TextRenderingMode 0 eq
{ WordSpacing 0 eq
{ { setfillstate TextSpacing 0 Vexch 3 -1 roll ashow } }
{ TextSpacing 0 eq
{ { setfillstate WordSpacing 0 Vexch 32 4 -1 roll widthshow } }
{ { setfillstate WordSpacing 0 Vexch 32
TextSpacing 0 Vexch 6 -1 roll awidthshow } }
{ { WordSpacing TextSpacing
% Implement the combination of t3 and false charpath.
% Note that we must use cshow for this, because we
% can't parse multi-byte strings any other way.
% Stack: string xword xchar
{ pop pop (x) dup 0 3 index put false charpath
% Stack: xword xchar ccode
3 copy 32 eq { add } { exch pop } ifelse 0 Vexch rmoveto pop
4 -1 roll cshow pop pop
textrenderingprocs TextRenderingMode get exec
ifelse /Show gput
} bdef
} ifelse
readonly pop
} if
my $SetPassword = "";
$SetPassword = "/PDFPassword($::opt_password)def" if $::opt_password;
my $PSHeader = "save pop $SetPassword $SetPageHack $Greek";
$PSHeader =~ s/%\s.*\n/ /g;
$PSHeader =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$PSHeader =~ s/\s+([\(\/\[\]\{\}])/$1/g;
$PSHeader =~ s/([\)\[\]\{\}])\s+/$1/g;
$PSHeader =~ s/\s+$//;
my $AntiAlias = "";
$AntiAlias = "\n-dTextAlphaBits=$AntiAliasText\n" .
if $::opt_antialias;
my $gs_cmd = <<"GS_CMD_END";
-c "$PSHeader"
-f $jobfile
# The trick with `save' comes from `ps2pdf':
# Doing an initial `save' helps keep fonts from being flushed
# between pages.
if ($::opt_printgscmd)
open(GSCNF, ">$gscnffile") or die "$Error Cannot open `$gscnffile'!\n";
$gs_cmd =~ s/^[^\r\n]+[\r\n]+//;
print GSCNF $gs_cmd;
my $options = "@arglist";
$options =~ s/\s*--?pr[intgscmd]*\s*/ /i;
$options =~ s/^\s+//;
$options =~ s/\s+$//;
print <<"END_PERL" if $::opt_verbose;
* Perl interpreter: $^X
* Perl script: $0
print <<"END_GS";
1. Run `Ghostscript' manually:
==> $GS \@$gscnffile
2. Call `thumbpdf' again with the additional option `--nomakepng':
==> thumbpdf --nomakepng $options
$gs_cmd =~ s/\n/ /mg;
print "> $gs_cmd\n" if $::opt_verbose;
if ($::opt_debug)
if ($gspages)
print "* Ghostscript with page numbers\n";
print "* Ghostscript without page numbers\n";
my $capture = "";
if ($gspages)
my $newline = 0;
open(KID, "$gs_cmd|") or die "$Error Cannot open Ghostscript ($!)!\n";
*::GSKID = *KID;
$gskidrunning = 1;
my $orgbar = $|;
while (<KID>)
$capture .= $_;
if ($::opt_verbose)
if (!$::opt_quiet)
print if /^Processing pages/;
if (/^Page\s+(\d+)/)
print " " if $newline;
$newline = 1;
print "[$1]";
$gskidrunning =0;
if (!close(KID))
if ($!)
die "$Error Closing Ghostscript ($!)!\n";
my $exitvalue = $? >> 8;
die "$Error Closing Ghostscript (exit status: $exitvalue)!\n";
print "\n" if $newline;
$| = $orgbar;
else # without pages
$capture = `$gs_cmd`;
if (!defined($capture))
die "$Error Cannot execute Ghostscript!\n";
print $capture if $::opt_verbose;
if ($capture =~ /Error:\s*(.*)\n/)
die <<"END_DIE";
$Error `$1' (Ghostscript)!
See `$readme', $gssection, for further information.
if ($capture =~ /Unknown device:\s*(.*)\n/)
die "$Error Unknown device `$1' (Ghostscript)!\n";
if ($?)
my $exitvalue = $?;
if ($exitvalue > 255)
$exitvalue >>= 8;
die "$Error Closing Ghostscript (exit status: $exitvalue)!\n";
die "$Error Closing Ghostscript ($exitvalue)!\n";
if ($capture =~ /Processing pages \d+ through (\d+)./)
$MaxThumb = $1;
print "* max. page: $MaxThumb\n" if $::opt_debug;
### make thumbpdf.pdf file
if ($::opt_makepdf)
print "*** make `$pdffile' / run pdfTeX ***\n" unless $::opt_quiet;
if ($MaxThumb > 0)
my $i;
for ($i=1; $i<=$MaxThumb; $i++)
push(@cleanlist, "$thumbprefix$i.png");
# get max thumb number to speed up the pdfTeX run
$MaxThumb = 0;
foreach (glob("$thumbprefix*.png"))
next unless /$thumbprefix(\d+).png/;
$MaxThumb = $1 if $1 > $MaxThumb;
push(@cleanlist, $_);
push(@cleanlist, $logfile);
push(@cleanlist, $pdffile);
my $compress = $::opt_compress;
$compress = 9 if $::opt_compress == 10;
my $cmd = "pdftex \"" .
"\\nonstopmode" .
"\\pdfcompresslevel$compress" .
"\\def\\thumbjob{$jobname}" .
"\\def\\thumbmax{$MaxThumb}" .
"\\input $texfile" .
print "> $cmd\n" if $::opt_verbose;
my @capture = `$cmd`;
if (!defined(@capture))
die "$Error Cannot execute pdfTeX!\n";
if ($::opt_verbose)
print @capture;
foreach (@capture)
print if /^!\s/;
if ($?)
my $exitvalue = $?;
if ($exitvalue > 255)
$exitvalue >>= 8;
die "$Error Closing pdfTeX (exit status: $exitvalue)!\n";
die "$Error Closing pdfTeX ($exitvalue)!\n";
# test version
my $versionfound = 0;
foreach (@capture)
if (/File:.*thumbpdf.*(\d\d\d\d\/\d\d\/\d\d)\s+v(\d+\.\d+)/)
$versionfound = 1;
if ($1 ne $date or $2 ne $version) {
print <<"END_WARN";
!!! Warning: Version of `thumbpdf.tex' does not match with perl script!
Current `thumbpdf.tex': $1 v$2
Please install version: $date v$version
print "!!! Warning: Version of `thumbpdf.tex' not found!\n"
if !$versionfound;
$_ = pop(@cleanlist);
### parse thumbpdf.pdf
if ($::opt_makedata)
push(@cleanlist, $pdffile);
print "*** parse `$pdffile' ***\n" unless $::opt_quiet;
### reading file and parse obj structure
my @objno = (); # obj number
my @objdict = (); # boolean, object is dict
my @objtext = (); # text of object
my @objstream = (); # stream of object if any
my $maxobj = 0;
my @getobjindex = (); # $getobj[obj number] ==> index for $obj...[index]
# open file
my $PDF = $pdffile;
open(PDF, $PDF) or die "$Error Cannot open `$PDF'!\n";
my $lineno = 0;
# read header
$_ = <PDF>; $lineno++;
$_ or die "$Error Cannot read header of `$PDF' or file is empty!\n";
/^%PDF/ or die "$Error No PDF specification found!\n";
print "* pdf header: $_" if ($::opt_debug);
# read body objects
my $count = 0;
while (<PDF>)
# continue, if comment line (2nd line of PDF output by pdfTeX 1.30)
next if /^%/;
# stop at xref
last if /^xref$/;
# scan first obj line
/^(\d+)\s+0\s+obj\s*(<<)?$/ or
die "$Error `obj' expected on line $lineno!\n";
$objno[$count] = $1;
$getobjindex[$1] = $count;
$objdict[$count] = ($2); # boolean (if $2 exists)
my $stream = 0;
print "* obj $objno[$count]" .
(($objdict[$count]) ? " (dict)" : "") .
"\n" if $::opt_debug;
# get obj
$objtext[$count] = "";
while (<PDF>)
if ($objdict[$count])
if (/^>>/)
last if /^>>\s+endobj$/; # obj without stream
# get stream
$_ = <PDF>; $lineno++;
/^stream$/ or die "$Error `stream' expected on line $lineno!\n";
print "* stream\n" if $::opt_debug;
$objstream[$count] = "";
while (<PDF>)
if (/(.*)endstream$/)
$objstream[$count] .= $1;
$objstream[$count] .= $_;
$_ = <PDF>; $lineno++;
/^endobj$/ or die "$Error `endobj' expected on line $lineno!\n";
else # no dict
last if /^endobj$/;
$objtext[$count] .= $_;
$maxobj = $count;
print "* $maxobj objects found.\n" if $::opt_debug;
### get thumbnail page numbers
my @thumbpageno = ();
my $found = 0;
foreach (@objtext)
if (/^<<\/ListThumbs\s+(.+)>>$/)
$_ = $1;
@thumbpageno = split / /; # split(/ /, $_);
print "* ListThumbs: @thumbpageno\n" if $::opt_debug;
$found = 1;
$found or die "$Error `/ListThumbs' not found!\n";
my $j;
for ($j=0; $j<@thumbpageno; $j++)
$thumbpageno[$j] = $1 if $thumbpageno[$j] =~ /^{(.+)}$/;
### identify thumb objects
my @thumbobj = (); # index for @obj... with image stream
my @thumblength = (); # stream length values
my @thumbrgbobj = (); # index for @obj... with rgb stream
my @thumbrgblength = (); # rgb stream length values
my $maxthumb = 0;
$count = 0;
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$maxobj; $i++)
if ($objtext[$i] =~
$thumbobj[$count] = $i;
$_ = $';
$objtext[$i] = $_;
# check width and height
/\/Width\s+(\d+)\n\/Height\s+(\d+)/m or
die "$Error width/height of thumbnail not found!\n";
print "* Size: $1x$2\n" if $::opt_debug;
print "==> Width ($1) " .
"of thumbnail `$thumbpageno[$count]' " .
"is larger than recommended (106).\n"
if $1 > 106;
print "==> Height ($2) " .
"of thumbnail `$thumbpageno[$count]' " .
"is larger than recommended (106).\n"
if $2 > 106;
# get stream length
if (/\/Length\s+(\d+)\s+([\/\>]|$)/m)
$thumblength[$count] = $1;
print "* Length (direct): $1\n" if $::opt_debug;
# remove whitespace after length obj
$objtext[$i] =~ s/(\/Length\s+\d+)\s+\n/$1\n/;
else # looking for indirect reference
/\/Length\s+(\d+)\s+0\s+R/m or
die "$Error `/Length' entry not found!\n";
# save obj text for later correction
my $objpre = $`;
my $objpost = $';
# look for length obj
$getobjindex[$1] or die "$Error Length obj not found!\n";
$objtext[$getobjindex[$1]] =~ /^(\d+)$/m or
die "$Error length value not found!\n";
$thumblength[$count] = $1;
print "* Length (indirect): $1\n" if $::opt_debug;
# insert obj length directly:
$objtext[$i] = $objpre . "/Length $1" . $objpost;
# remove \n from end of stream
if ($thumblength[$count] < length($objstream[$i])) {
# check /Indexed /DeviceRGB
if ($objtext[$i] =~
# correct thumb object text
$objtext[$i] =
"$`/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB $1 \\the\\pdflastobj\\ 0 R]$'";
# get RGB obj number
$getobjindex[$2] or die "$Error RGB object not found!\n";
$_ = $getobjindex[$2];
$thumbrgbobj[$count] = $_;
# get stream length
if ($objtext[$_] =~ /\/Length\s+(\d+)\s+([\/\>]|$)/m)
$thumbrgblength[$count] = $1;
print "* RGB length (direct): $1\n" if $::opt_debug;
$objtext[$_] =~ s/(\/Length\s+\d+)\s+\n/$1\n/;
else # looking for indirect reference
$objtext[$_] =~ /\/Length\s+(\d+)\s+0\s+R/m or
die "$Error Length entry of rgb object not found\n";
# save obj text for later correction
my $objrgbpre = $`;
my $objrgbpost = $';
# get rgb stream length
$getobjindex[$1] or die "$Error RGB length object not found!\n";
$objtext[$getobjindex[$1]] =~ /^(\d+)$/m or
die "$Error length value not found!\n";
$thumbrgblength[$count] = $1;
print "* RGB length (indirect): $1\n" if $::opt_debug;
# insert RGB object length directly:
$objtext[$_] = $objrgbpre . "/Length $1" . $objrgbpost;
$maxthumb = $count;
if ($maxthumb != @thumbpageno)
my $pagecount = @thumbpageno;
die "$Error $maxthumb thumbnails found, but there should be $pagecount!\n";
print "* $maxthumb thumbnails found.\n" if $::opt_verbose;
### write data files
my $timestamp;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime();
$year += 1900;
$timestamp = sprintf("%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
$year, $mon, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
if ($mode_pdftex)
print "*** write `$pdftexfile' (pdfTeX thumbnail data) ***\n"
unless $::opt_quiet;
my $DTA_PT = $pdftexfile;
open(DTA_PT, ">$DTA_PT") or die "$Error Cannot open `$DTA_PT'!\n";
print DTA_PT <<"END_DTA";
% File: $DTA_PT
% Producer: $program $version
% Mode: pdftex
% Date: $timestamp
my $maxpagethumb;
my $dictbegin;
if ($mode_pdfmark)
print "*** write `$pdfmarkfile' (pdfmark thumbnail data) ***\n"
unless $::opt_quiet;
my $DTA_PM = $pdfmarkfile;
open(DTA_PM, ">$DTA_PM") or die "$Error Cannot open `$DTA_PM'!\n";
# write tex part
print DTA_PM <<"END_DTA";
% \\iffalse
% File: $DTA_PM
% Producer: $program $version
% Mode: pdfmark
% Date: $timestamp
% \\fi
# looking for max. number of regular thumbnails
$maxpagethumb = $maxthumb;
for ($i=0; $i<$maxobj; $i++)
if ($objtext[$i] =~ /<<\/MaxThumbNumber\s+(\d+)>>/)
$maxpagethumb = $1;
# write TeX part
for ($i=$maxpagethumb; $i<$maxthumb; $i++)
print DTA_PM "% \\DefThisThumb{$thumbpageno[$i]}\n";
# write PostScript header
my $dictstart = <<'END_DICT';
4 dict begin
/enddict {
counttomark 2 idiv dup dict begin {def} repeat pop
currentdict end
} bind def
$dictbegin = "[";
my $dictend = "enddict";
my $filter = "";
my $read = "readhexstring";
if ($::opt_level2)
$dictstart = " 3 dict begin";
$dictbegin = "<<";
$dictend = ">>";
$filter = " /ASCII85Decode filter";
$read = "readstring";
print DTA_PM <<"END_DTA";
% \\endinput
% TeX part ends here
% PostScript definitions
my $PS_Header = <<"END_HEAD";
% Default definition of pdfmark
/pdfmark where {pop} {userdict /pdfmark /cleartomark load put} ifelse
% Check the version of Ghostscript. If it is below 6.0,
% the commands, that produce the thumbnails, are defined
% to be dummies.
/product where {
product (Ghostscript) search {
pop pop pop
revision 600 lt {
(!!! Warning (thumbpdf): Ghostscript 6.0 required for thumbnails!\\n)
print pop false
} if
}{pop} ifelse
} if
% Syntax: <thumb object> thisTHB -
% thisTHB is used globally, so it is defined in the current
% dictionary (perhaps userdict should explicitly be set).
/thisTHB {[ exch /Thumb exch /PAGE pdfmark} bind def
% Syntax: <page object> <thumb object> pagethumb -
/pagethumb {
[ 3 1 roll $dictbegin exch /Thumb exch $dictend /PUT pdfmark
} bind def
% Syntax: <thumb object> <stream length>
% <mark> <key value pairs> streamobj -
% Distiller ignores the compression of previously compressed
% streams and uses its own settings. Therefore for Distiller
% the streams are uncompressed.
% Now ghostscript versions greater than 8 behave in the same way
% as Distiller. Therefore detection for this versions is added.
% The detection and patch for distiller require features of level 2
% and the filter /FlateDecode (level 3), that is used by pdfTeX's
% compression.
/THB_DistillerPatch false def
/languagelevel where {
languagelevel 2 ge {
product (Distiller) search {pop pop pop true}{pop false} ifelse
product (Ghostscript) search {
pop pop pop
revision 800 ge
}{pop false} ifelse
(FlateDecode) {
% Syntax: <dict> THB_DistillerPatch <dict> false
% <dict> THB_DistillerPatch <dict> <filter>
/THB_DistillerPatch {
dup /Filter known {
dup dup /Filter get exch /Filter undef
}{false} ifelse
} bind def
} (FlateDecode) /Filter resourceforall
} if
} if
} if
/streamobj {
$dictend exch
% Stack: <thumb> <dict> <length>
3 -1 roll dup
% Stack: <dict> <length> <thumb> <thumb>
[ /_objdef 3 -1 roll /type /stream /OBJ pdfmark
% Stack: <dict> <length> <thumb>
dup dup 5 -1 roll
% Stack: <length> <thumb> <thumb> <thumb> <dict>
% Stack: <length> <thumb> <thumb> <thumb> <dict> <filter/false>
[ 4 -2 roll /PUT pdfmark
% Stack: <length> <thumb> <thumb> <filter/false>
[ 3 1 roll currentfile${filter}
% Stack: <length> <thumb> [ <thumb> <filter/false> <file>
6 -1 roll string $read pop
% Stack: <thumb> [ <thumb> <filter/false> <string>
exch dup type /booleantype ne {true} if {filter} if
% Stack: <thumb> [ <thumb> <file>
/PUT pdfmark
% Stack: <thumb>
[ exch /CLOSE pdfmark
} bind def
% Syntax: <thumb object> thisTHB -
/thisTHB {pop} bind def
2 dict begin
% Syntax: <page object> <thumb object> pagethumb -
/pagethumb {pop pop} bind def
% Syntax: <thumb object> <stream length>
% <mark> <key value pairs> streamobj -
/streamobj {
cleartomark exch pop
string currentfile${filter}
exch $read pop pop
} bind def
} ifelse
$PS_Header =~ s/%[^\r\n]*[\r\n]+//gm;
print DTA_PM $PS_Header;
print DTA_PM <<"END_DTA";
% adding thumbnails to pages
for ($i=0; $i<$maxpagethumb; $i++)
print DTA_PM <<"END_DTA";
{Page$thumbpageno[$i]} {THB$thumbpageno[$i]} pagethumb
print DTA_PM "\n% thumbnail data\n";
for ($i=0; $i<$maxthumb; $i++)
# rgb object
if ($thumbrgbobj[$i])
# find the same rgb object
my $j;
for ($j=0; $j<$i; $j++)
next unless $thumbrgbobj[$j];
next unless $objtext[$thumbrgbobj[$j]] eq
next unless $objstream[$thumbrgbobj[$j]] eq
if ($j==$i) # not found
if ($mode_pdftex)
my $rgbstream = pdftexstream($objstream[$thumbrgbobj[$i]]);
my $dict = $objtext[$thumbrgbobj[$i]];
if ($::opt_compress == 10)
$dict =~ s/\n([^\/])/^^J\n$1/mg;
$dict =~ s/[ ]+\//\//mg;
$dict =~ s/\n/^^J\n/mg;
print DTA_PT <<"END_DTA";
if ($mode_pdfmark)
my $rgbstream = pdfmarkstream($objstream[$thumbrgbobj[$i]]);
my $rgblength = $thumbrgblength[$i];
my $dict = $objtext[$thumbrgbobj[$i]];
$dict =~ s/\/Length\s+\d+\s*//;
$dict =~ s/^\s+//;
$dict =~ s/\s+$//;
print DTA_PM <<"END_DTA";
{RGB_$i} $rgblength $dictbegin
else # $j with same rgb obj
$objtext[$thumbobj[$i]] =~
print "* Reuses RGB object $j for $i\n" if $::opt_debug;
# thumb object
if ($mode_pdftex)
my $dict = $objtext[$thumbobj[$i]];
if ($::opt_compress == 10)
$dict =~ s/\n([^\/])/^^J\n$1/mg;
$dict =~ s/[ ]+\//\//mg;
$dict =~ s/[ ]+\[/\[/mg;
$dict =~ s/\n/^^J\n/mg;
my $stream = pdftexstream($objstream[$thumbobj[$i]]);
print DTA_PT <<"END_DTA";
if ($mode_pdfmark)
my $stream = pdfmarkstream($objstream[$thumbobj[$i]]);
my $length = $thumblength[$i];
my $dict = $objtext[$thumbobj[$i]];
$dict =~ s/\\the\\pdflastobj\\\s*\d+\s*R/{RGB_$i}/;
$dict =~ s/\\UseRGB{(\d+)}\\\s*\d+\s*R/{RGB_$1}/;
$dict =~ s/\/Length\s+\d+\s*//;
$dict =~ s/^\s+//;
$dict =~ s/\s+$//;
my $thismarker = "";
$thismarker = "_", if $i >= $maxpagethumb;
print DTA_PM <<"END_DTA";
{THB$thismarker$thumbpageno[$i]} $length $dictbegin
if ($mode_pdftex)
print DTA_PT "\\endinput\n";
if ($mode_pdfmark)
print DTA_PM <<"END_DTA";
% end of thumbnail data file
sub pdftexstream
my $str = "";
my $mod = 0;
foreach (split(//, $_[0]))
my $num = ord($_);
if ($num == 13) { $str .= '\\/'; }
elsif ($num < 32) { $str .= '^^' . chr($num + 64); }
elsif ($num == 32) { $str .= '\\~'; } # space
elsif ($num == 37) { $str .= '\\%'; } # percent
elsif ($num == 92) { $str .= '\\\\'; } # backslash
elsif ($num == 94) { $str .= '\\+'; } # caret
elsif ($num == 123) { $str .= '\\{'; } # curly brace left
elsif ($num == 125) { $str .= '\\}'; } # curly brace right
else { $str .= $_; }
if ($mod == 26)
$mod = 0;
$str .= "\n";
chomp $str;
return $str;
sub pdfmarkstream
my $str;
if ($::opt_level2)
my $s = $_[0];
my $len = length($s);
$str = "";
my $i;
for ($i=0; $i<$len-4; $i+=4)
$_ = ASCII85Encode(substr($s, $i, 4));
$str .= $_;
my $r = $len % 4;
if ($r)
$_ = substr($s, $i, $r) . "\000\000\000";
$_ = ASCII85Encode(substr($_, 0, 4));
$str .= substr($_, 0, $r+1);
$str =~ s/(.{60})/$1\n/g;
$str .= "~>";
$str = uc(unpack('H*', $_[0]));
$str =~ s/(.{60})/$1\n/g;
return $str;
sub ASCII85Encode
my $val = unpack("N", $_[0]);
my @c;
$c[4] = $val % 85 + 33;
$val = int($val/85);
$c[3] = $val % 85 + 33;
$val = int($val/85);
$c[2] = $val % 85 + 33;
$val = int($val/85);
$c[1] = $val % 85 + 33;
$c[0] = int($val/85) + 33;
return pack("C*", @c);
sub setsignals {
my $func = $_[0];
$SIG{'HUP'} = $func unless $Win;
$SIG{'INT'} = $func;
$SIG{'QUIT'} = $func;
$SIG{'TERM'} = $func;
sub clean {
if ($::opt_clean) {
print "*** clear temp files ***\n" unless $::opt_quiet;
foreach (@cleanlist) {
sub cleanup {
print "\n" unless $::opt_quiet;
exit 1;
sub gscleanup {
print "\n" unless $::opt_quiet;
close(::GSKID) if $gskidrunning;
foreach (glob("$thumbprefix*.png")) {
exit 1;
print "*** ready. ***\n" unless $::opt_quiet;
#2 Le 05/06/2007, à 00:45
- Pikachu_2014
Re : Perl et pdf, besoin d'un coup de pouce
loin de moi l'idée de te décourager à adapter ce script à tes besoins, mais si ces derniers se limitent à ne générer qu'une miniature de la première page de tes PDF, la commande evince-thumbailer est peut-être faite pour toi :
$ evince-thumbnailer [ -s taille] fichier.pdf sortie.png
C'est ce programme qui est utilisé dans GNOME pour générer les miniatures des PDF dans Nautilus.
Hope this helps...
Hors ligne
#3 Le 05/06/2007, à 21:36
- OpenIgloo
Re : Perl et pdf, besoin d'un coup de pouce
Merci merci merci !!!!!!!!
J'ai l'air trop *** d'avoir voulu monter cette usine à gaz !!
Mais mes recherches n'avaient pas fait ressortir ce programme.
1000 merci à toi